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Posts posted by leeds

  1. Polymer ropes and strops can normally be made from four main materials . These are polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamides (nylons) and polyesters. These groups of materials cover a wide range of materials, with widely different properties. The way these materials are processed can also effect their properties. Then the way the material is made into a rope or strop can also effect the final properties.

    The properties of main interest here is strength and extension to break A rope or strop with a lowers strength but higher extension to break requires more energy to break it in comparison to a higher strength lower extension to break item.

    The steeper the load extension curve the harsher the forces experienced by the vehicles during a recovery.

    In general terms nylons and polyesters are stonger then normal polyethylene and polypropylenes. Polyester has a steeper load extension then nylons.

    Plasma etc is a gel spun polyethylene (hence not normal polyethylene) has a high strength and low extension to break then nylon and polyester.

    In my opinion the best ropes for off road use is nylon. This has the best combination of strength and extension. KERR ropes are nylon ropes but of a plaited type construction which gives it the extra stretch.

    The general strops available are made from polyester and are strong and have a relatively steep load extension curve. These are good for anchorage type situations but would give a harsh recoverery if used in that type of situation. I have a long nylon strop (made from climbing webbing) which has more stretch then a polyester strop but not as much as a nylon rope. This could be used for a gentle recovery.

    Plasma makes a good winch rope due to its high strength and low extension. The low extension means it has a lot less stored energy then an equivalent steel rope which has a higher extension to break. In the case of winch rope failure the plasma is safer then steel due to the smaller amount of stored energy in it. A plasma type rope is not good in a shock load situation. OK in winching it should not occur BUT image the vehicle being recovered manages to drive forward creating slak in the plasma rope and then loses traction slides backwards which would put a shock load on a plasma rope. That could be possibly bad news.

    Hope my ramblings helps to explain some of the difference between different materials etc.



  2. I use a pocket pc and a gps receiver running tom tom on the road and memory map with os maps. I have another application which lets me download a picture of a route/area from google earth and navigate the picture. Not cheap though.

    Starting from scratch a secondhand laptop, a gps card and running autoroute software will give you almost what you want. Unlike the tom tom type units you will have the benefit of being able to see more than 2" of the map. Cheaper too.

    Hi Landmannn, can you give us a few more details etc.

    Google earth one sounds interesting. What is it like when the resolution on google earth is only low resolutio. Have been and wil be going to places where the mapping is poor so anything which can help the navigation is of interest.



  3. Hi Matt, the Garmins accept OS grid references or lat longs. I have found that the mapping on the Garmin 276C(?) leaves a lot to be desired in comparison to the Tom Tom 910. Unfortunately the Tom Tom does not appear to accept OS grid references.

    You pays your money and you takes your choice!



  4. What lengh winch cable do you have on the front to deploy 6 snatch blocks :P

    Or are you going to use your steel extension wire as well.

    Must admit I would be intigued to see it done.

    Now I know why I am having a rear winch fitted. :lol:



  5. The club I am in bans the use of KERR ropes This occurred after a recovery point ripped off whilst a KERR recovery was taking place. The recovery point (well a towing point to be more precise) bounced off the bonnet and windscreen on the recovering vehicle.

    Recovery points are now part of the scrutineering process as well.

    I have carried small pieces of logs to prevent ropes tightening on each other when connected together. They will be replaced by some carpet as soon as possible.

    Never seen the carpet trick done before. The advatange of these sorts of threads we can all learn something. The people who probably need to learn most probably don't read these sort of forums.



  6. Might be slightly off topic but have recently got back from a long trip around Sandinavia and Eastern Europe.

    It is quite amazing where you will find English spoken. Small hotel odd job man in back of beyond in Romania, a Hungary petrol attendant who speaks English and loves LR. English is the universal language, otherwise a big smile and miming along with a relaxed attitude goes far.

    As for events, why not try the Sandinavia national events. OK Not a challange type event but make a good change to the UK national events.

    Scandinavia has a reputation for being expensive, if done right no more expensive then the UK.

    Pick your area and time right then most people would have a fantastic time within the standard 2/3 weeks holiday available to them. You don't need to go as part of a commercial package either as you will find lovers of the green oval all over Europe including Eastern Europe.

    Personally I think the reason why people dont go so far abroad is a lack of confidence



  7. Just thrown out a 12V cool box as it was melting the plug. There again it has been used continuously for over 6 weeks. Had to switch it off at night time as it was draining the auxilary battery. It supposedly drew a 4 amp current but I suspect that it was drawing more. It never seemed to keep things cold if left switched off overnight as well and that was in the high latitudes!

    Have bought a giostyle coolbox at 60 euros. This one is supposed to draw 3 amps and the plug does not seem to get anywhere near as hot as the old one. As long as it lasts the rest of the trip it be ok.

    Personally I think the cigarette lighter and multi point extension plugs are less than satisfactory.

    Think when I get back to the UK I will be looking at other plug/socket combinations to improve the electrical contact and hence reduce current draw for the cool box.

    I will also be looking at trying to source a cheapish Engel, one can always hope! :P



  8. QUOTE(Miserableolgit @ Jun 28 2006, 10:43 AM) *

    I trust the dumb blonde was eager to reward you for your chivalrous behaviour? biggrin.gif

    Yes, i concur..... also, pictures (of the dumb blonde) are needed.... cool.gif

    The dumb blonde showed her gratitude in her normal amicable fashion :P

    If anything else a feisty redhead might have had a few words to say :P



  9. Was asked to go help a dum young blonde in distress who had a puncture. :P

    Got there, found the spare space saving wheel and a poor excuse of a jack. Loosen wheel nuts off, jack the car up and did it wooble. Remove all wheel nuts and wheel not coming off. Tried pulling on it and car woobling on the errr 'jack' Got 2 foot tyre lever out to try gently levering it off. No chance. OK out comes LR tool No 1. Gently tried tapping wheel to see if it would come off. Nope. Am I missing an anti theft device on wheel or something?

    OK, lets try a quick pnone call to the garage. Oh yes they are difficult to get off at times Try persuading it off.

    A few blows with 2lb lump hammer finally broke the rust seal holding wheel on to drum.

    Wheel then changed for this 'spare spacer saving wheel'

    Go to put punctured wheel back in boot but guess what??

    Yep it doesnt fit where space saver wheel goes.

    Good job boot was empty

    So some NOT very SMART ideas from Mr Mercedes.

    Another good reason to stick to LR and proper spare wheels/jacks/and tool no 1



  10. Cyclist going the wrong way round a busy city roundabout the other day clearly had a different highway code to the rest of us. (or a death wish).

    Saw a car overshoot its turn off on the Leeds ring road.

    Was too far to go around the roundabout so he just put his car into reverse!!!!



  11. OK we can all make mistakes whilst driving but some people seem to think that te highway code has been abandoned. I certainly get the impression it no longer applies to certain road users.

    Want to park in a busy suburban during rush hour? Theres that special reserved spot for you. Its nicely marked with double yellow line on kerb side and has a big yellow parking bay for you with a shelter for people to keep out of the rain.

    Then there are those parking places marked with a big yellow & sort of symbol. Have to be careful that dont hit the front of car against the wall so leave car stradling the end. It doesnt matter that people cant drive pass the end of my car.

    Why do some people have blue flashing lights on the cars and blare out loud horrible repetitive 'music' They seem to have the opinion I shold get out of their way. No one am I going to be bullied to get out of their way!!!

    A que for traffic lights? Well I am to important to wait in that que so someone has marked out a special lane for me. It has all these solid white hatching lines on. Now I know why I pay council tax, its so the nice council make out these special overtaking lanes for me. Now these white bollards with a blue circl on and a white arrow pointing to the stationary traffic. Well thats only for mere mortals. I can use the mpty road to the iht of it. Thank you Mr Councillor

    Has the Highway code been officially abandoned or what



  12. Well done Les. Hope you keep that article well archived.

    Must admit it was a better read then some of the 'technical' articles in the mags.

    Tend tend to read," we bought/blag item x from manufacturer y was fitted in bigger dearler z well equiped workshop in a millionth of a second"

    Its certainly given me food for thought.



  13. Seat belts??? Suggest they go and look outside some local primary schools!

    NO I dont mean the fee paying private school where little Jimmy is taken there in a Chelsea tractor.

    I mean inner city schools, especially in deprived areas.

    6/7+kids in a 5 seater car. None with seat belts on.

    Mum or dad parked on pavement/double yellows/zigzag lines etc.

    Darn sight more dangerous and very few if any 4 x 4s in sight.

    Is this the result of an offical/MJ study. Nope, just what I observe on a frequent basis



  14. OK for the EU countries etc most comprehensive motor insurance carry a green card on back of certificate.

    What about motor insurance for say Southern Africa, South America, Russia etc.

    Is it a case of buying it at the border or is there any good insurance brokers in UK who can organise cover for you?



  15. Was talking to a mechanic about tyres and the law/vehicle construction regulations.

    My understanding is that all of the moving parts have to be within a vertical line drop from the widest part of the wheel arch.

    The mechanics arguement was that the tread has to be inside the vertical line but that the wall could extend outside the vertical line.

    Which interpretation is the correct one?



  16. Have bought some stuff of Simon.

    Had a few questions and Simon responded quickly!

    Generally am very happy with the goods. I had one minor comment to make about the goods. Emailed Simon and he agreed said it had been mentioned before and was working on it. He seemed to genuinely happy to receieve feedback

    Yep X-eng does good stuff and has good customer relationships.

    Good luck to Si and X Eng



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