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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. Im looking for some 3/4 unf bolts, Im not sure what the grade I need, but the equivalent of a 10.9 or 12.9 if it was metric (maybe a cap head). The bolts need to have a plain part about 3 or 3 1/4 inch's long then a reasonable amount of thread. Anyone got any ideas of a good supplier that will do small quantities by mail order???? Cheers. Steve.
  2. Cheers but it looks like 11/16" are near impossible to get hold of so Ive had a change of plan and gone for 3/4! All sorted and thanks for the idea's and offers. Steve.
  3. Looking for an 11/16 unf male threaded rose joint with a hole throught the bearing somewhere around 5/8-11/16 (16-17mm) Seems to be not too common a size but im sure someone can supply me with a couple. Anybody know of somewhere can try that may stock or be able to order such a thing. Many thanks. Steve.
  4. Thats the type of connector I have on the 128 but the plotter has a different setup with 5 wires, (signal +, Signal -, Remote, Battery pos and Battery neg if I remember right) so I assume its a completely different antenna. just read on the Garmin web site that The GPS17 (which it is) is supposed to have a 3 meter accuracy! This one would be lucky to manage 30 meters. :angry:
  5. Pikey has a set of anacondas on his disco and they grip very well, Cant beat them for the money. I cant comment on what they are like on side slopes coz ive never seen him drive one but I run boggers on the 90 and there is absolutely NO ISSUE WITH SIDE SLOPES contrary to popular belief, infact they are an awesome tyre all round. If on a budget the anaconda is a tyre that will take some beating. The Macho has also been mentioned, It is a slightly less aggressive tyre and probably wont quite match the anaconda in the mud but is pretty good and aint bad on the road. It must be one of the best budget all round tyres I have ever used.
  6. Will, Does it have an end/connector of any sort on the end of the lead and if so what type is it?
  7. I have a small black mouse type for my laptop and it seems to work really well, Far better than the Garmin does and for a fraction of the price!
  8. Im about to have a few largers, when I have I'll get the Doris to drive me round and see if it looks better!!!!!
  9. Nowhere near tree's but yes im using the white mushroom antenna. Possibly they ain't great!!!! What did you do with yours Adrian??? What cheap antenna did you use??? The old 128 I have had an antenna that looked the same (white mushroom) but had a coaxial cable to join it to the unit and that seems to work well. The antenna that came with this has a multiple core cable with a signal wire and a positive and negative cable which is not screened so I guess there must be some electronics or booster in the antenna itself. What other antennas are compatable???
  10. Looks exactly the same as always too me, You ad too much Zider again Bushy????
  11. Good point, They dont overlay each other, Tend to be all over the place but I think mainly to the left of the track im following. As you say a good GPS should be bang on and at the price this should be good!!!!! The PDA i run Memory map on runs exactly on the road all the time and if I repeat a journey it draws the track back over the last. This one's all over the place so as you looks like a GPS accuracy issue! Anyone running a GPSMAP 30063010 had the same problem???? If this is as good as it gets and it can be bettered by a PDA then Garmin can av it back!
  12. Just replaced the Garmin 128 in my truck with a garmin plotter running Mapsource. But the GPS seems to be quite a long way out and shows me driving at varying amounts off the road im actually on. Sometimes im on the road, More often im anything up too 30-40feet(at a guess) off it, If I drive along the same piece of road it will leave traces like spagetti along either side of the road. Ive messed with the Map datum and changed it from WGS84 to WGS72 which was slightly better then tried Ordanance survey GB which seemed about the same. Im only guessing the Map datum has anything to do with it so I may be doing the wrong thing as I dont really know what these mean and havn't had chance to read up about it yet. Can anyone give me a few pointers??? Anyone had the same problem and if so how did you solve it??? Many thanks. Steve.
  13. Tis a bit late now, Was all shiney but your event soon put an end to that!!!!! :lol:
  14. I use my winch a lot and use it harder than 95% of people out there. Ive had M8000's/9000's and wouldn't even look at one again, the epicyclic gear box is a pain, The cone brake is useless and will destroy itself if you use it to lower off not to mention the heat build up with plasma issue, its a nightmare for field repairs and the free spool seizes if you don't pull it to bits every time you drown it (causing you to have to power it out and wreck the brake again) The drums too small for a decent amount of decent size rope although they do pull O.K. but not as good as a XP'd 8274. I personally would not have a husky, They are painful to use and not all that powerful, but it must be said they are reliable so it could well be a choice if speed is not an issue. Ive never had experience of any of the other superwinch winch's tho. Ive considered a hydraulic setup but decided against it for a few reasons but mainly because a lot of the situations I get into the Hydro just isn't an option. (as in when you cant run the engine or the angle of truck is so much that they starve the hydraulic pump) also don't despite what people say about the reliability under heavy use ive seen some well sorted setups failing (Mainly due to pump problems). Its also a lot more involved to fit. My personal choice is the 8274, it does everything I want and is simple and quick to service and proves reliable. I have had problems but mine probably gets more use in one weekend than most get in a year. Its certainly requires a lot less maintenance than the low line winch's ive had and what you do have to do is a lot less of a fiddle.
  15. Allied Rock-a-thon bead locks, Awesome wheels, nicely made and dont have the large holes like the Mach 5 for stones and stuff to get through and damage your calipers.
  16. I only just got the heel of my boot damp!
  17. Well I got some, They had some serious abuse at the weekend and stood up to it no problems. Ere they are!
  18. Another excellent event. Many thanks to James and the Marshals. Our day started a bit slow with breaking the front winch rope twice, And loosing the lockers before we had managed to get a punch. Re spliced the rope and found a blown fuse was the problem with the lockers but seemed to take a while to settle down. By lunch things were going much much better, The Twin motors on the 8274 are quite simply awesome, It just pulls and pulls without sign of slowing. Very pleased with it, Just need one for the back now :D. Many thanks to Jim (Gigglepin 4x4) for all the support and help getting the winch on there in time. A few other small issues with a spring that decided to keep dislocating and also getting wedged half way through between the trees on the entrance to punch No1 for 45mins but nothing to major. I think I speak on behalf of all the welsh lads (Kris, Craig, Mark and myself) when I say many thanks to James for a year of some of the most enjoyable events we've been too with an friendly, atmosphere thats second to none. Its a shame I couldn't make it to a few more but I'm already planning time off to be sure to get to every one in 2008. Its a great credit to James that he has used this site a few times this year but every single time has found a way to change things enough and use new areas in ways to keep it fresh and different for each event. A few Pic's. My truck before start.
  19. :o , Just checked the Met office web site for tonight and it says its gona be -4 in the south west and were camping. I dont mind too much but my Doris has decided she's coming and she hates the cold :hysterical:
  20. Yup, only the one in the truck but your Welcome to try it!
  21. While whoever knows how set the SWR is at it could they do mine ................................ pretty please!!!!!!!!
  22. Sorry, Sometimes I forget im not in the Landrover and it has road tyre's! Tho I almost got up there and ive seen people in Zuks and 90's on MT's struggle on the two dayer!
  23. Interesting to know. We fit a lot of Valeo clutch's and ,touch wood, to date never had a comeback that I can remember. I have an LUK in my challenge truck tho. Not for any other reason than it was what turned up, Looks like it might be a good thing.
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