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Disco 3.5 efi upgrade


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Hi. I'm Andy, in kenya, new to the forum. I have a couple of oil burning 300 tdi's, a 110 and a disco 1. A nice chap (I think) has dropped a disco 1 3.5 v8 in my yard. Starts readily enough with patience, tickover like a badger's behind, rough. When warmed up, takes off like a rocket. As I said, am new to this place and the use of petrol, other than for lighting fires. What in your revered opinions would be the easiest upgrade to attempt? I have read about megasquirt etc, but confused with the purchase of other bits like inlet plenum fuel thingies, and what fits who. I have a pal in uk to go shopping, need to get a list and a shop. Please help, hammer's clean and eager.


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I think I want to fix and improve at the same time. The rest of the car is in good nick, we don't get rust out here, emission controls are nil, and fuel costs about 1/3rd what UK pays. An upgrade would sort out a lack of knowledge by replacement over diagnosis and improve reliability. Maybe.

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I'm not sure what the mechanical issues are with a swap from 4cyl to Disco V8 as the gearboxes are physically different.

Engine-wise, if you were looking to megasquirt it then just transplant the complete engine & fuel system and talk to Nigel at megasquirt-v8.co.uk he will sort you out and explain everything. HOWEVER, as Red90 says you could just use the existing EFI and if there are issues it's likely you need to get to the bottom of them no matter which system you run - so if you have a running vehicle, it's easier to get it running properly BEFORE you then start making modifications.

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Firstly, sorry Mr fridgefreezer, the ref to 4 cyls is what I have in the shed, the v8 is additional.

Next, compatibility issues.

My engine is definitely 3.5, prefix 24D.

The ECU is Lucas 14 CUX (PRC 7081)

The MAF is ESR 1457

The plenum chamber is 3.5, no marks, has air by-pass stuck in the back of it.

Does this ring true to you guys in the know?


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