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D2 Dog guard - will I need extra fittings?


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I've been looking at dog guards on ebay, are there specific fittings fitted to the car that need to be in place to attach a guard, or are they standard accross all models/specs etc?

If I buy a second hand item am I then going to have to shell out for a fitting kit (not collecting my d2 til Friday, so can't check if there's anything there already)

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Thanks bear, the disco I bought doesn't have those bits to take a guard, but there are signs that one was fitted previously.

Don't worry HH,I'm having to consider the possibility that I fix the 'donk' noise before attaching more bits to the motor!

Expect to see one of my typically needy 'watts linkage' or other suspension bush related post on the forum soon!!!

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I will get around to it. I saw her this morning - albeit she was asleep. Earlies onto Lates, then onto nights. But when she's working nights I do see her for about 2 hours when I get home - so that means I will have time to photograph her vehicle!

Talk about 'ships in the night '!

If and when you get chance, I'd appreciate it, but no rush!

I can see where something has been attached previously in front of the 3rd row seats, so I expect that was the mountings for a dog guard, now sadly absent

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