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Everything posted by Gromit

  1. Well I took it for a caning last night and it seems to have recovered. No blue smoke now, just a slight black haze which was there before and as far as I am concerned is absolutely normal And a good job too that it's going, cause the van has just blown a head gasket I bet Renault engines are a bit more complicated than LR lumps
  2. Will do. thanks for your help Tonk
  3. Only been able to drive it on the driveway as it's not insured ATM. Warming up a tdi is a tad difficult! Managed to get to about 1/3 on the temp gauge. I guess this could be part of the problem? Will lift the rocker cover and have a look-see.
  4. This problem was noticeable before I did the timing. As AIUI, wrong timing would give unburnt diesel. Anyway it's running fine. Oil Level is ok too. I assume, given that there's 200k on it that the valve stems are worn. What I don't understand is why this would manifest itself after sitting up. Given my limited knowledge, the only routes for oil into the combustion chamber are valve stems, rings or breathers? Am I right? If so, while sitting, something has happened one of these bits. I'm a bit confused.
  5. So, anyone any ideas?
  6. Hi All, Well, after doing the timing belt and a few other jobs, the old girl is running again, but she's pretty smokey after standing for 4 months. The smoke is a nice oily blue colour, and there's a fair bit of it when flooring the throttle. This has only started since it has been sitting unused. So, all ye diesel heads, what has happened? How is so much oil now getting burned? Where should I start looking? Would a bit of a caning down the motorway help? It has 200k miles on it and I'll be changing the oil this week as well as cleaning the cyclone breather. Hope it isn't too terminal
  7. I've a small extinguisher in the passenger footwell of the 110, but nothing in the van, in which I'm doing all my driving at the moment. At the time I had all my worldly possessions in the 110 and short of being nicked, the next most likely way of me loosing everything was it burning down. From that point of view I think it's a worthwhile investment. But, it is just a small co2 bottle and will probably blow away more than put out a fire unless you're in early or are on top of the fire. Having one is better than not, provided you use your head. Could save someones life, and I should really get one for the van.
  8. As I'm getting through all the mechanical stuff, thoughts turn to waxoiling the 110. I looked about Hanfords at their presurisable drum and spraying kit. Is one drum enough for a 110? How's the spraying kit? any tips? I know it's wise to heat it before use and lock the cat up. Cheers,
  9. Hi All, ok, so my fuel lines are black and bendy, but does anyone know whether they are they type of rubber that disintegrates on exposure to biodiesel? If not, where do I get replacement ones? Just planning ahead as I plan to run the 110 on biodiesel in the near future, as long as I can find a local supplier Cheers,
  10. Thanks all for your input. Yes Ralph, if it's toothed and goes round and round, regardless of what goes around it, I call it a sprocket. Must try and learn. Poo.. Pooooo... Poooooooooll... PooooooooolleeeeeeeSprocket.
  11. thanks a lot Tony. Will let you know
  12. ahh right. Guess all will become clear when I pull the sprocket.
  13. Can someone confirm, is there an O-ring on the crank shaft behind the timing belt sprocket? If, so what's it's part number? I'd thought someone on here said there was. I will be pulling the sprocket to replace the oil seal behind it. I can't find any mention of the o-ring in the EPC, but from memory there was mention of it in the workshop manual. Sorry; brains 180 degrees out, and it doesn't run in this configuration
  14. Aren't I feeling dim thank you!
  15. I'm replacing the timing belt on my 200tdi, and a good job too. There's a fair amount of oil coming from the crank oil seal. I still have the old belt on and I've turned the crank until the woodruff key is at 12 oclock. The cam sprocket mark is 180 degrees out from where it should be, at about 2 oclock instead of 8. How did this get timed like this? I'll be taking the cam sprocket off to replace the oil seal. Can I refit it 180 degrees out, i.e in the correct position? How should I proceed? TIA!
  16. AIUI, latest defenders have brake controlled traction control so why don't they have ABS? Same thing really.
  17. ALR1737 Seal - up to KA925389 ALR5058 Seal Windscreen - from KA925390
  18. Ignoring the which-is-better thread, I fitted an electric fan from famous four about 3 years ago. The fan is made by Spal and looks the biz, their mounting kit is pretty good, though nothing you couldn't do yourself, and the thermostat is of a similar design to Si's, as far as I can see. Open to corection as I haven't seen the X-Eng one in the flesh. The thermostat did die a month or 2 after I got it, but was replaced FOC. If I was doing it again, I reckon I'd go the scrappy route, controlled by X-Eng. oh, and Electric is better
  19. Cheers for the info, but the collar is long gone. I removed it as the indicators cancelled all the time. At least Full User Control is preferable to the LR deciding what to do. So AIUI, getting the wrong type of switch wouldn't be the end of the world, just a bit of rewiring to get it in.
  20. sorry, yes, meant the price of parts. ETG looks to be about 30 quid. How much do the digital gauges run to?
  21. yup, if you have a mate with a large press. This is the only job so far I've paid to have done, about a year ago. The fool that did the job took 2 hours or something daft to do it. I've just noticed last week that he's fitted the rod upside down.
  22. thank god there's no one in work yet. Have just killed myself laughing at Nige. Good job the coffee cup was on the table and not being drunk.
  23. So what's a double sump? or rather why would one want one?
  24. why kind of cost is involved fitting an EGT kit? I didn't see any display suppliers listed on those links.
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