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Terrain Response System Faulty


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Hi folks, hope all is well. I got my tires rotated at Discount Tire on Saturday, and drove off and a few minutes later there was an error message lighting up on my '09 LR2. There is a 'Terrain Response System Faulty' message popping up, along with a triangle warning sign with an arrow around it that is flashing. Also whenever I turn on the car it says 'Special Programs Off'. I have attached a picture below. post-112019-0-08534300-1460388004_thumb.jpg

Has anyone had this problem before and know a cheap way to fix it?

Appreciate all the help I can get.



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I'd be tempted to take it back to Discount Tyre as they seem to have caused the problem, although tyre fitters probably shouldn't be let loose on actual repairs. With a bit of luck they've just knocked a connector to a wheel sensor or something.

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Is it not possible that rotating the tyres has caused the system to error as the rolling curcumference has changed on all the corners so the ECU is confused?

If so would a reset would clear it?

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Le 11/04/2016 à 11:20, jmh10b a dit:
Salut les gens, j'espère que tout va bien. J'ai fait permuter mes pneus chez Discount Tire samedi, et je suis parti et quelques minutes plus tard, un message d'erreur s'est allumé sur mon '09 LR2. Il y a un message «Terrain Response System Faulty» qui apparaît, ainsi qu'un panneau d'avertissement triangulaire entouré d'une flèche qui clignote. Aussi chaque fois que j'allume la voiture, il dit «Programmes spéciaux désactivés». J'ai joint une photo ci-dessous.post-112019-0-08534300-1460388004_thumb.jpg





Quelqu'un at-il déjà eu ce problème et connaît-il un moyen peu coûteux de le résoudre?






J'apprécie toute l'aide que je peux obtenir.











Salut j aimerais savoir si tu as trouver la panne?

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