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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. You cant go to the pub, Early night for you or your sponsor might have something to say! I told him I'll keep an eye on you and report back. :D
  2. Sorry I meant I was helping Simon and Lyndsay get their truck ready for the weekend!
  3. Well im just bolting the last few bits together ready for Saturday and thought id treat the truck to a pair of new doors, got a pair, painted them in shire blue and went to fit them......only to find........they were both for the drivers side.... :rolleyes: DOH!!!!!! Think ive got a passenger side one on the way now so I better go look for some more primer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to get going, Looks like it could be a damp one....In the Holman Clavel on friday and Culmhead on Saturday!!!!!!
  4. Nope, Not at all. In MX you have different levels that you work through on a points basis so you get upgraded as you get faster. Because of the speed it would not be safe to have a junior rider on the track at the same time as an expert. I was merely using that as an example that trophies aren't everything, Its having a good day that counts! Who says you have to destroy your truck, Thats where you have to use your head. The last three events ive done the only bdamage to the outside of the truck has been to loose a door mirror. Not even a broken light lens otherwise.
  5. Correct me if im wrong but I thought the Std, Std+1 and the new easier style challenge events are meant for people wanting to use their daily driver etc? You cant have a class for everyone. A lot of events, especially the larger ones dont have any classes at all but I do think that some class structure is needed in these smaller event but without getting silly and having a class for everyone from a freeander on mud terrains to a portalled, rear steer buggy type vehicle.
  6. Tony. I am trying to look seriously at class structures but in my honest opinion I don't think there is a lot wrong with them, Im also quite interested in why you feel they need changing. Im not saying they are perfect, I think that would be impossible but they are pretty good. O.K. The thing I struggle with here is why should new comers feel they have a chance in their first few events? Surely if they can win that easily without gaining the experience and knowledge and the truck gradually evolving to be a competitive vehicle the organisers have not made it a challenge (after all that's what the event is called) and the more experienced teams need a Kick up the a**e! The Idea is to go and compete then improve till you get to a point where you are competitive. If you water the classes down till anybody can win surely that makes it a hollow victory. If you win when you have a class full of GOOD competition that you beat fairly then you can feel proud of what you have done. So for argument sake you take the tray backs out and banish them to a class where they make it easy for John Doh the new comer to win coz there's no longer any completion (and frankly if that's the way its going he might as well go to a trophy store and buy his own coz its worth about the same) then Lewis and Russ turn up and wipe the floor with everyone. They do this because they are good at what they do and do it very very well and nothing to do with their truck! Its slightly off topic but think it sums up the way I feel about making classes to give everyone a chance. I used to race Motocross and was fortunate enough to do it at expert level (although you'd never guess now that ive gained a few lb's ) and I know that I could ride poorly finish in a decent podium place at a local event with not really a high level of completion then go home not feeling great about my day. Another week I'd go to a national event with some fantastic riders, ride the best I could, make no or very few mistakes, Battle hard till the end of every race and just scrape into the top 15!!!!!! These are the races that I look back on with the best memories. The ones where I know I did the best I could and rode as well as I could, Not the ones where I got a trophy because there was nobody else there to have one. As i see it splitting the Modified class up in any way will just dilute the quality of the class.
  7. Congrats Jim. :i-m_so_happy: And well done to everyone!
  8. Will sort some for you first thing and post them tomorrow night. I also whent for an uprated pump as it was slow at tick over and maneuvering at low speed which is when you need it most. The pump made all the difference and I think it was one of the most worth while mods i've done. It makes such a difference, When your nose down in a gully with all the weight on the front you can still steer with the palm of your hand. You can whip the steering round effortlessly even when the lockers are in making it much easier when your trying to steer through trees etc when you want to blast up a bank or through a sticky patch.
  9. I originally did mine to replace the steering damper but it was causing too much flexing of the panhard rod and bush's as it was a lot of force going through the steering. It also did some odd things as the suspension when through its range of movement. I then changed it to go from the axle case to the drag link at the swivel end which seems to work better and it has increased panhard rod bush life many times over as a lot of the steering force is going directly back to the axle not to the chassis. Only trouble is that because the ram can not meet the panhard rod on its center line it does cause it to flop back and for on the track rod end with changes of direction. I don't notice t when driving at all but it doesn't quite look right. Im in the middle of trying to sort out a Mk3 version which I think will fix that problem.
  10. I looked at doing that when I did mine but was finding all sorts of difficulty'swith the ram crossing over with the panard rod and drag link, It was all just a bit too tight. If or when I go full hydro I'll use that type of swivel and move the panard rod.
  11. Why should it put people off??? Would you start something new and expect to win first time?? Its about going along, Testing the water, Seeing how you do and then building on that and improving as you gain more experience. Some people will never win anything but still go out and have a good time, quite possibly better than those who are on the podium. Should they stay at home because they cant win? I think not, Just get out there and enjoy yourself, Aim to steadily improve your results over a season. If you go in to a new type of sport and expect anything more than to be pleased with yourself if you finnish then your going about it the wrong way. Its about knowing you did what you could and not about the results. As for the vehicle, If you have a well prep'd vehicle with the basic's (good tyre's and a decent winch) you can atleast be competitive if not win. I know coz when I first started thats all we had. The main thing is not to waste time shouting at each other and wondering what to do but also dont rip and tear in the wrong direction. As has been said in many threads above its Team work, good judgement and ability that counts for atleast 75% of your final result. Back to the class thing......... Maybe the classes could do with a bit of a re-vamp, Personally I dont think there is much wrong with them as they are. Try going to the Muddy truckers, Tay forest Challenge (which BTW we finnished second ahead of some hugely superiour vehicles), etc etc where there is only one unlimited class. But I do think that on an event with any less than 20 cars 3 classes is the absolute maximum and any more would be a mistake, There's nothing worse than competing in a class with only a few cars.
  12. I think that the tray backs are an advantage in the fact that if you do hit something it doesn't destroy your truck but there is nothing that can be acheived by a tray back that cant by a truck cab/bob'd 90. Its really no different to a fully caged rear end like the ones that many people in the challenge scene use , so really they also should be in the Tray back class you propose. These types of truck are a result of the comps moving to a higher level and not the cause of the comps moving to a higher level. The tray back is no different to the wing bars many are fitting. I competed in a 90 truck cab with a tub before I tray'd it and did so quite successfully. As for the re jig of the classes, If you take one of James's events for example that would give you 2-3 vehicles in the Unlimited, The Modified with a large part of the competitive vehicles taken away which would make it a poorer class and std as it is now. Is that a step forwards or backwards?
  13. More classes is just plain crazyness! The std +1 class that james runs is an excellent idea but the std and +1 classes already struggle for entry's. Why have another class added to it which will probably end up with just Jason and I competing in it??????????? plus it will devalue the Mod class effectively ending up with two classes which dont have any real level of competion!!!!!!!!! I go out for a day of fun and dont really take it too seriously so why start trying to nedlessly complicate things with the only end result (as I see it) beeing a poorer event with cklasses so poorly represented you get a trophy just for turning up? B.T.W. Why would a Bobtail not be in this new class???????
  14. Im trying to give Pikey away if thats any help !
  15. What, the great Simon Bush and Lyndsay Motram are using my Truck and address???????? I'm flattered!
  16. Are you going? Who with? Hope your not moon lighting :angry: !!!!!!
  17. He's a very friendly landlord, Ive checked the place out a couple of times and can fully recomend it to everyone !
  18. Ive bent more track rods than I can shake a stick at. Then on the T.F.C we bent 3 in one weekend. Good job me were carrying spares as one was bent down to within inch's of the ground and another was bent up against the diff nose. Both Kris and I have now got the Gwin Lewis type that Ciderman (he's 40 today ya know) posted above. They are excellent, Only sits about 1/2 inch lower than the Track rod does and way higher than the diff so the loss of ground clearance in nothing, Built very well and mounts to the Hockey stick bolts and the nose of the diff. Also there's plenty of room for a sumo bar to pass through it. Very pleased with it.
  19. Oooop's, What an terrible mistake to av made, Really duno how it could av happened!!!!!! I wouldn't av done it on purpose I promise :D
  20. Happy birthday Jase, No wonder your slowing down a bit being 40!!!!!!!! :D Err's a cake I baked for you!
  21. Someone had to uphold the reputation of the team!
  22. Just in the process of tidying up a very battle scared 90 and at the moment it has Series doors which are pretty much beyond repair! the only problem I have found with the series doors is the poor door locks so I was just wondering if I get the anti burst style series door (v8's had them I think) will they fit? And what else would I need? I assume it would just be the lock and the striker for the door pillar! Was gona just order them as I cant see why they wont fit but thought Id better just check coz these things have a habit of bitting me in the a**e! Many thanks. Steve.
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