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Posts posted by TD5toV8110

  1. No...

    Apparently I over worked my new hip doing the shed...

    Surgeon was cranky, said I have to take it very easy for 6 months.

    Most of his patients are proper old farts and just watch TV or a fish tank for a year after surgery....

    I'm ok ish, just pain every step, and kneeling/bending is s**t. (now more pain than before the operation)

    No painkillers (apparently, they are addictive...)

    I will get back into it soon, just very aware that I get zero sympathy from wifey if I f**k it up again... (or the doctor...)






    • Confused 1
  2. It's the humidity and proximity to the sea that gets us...

    I got a chunk of Zinc from a boat shop, used an old phone charger and some hydrochloric acid.

    Puts a light coat of zinc on whatever you dunk in it (overnight)

    Plenty YouTube videos showing how to.



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