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TD5 Rotor Filter


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Is there a knack to getting the lid off the rotor filter? I did it and changed the filter but it was a major challenge and cannot believe it should be like this. I will probably break it next time with the force required. I did turn the lid into what I thought was every feasible position but it did not help. It did occur to me that if the exhaust manifold has been machined (which I think it has)it will bring the turbo even closer to the filter which may be the issue?


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It should just be a case of unscrewing the two retaining bolts and lifting-off the cover to reveal the rotor within. Replacement - fit the new O-ring, refit the cover and use a nut-runner to tighten the two bolts to *just* nip-up the seal.

I've never had any issues. What's your TD5 fitted to? Could the cover-retaining bolts have been overtightened in the past and maybe distorted the cover? I'd look at getting a new cover as the first step.

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Nothing to do with the bolts - both unscrewed easy. The problem was lifting the top cover past the turbo compressor casing. The cover lifts about 20mm then that is it. I cannot twist it or rotate it to get past without excessive force. It is in a 2002 (15p) defender and looks no different from any other!

I did think that may be I had damaged the filter and it was not turning, but lifted the cover a few times on the weekend and each time it was in a different position. I cannot hear it winding down like others I have heard when turn the engine off.


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Well maybe you're right and the manifold had a lot taken off it. I'll have a look tomorrow if you like, measure the flanges of the manifold and the clearance above the rotor cover.

edit: you'll hear it wind down sooner or later, it's only the odd time it's noisy I find

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I have just under 55mm from the low point of the rotor cover to the bottom corner of the turbo flange on the exhaust manifold. Loads of room. Throw up a pic looking in from the front if you can.

EDIt: sorry mate I now realise you're more concerned with clearance to the compressor housing. That's tighter for sure. Here's (a bad) shot of mine. It's lashing rain now so can't get out.



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Much more difficult to measure but I have a little more than that I think, 6-7mm. I tried to measure the thickness of the flange on the head side of the manifold but couldn't get anything conclusive without soaking myself. Mine's been skimmed too remember, but perhaps yours has just a little more taken off.

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Not a bad idea but I'd be worried about sealing. The turbo gasket is only a matter of pence (I've found spurious ones fine and even made one once in a pinch from copper plate). If you're doing average mileage you'll only need to change the filter once a year, so pulling the turbo and throwing in a new gasket once done is also an option.

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