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Rear windows slowly stopped working on my 2002 TD5


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About a month after I got the car, the rear windows started dying. As in the switches that operate them would only seem to work as when it felt like it. The rear windows don't respond at all anymore. I was told that the the isolation switch was faulty, so have tried replacing that with a known working one although it is from the prefacelift Discovery but still a TD5. But this didn't work.

Surely both window motors couldn't have packed up at the same time could they?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers in advance.

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Slow failure of both sides would indicate to me something electrical as I wouldn't buy both motors packing up at the same time following the same failure path as well.

My first port of call would be to check and clean both window switches, the isolation switch and the general wiring in the centre console as if both windows are mirroring each other then the fault logically should be on some part of the system that is common to both sides I.e. the base of the Y fork

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Thank you, I have had a look at the wiring that I could get to and have found something a little bit worrying. Bodged wiring that has been crimp connected together. And I think I will have to remove the centre consol to get to the entire loom. The front windows work fine. And I have used switch cleaner on all the switches.

Cheers axlechorus.

I think I may have a look into it all a lot more tomorrow.

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start with the simple things first, check fuse F13 interior fusebox to make good contact, then check theyr's earth...there's an earth header under the central console in front of the airbag ECU, make sure it makes good contact too... you can't miss it it's full of black wires(C0552 - RAVE - Electrical library - connector views)

to rule out the isolation switch bridge the black and grey wires on it's back...also make sure there's good earth on the black wire(measure with ohmeter against body)

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I had this on mine. All the switches were full of crud. Have you taken the switches out and stripped them right down and cleaned them? Good chance that might fix it. They are a little fiddly, that's why I said take them right out (and work on the bench/table)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have started with the switches 1 step at a time as I work my way through the suggestions above. Today I took the switches apart and found they were caked up with crud inside, so I blasted them clean with carb cleaner, I would have used switch cleaner but couldn't find it so used what I had as I have no spare money as it is all being poured into the Discovery's repairs and MOT which is only a few days away. Anyway cleaning the switches out didn't make the rear windows work this time and I tried bridging the connectors on the window locking switch and that didn't work either. After the MOT when the weather is dry again I will check the wiring by the airbag ECU.

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After I had got back and rested for a while it got too dark outside. And I forgot to read the replies again before I went fault hunting. So no, forgot to check F13 lol. Total scatter brain today for some reason and annoyingly forecast from tonight is rain, rain and more ruddy rain. So will have to wait until Friday and while it is in my mates workshop having the sump swapped over and the drag arms replaced I will try and remember to get in and have a look at the fuses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you sure you cleaned the switches properly? Blasting them with cleaner is a waste of cleaner. I stripped mine down into little pieces at the kitchen table and just wiped everything clean with tissue. It is a bit fiddly. Also you could check their function with a multimeter whilst you're there. Did you say the fronts work fine? If so, can you swap switches to test?

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I took the top parts of the switches off and used a fine paint brush in to what I could get to. I am going to give up on the rear windows for another few weeks now though as I have managed to score some nice cheap replacement parts for other parts of the Disco that weren't working.

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I took the top parts of the switches off and used a fine paint brush in to what I could get to. I am going to give up on the rear windows for another few weeks now though as I have managed to score some nice cheap replacement parts for other parts of the Disco that weren't working.

IF it is the switches it needs doing more thoroughly than that I'm afraid! The gunk inside the mechanism that flicks the contacts open to closed gets restricted. You need it in little tiny pieces, clean it up, then have fun reconstructing!
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