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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. The fuel reg has a small bleed hole in the pressed steel cap which is where the fuel usually comes from. Never looked inside but I assume there is a diaphram which must start to leak. Buy a new Reg and fit it. They aint too pricey, Only 1/2 to 3/4 hour to fit and jobs done. As for do they all do it, Well Ive fitted loads so it must be common!
  2. Steve 90


    Late LT77's have a larger oil pump and ability to fit an oil cooler. Not sure bout bell housing!
  3. Awesome, Ive had it on for a while now in various forms but this last build (on to top of the drop arm as in the other thread) is head and shoulders the best, It even drives tidy on the road now because you have a smooth, constant feel to the steering that reacts far quicker rather than the lumpy sort of double stage feeling that was there before due to the lost movement in the ram as the drag link flopped over before. As for ram if you know what dimensions you need you should be able to get one made up for about £70-80
  4. Been looking at these BB's for a while. My Fedimas which are remoulds on bead lock rims dont shake at all but my boggers which are twice the price and a new tyre which you would think would be better shake the steering wheel out of your hand at certain speeds. I'd like to know if anyones tried it and if they worked too!
  5. Snow in wales, like this you mean! Only that was last year. They are only talking of 10cm up to 20cm on very high ground so I would be surprised if anything was affected. The mountain pass (that I live on and shown in picture, woo hoo) will probably be impassable as usual but otherwise it never comes to much!
  6. Thats good news but I dont think thats the only problem. I am not sure if the scirroco is available any more! Does anyone know for sure?
  7. When my first set wore out I spent about 6 months trying to get a set ringing every body I could think of. I dont tghink you can get them any more which is a pain as I really liked them!
  8. If they are Td5 disco Axles they will have a knuckle with ball joint top and bottom and an open CV with gaiter rather than the normal LR swivel housing kingpin setup they will have a similar rear axle mounting to the front using hockey sticks and panard rod rather than the trailing arms and A frame of a defender. Also the brake calipers will be a fist type and be mounted on slides with pistons only on one side instead of the usual defender type. A Td5 defender will have very similar axles to an earlier Defender but have push in breathers and a single staked hub/wheel bearing nut rather than the two separate nuts with a lock washer between as the earlier models
  9. I can fully recommend any event by 4x4 Adventure's, Whatever level it is James will look after you! One word of warning tho, be a bit careful if James tries getting you on your own :moglite: , We dont think Lardy will ever recover after the last time James got hold of him!!!!!
  10. So with a bit of give n take for differences due to make of shock an 11" travel shock is the same thing as a +4 shock????
  11. I too like Silver but it has to be on the right truck. Jase's in White looks good but my favorite is dark or metallic Blue. (Although mines Shire blue which I don't like as much )
  12. You wern't being terrorised, The bloke really thought you were Al Murray I spose we could make an exception and come to your Pub meet James, Not too keen on going to pubs but just this once aye!
  13. as it says really, How much travel on a standard landrover (front and rear) shock absorber. Is there ayone out there that knows or has one that they can measure? Thanks. Steve.
  14. I think I like the look of the moustache that James so kindly added, I think your right Jase, That could well be the new look!
  15. Fame at last!!!! Think I must be the only person not to av seen a copy yet, I was on the phone to one of our suppliers this morning and even he mentioned he had seen it! You better bring it along if you want me to sign it for you Jim (team B ) !!!!!
  16. I remember you doing a CSW last year sometime where you stripped the rear crown wheel, Dont think your truck has moved since then tho
  17. Oi, I rescued you remember and pulled you off a stump in ireland so be nice :D anyhow, I'll need more help than that the way things are looking at the moment! :(
  18. Yep, Im with ya, good site thats quite big and there were some tricky punch's last time we were there!
  19. Ere, OK, Still not really sure which one it is but I must have been there coz the first two pic's are my truck! :lol: Did we park along the side of a lane that dropped down to a gate into the wood?
  20. Top of the rim aye James, Maybe you should take note of that when setting out punch's :D
  21. Which site is Bampton? Is it the one that Bushy broke his steering box??
  22. Yea, I think he was wondering what was going on!
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