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Replacing Cracked plastic brackets which hold the instrument panel

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to change the cowl, you need to remove the instrument pack & the metal base strip, move heater controls away from the sides but leave the operating cables connected, undo the various screws & extract it from it's home.

I changed mine a while ago, so trying to remember how I did it is a bit rusty

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Thanks for your quick answers. Any idea on where is the best place to buy the cowl from?

Did you have to undo any part of the top dash (where the heater vents are located)? I can see 2 screws which go through the top section of the Cowl and they look to be retained by plastic lugs somewhere under the top dash.

Also - how do I undo the speedo cable?

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Did mine not that long ago and because the cowl is connected to the flat bit across the bottom you don't have to disconnect the instruments. It's purely a matter of unscrewing a few bits then wriggling the old one out and the new one in and doing up the screws. Hardest bit is lining up the daft spring clips that hold the self tappers. Try and re-use your old one's as the numbers given on the parts diagrams don't fit! I bought mine from my local Land Rover dealer and it wasn't that expensive, surprisingly. You certainly don't need to taker any of the top dash/heater off. Once you undo the actual instrument panel (4 screws, 2 on the side and 2 underneath) and pull it forward a bit you will see there are only a couple of screws holding the top and bottom. Go for it and you'll be surprised how straightforward it is.


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