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Long Term Forum Financial Supporter
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Everything posted by geoffbeaumont

  1. You haven't and he's still an admin on this forum. Confusing having two 'LRA's, isn't it?
  2. Calling this forum 'Land Rover Addict' was actually a bit of a misunderstanding - Trev had those domain names from the start, and it was me getting my wires crossed. As far what happens to this forum is concerned, I can't tell you, and there's a very good reason for that; Contrary to what quite a few people have suggested, this isn't my forum, it's yours, and nothing of major significance will be happening to it without the consensus of the members (you lot). Does that set your minds at rest? Please bear with us for the time being - if and when there are decisions to be made, we'll let you know. Sorry to carry on the cloak and dagger stuff - we're not enjoying it any more than you are
  3. Stop double clicking on web forms then Seriously - yes, it can be blocked, same as it is on the ex-LRE forum (or whatever we're supposed to be calling it at the moment), but it requires a bit of code hacking and I don't want to start on anything like that until we see how things finish up. Right now I'm not sure which way is up...
  4. No helicoil kit, and from the looks of it no bolts either (unless they turn up in the next half an hour or so) - and a desperate need for a working car... Anyone got any idea whether I'd get away with putting everything back together as it is and driving it for a few days? It'd be next week before I got a chance to do anything with it, unless by some miracle I manage to get everything and sort it tomorrow night... I can get a lift to work tomorrow, if I cycle across to Maypole (boss isn't going to tolerate me working from home any longer, even though I'm getting more done without the interuptions), but after that things get a little more tricky.
  5. It wasn't bandwidth we got pulled for though, it was processor load - the forum software puts a much higher load on the processor than a simple download such as an image. However...this forum software is provided by Canaca as part of the hosting package, along with a number of other highly dynamic solutions, and we weren't actually working it that hard. However, even with simple downloads I doubt it would be possible to get close to the bandwidth limits without putting considerable demands on their plainly very inadequate hardware. Further, Canaca gave no warning that they weren't happy with our usage but simply pulled the plug without even telling us, which is totally unacceptable. There is nothing in their contract or FAQs to suggest that processor load is severely limited, in such a way as to make the stated limitations on the account essentially meaningless (and at best misleading). I already had a suspicion, given the PHP errors we've been seeing, that their hardware wasn't up to the job - and we've been getting those right from day one, when there were only a couple of dozen users on the forum...
  6. The head is still on there at the moment - not in a tearing hurry to remove it again if I don't have to. Hadn't thought of wrapping something round the drill bit - I'll see what I can find. Bit of gaffer tape would be better than nothing, I guess. Unfortunately, I don't think I have anything suitable to practice on, so I'll just have to risk diving straight in...
  7. Helicoil kit on the way (should be able to pick it up from The Toolbox this afternoon). Never used one before, so no idea what I've let myself in for. Hopefully a couple of new head bolts arriving from MM4x4 as well. The hex bolt was 7/32" (which is fractionally over 5.5mm).
  8. I've switched off some of the forum features to reduce server load, and hopefully keep us on line, at least until I can get to the bottom of how much traffic we're actually allowed on this '600Gb' account...so if you're looking for something that isn't there any more (like users currently online) that's where it's gone
  9. Apologies for the recent absence of this forum - our host Canaca pulled the plug on us yesterday, without any form of notice, for 'overloading'. They switched off my entire account - email, database admin, control panel, the works, so first I knew about it was when I tried to access the site. This was Canaca's extremely helpful response to my support request: The hosting package I have is their Gold account, which they advertise as having 600Gb of bandwidth and 30Gb of storage - neither of which we have come anywhere close to! In fact, I doubt we've even come close to the bandwidth limits on their basic package. They also advertise 99.9% uptime, which they clearly have no intention of honouring. Anyone know anything about Canadian trade descriptions laws? And no, the disappearance of this forum had nothing to do with the reappearance of the former LRE one (which I don't know any more about than the rest of you). As of 10.10am (GMT) Canaca have just switched us back on: As to exactly how much load is '10% of ... system resources' I'm going to have to try to find out from them. Sounds like they're running supposedly high capacity accounts on very low spec servers... Needless to say, I'm not a satisfied customer.
  10. Sorry if we've offended you HfH. Do I need to make some modifications to the bad word list?
  11. You're surely not going to all the trouble of building MogLite and still using a dizzy?!!
  12. Nah, life's good at the moment. If it wasn't for that wretched car... ...which would mean finding someone with an engine hoist Guess I'll just put it back together and see how it goes. I suppose I might get away with it in the short term, but I'm sure it'll mean early failure of the head gasket. Even though this bracket is a late model year modification? I'll buy one of each and see if one fits better.
  13. That certainly trumps the stirrup pump and pop bottles I was messing around with last week
  14. The slight catch in this case being that it's sheared at the top of the thread, so it's well down inside the block. I might just have to reassemble everything else and see how it goes. Not good My good hex keys are the type that fit a half inch socket adaptor - I'll have to get a 5.5mm one tomorrow.
  15. ...and just to add to the fun, some bright spark decided to attach the alternator bracket to the left hand head with a 5.5mm hex bolt Needless to say, my good hex key set goes up in 1mm increments. I've got a 5.5mm allen key, but that just twists. I'd leave the bracket where it is, but on this model year ('93) it covers the front middle row head bolt, so I can't. Given the force I was putting on the allen key I'm not even hugely confident it'll shift with a decent key - more likely strip it
  16. Bugger!!! Umm, what do I do about a sheared number one cylinder head bolt (centre of the inside row)...? Is it possible to tap it and get it out, or have I just written my block off? It's way to much to hope for that I could get away with leaving it out, isn't it?
  17. That's right, just give me more to worry about. La, la, la, la, I can't hear you... I reckon I can just about get it all back together today so it can get me to work tomorrow - besides, I've no way of actually getting any more parts, now...
  18. Now that really would upset the insurers
  19. Hmm, that was what was worrying me. Certainly takes the shine of alloy pots if they find their way in accidentally. Guess I'll give it a try with the rocker covers before I put anything really vital in there.
  20. Yep - all my caving gear (including ropes and tapes) goes through the washing machine. Just don't use any powder or softener. Ideally, use a separate machine that doesn't ever have powder in it, but not many of us run to that!
  21. Mine's done 147k. If money wasn't so tight right now I'd put a new cam in as a matter of course (maybe new timing gear too?), but I'm desperately trying to pay off all the repair bills from the last few months. At the end of the day if it does go soon I've lost thirty quids worth of gaskets and a weekends work - spare time is at a bit of a premium, but not as much as money at the moment! If I do have to strip it down again and money's not quite such an issue I might well take Steve Lundlack's advice and have the heads skimmed back to raise the compression for LPG. I should have the MSnEDIS on soon, so I'll be able to run heavily retarded ignition when on petrol to cope with it. According to Steve 1mm off the heads will give 10.3:1 compression for much better torque and economy on LPG, at the expense of reducing petrol to essentially a 'limp home' mode. The other option he suggested was 0.6mm off the heads for 10.1:1 compression, which if I recall correctly was still usable with a common ignition map. Hmm, one of Steve's cams would be nice too, if the bank balance stretched to it - and the insurance company didn't get too nervous...
  22. The dishwasher or washing powder (judging by the foam )? Edited to say: Or alloy bits? Obviously they are fine...
  23. I know this was covered extensively on the other place, but I can't go there anymore Several people on here have recommended using a dishwasher for parts washing - is this okay for alloy parts? Any idea where I can get salt free dishwasher powder? And is that still caustic (think that would rule out doing alloy bits)? Would washing powder (for clothes) be any good?
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