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Everything posted by Gromit

  1. I've got my rears in the trim above the small rear windows. After about a year, I decided they were too far away and added 2 up front, either side of the fuse box. Will try and take some night time pics.
  2. Just a warning to all LR owners in the UK, all that mad weather has arrived here in Ireland and is coming your way. So remember to park all your beloved vehicles at an angle so all the rain that finds its way in, finds a way out.
  3. Since my first sony cd player died, I've been using a pooey PLU2 mp3 stereo. It's ok, but a bit naff, takes ages to cue up and skips sometimes and has no line in. As an alternative music source, I'd aquired a PC and built a linux mp3 jukebox that I was going to install in the LR, but I've since got a PDA with a 2Gb card which will do the same thing, plus sat nav etc. So, I need a CD player, that plays mp3 CDs and also has a line in for my PDA. Would be helpful if the CD player worked at 45 degrees in my cubby box. Must also be loud enough to overcome tyre drone, gearbox whine, engine farting, body rattle and screaming occupants. Anyone any recomendations? All the stuff I've looked at on Ebay looks a bit dodgy.
  4. Thanks all. Was thinking about stripping the carb tomorrow and seeing what that gets us. Anyone know what the plug gap should be? Les, thanks for the info. is the coil pickup on the pullstart end of the crank? I guess it'll be obvious once I get into it. Woo Hooo, a weekend of fixing the Da's broken toy instead of my LR. No doubt it'll get jealous! A diesel saw would work underwater, now THAT would be handy ahem.
  5. Hi All, I've got a McCullough chainsaw here that has started acting up. Runs okish at full throttle but won't idle, or even run below 1/2 throttle. The exhaust note deepens and the revs don't increase. Eventually it dies. Is this it running rich? We've messed about with the air and fuel filter on the pickup (Hmm, I wonder is there another fuel filter) and the plug gap. Now it won't clear and run to full revs at all. Fuel mix is pretty close to 40:1 What do you think? I don't know much about petrol/carbs but does it sound like a dirty carb, weak spark or what? Stoopid pertrol engine, if it were mine I'd buy a nice diesel chainsaw LR content, erm, was fiddling about with it in the back of the 110.
  6. I did the power steering pump at the weekend as the old one had given up the ghost. I considered doing a Les on the job, but was half way through the job before I thought of it, couldn't find the camera, and anyway I didn't want to get shouted down for telling y'all how to suck eggs, it being such an easy job and all Normally one would undo the pully bolts before removing the belt, but as the pump has siezed the week before, I'd already removed the belt. "Sure, it'll be grand" I thought as I removed the pump. Todays top tip is make sure you have cracked the bolts before removing the belt so that you don't have to resort to this to clamp the pulley worked a treat though. looks like all the pumps internals had made their way into the fluid resevoir
  7. Rather boringly, I was sitting at the dinner table a few weeks ago, with nothing to do (other than eat me dinner) looking at the 5 barcodes on varioius bottles of condiments in front of me, trying to match the numbers with the lines. I thought that I had matched up each number with a pair of lines, but then concluded that there were too few lines and gave up. errr, not much help that eh?
  8. aye, my 110 was manufactured 31 December 1991. Co-incidence, or carp DB? Hmmmmmmm. 5 prevoius owners though, I didn't know that!
  9. It was the fact that this forum (and its previous incarnation) wasn't soley radical stuff that allowed me to get started maintaining my own truck. I can now do all the basic stuff which gives me the confidence to launch my self into the most daunting tasks and I try to enrourage and help anyone else starting off to do the same. I feel it is part and parcel of land rover ownership. It's not a mode of transport, it's an education. Looking at Les' simpler posts, while I know how to do the jobs, I'll still read them. It's always interresting to see how other people do things and you might even learn something new. Look at the replies. Not everyone on here is running a truck they scratch built with 2 LR axles and a welder.
  10. I'l also in the same boat as I've no place really to store my tools so they're in a box bolted into the back of the 110. I used to carry all this about but have recently rationalised it a bit to just what fits in my tool box, bottle jack and a set of sockets. Trolley jack bottle jack 2x axle stands tow rope 1/2" socket set 1/4" socket set 2' & 3' breaker bar gearbox, engine and axle oil coolant, clutch and brake fluid screwdrivers - all sizes Hammers - all sizes Ring spanner set Open ended spanner set punches jublie clips pliers vice grips a vice! multimeter feeler gauge circlip pliers gas soldering iron cabling duct tape box of fasteners and cable ties ball joint splitter grease pump oil syringe grease gun torch Haynes work shop manual parts list torque wrench Funnels oil filer remover jump leads files x3 brake bleed kit 12v drill & bits hacksaw hub nut tool
  11. Thanks Les. That's good info. I suspect the pump might be on the way out because it doesn't make that power-steering noise anymore, even when holding it at full lock. Just looked and they're expensive things can they be refurbed?
  12. Hi all, My power steering seems to be on the way out. At idle there's no assistance. When revving the engine some assistance appears. I've just had the pump out and spinning it by hand, it does seem to pump some fluid. can these pumps half fail? or could it be the steering box. Can the pumps be reconditioned? Someone on here had pics of stripping the pump but I couldn't find them. Anyone remember where that was? Any advice or ideas? Tis like driving an auld bus at the moment. Cheers,
  13. Eddie, where are you? I do need to sort this pretty quickly (either finding an SAG or ordering 2 new something-elses) as I'm spinning about on a not very nice spare. I'm in Ireland, but I did get tyres shipped to me before and it wasn't to expensive. PM me details, how much he would want etc. cheers,
  14. Hmmm, simex's a bit OTT for my usage Looks like I might have to get 2 new tyres then. Can anyone give me size equivalents for 7.50x16? Any recommendations ? Kumho, BFG? Looking for an AT rather than MT. thanks,
  15. Isn't a loss leader something cheap that is supposed to attract people in and encourage them to buy other similar goods? Don't know that the 2.5 is the best choice in that department
  16. If yours is the same as mine, the battery +ve and alternator cables are all on one stud on the starter motor. You'll need to connect these back together and insulate them to prevent shorting to earth. This way you'll have a charging battery and provide the needed load to the alternator. Other starter related cables can just be insulated and left, I'd say.
  17. A few days ago, a bit of misdirected driving lead to me cutting the sidewall of my nearly new generals on a piece of slate. There's a 2" gash from the bottom of the tyre up the sidewall, through to the tube, so I think it's for the bin. As the tyres were nearly new, I was hoping to get one tyre to replace it but Paddocks say they are on back order from General, with no delivery date. My local supplier says the same. Why is this? I thought these were a pretty popular tyre. If I can't get one, I'll have to get a pair of something else for that axle. Any recomendations on something similar, not too expensive, reasonable on and off road? Cheers,
  18. Almost - this is part of refitting the pump and pulley. With the pump pin in place, the belt is refitted with the pump pulley bolts loostly fitted. Once the cam and crank are timed, the pulley bolts are torqued up ensuring the proper pump timing. Redoing the timing in future shouldn't necessitate the pump being touched again as the teeth should now always line up. BTW, my newly reconned pump has about 20 dots of yellow paint around it.
  19. Just been round to non-land rover dealer to get a non-land rover head gasket 89 euro plus VAT This was with full-trade discount apparently. I didn't ask the full price. HOW do they justify these prices? What's the worst you've been ripped off?
  20. was working on a windows 95 machine there yesterday. very low tech
  21. will cost you about 50e in tolls to get to the south of France.
  22. Gromit


    anyone using a Palm device with GPS software?
  23. Been thinking over the last few days, what with clearing stuff round the site, mostly trees and brush, that a bulldozer blade on the front of the 110 would be very handy. B) I'm sure that if I had a welder (and could weld) that one could fab up something usable, and find some way of mounting it to the chassis. I guess the blade would have to be slung from something to raise and lower it. Anyone have, or done anything like this, or should I just go and get a tractor Google only returned a showplough.
  24. But isn't this exactly the same as fitting a wheel with a greater offset, in terms of the stress you're putting on the bearnings? I've like to be able to turn the 110 in less than 20m or what ever the turning circle is so my choices are spacers or something like wolf rims. Much of a muchess isn't it?
  25. Could someone give me a one-liner on what a Railko bush is and how it differs from a normal bush?
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