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steve b

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Posts posted by steve b

  1. I've always fitted the spring plates with the longer tabs inbetween the pins, the shorter tabs are designed to stop the pad trying to rotate . Have you tried a different brand of pad? 

    Another fix would be to stick a feeler gauge into the gap between the pad edge and the locating face to get an idea of how much bigger it needs to be to seat at the right height , then make a wrap around shim for one edge (trailing would be my choice)


  2. It's a banjo bolt with a copper washer either side of the banjo for the boost diaphragm chamber, not listed in my parts book but it's common to all VE Inj. pumps so a Diesel overhaul company should stock it - or a scrap yard 


  3. 1 hour ago, Peaklander said:

    Just adding to the earth ideas, I’ve mentioned it before that on my 110 with 300TDi, there’s an earth point on the TBox near the front flange, right hand side. A problem here affected my binnacle gauges. 

    check this first and then the BH earth stud, and get an IR thermometer , under £20 on ebay 


  4. Ooh real engineering, someone said to me about 10 years ago that my engineering qualifications were out of date, to which I replied "Has Youngs Modulus changed then?" 

    He said "What's that?" ................this was to see if I was worth putting me through an EXC2 structural steel welding test, obviously passed first time and welded up some sizeable beams and columns for a few years but a lack of decent and safe lifting and handling equipment was enough to walk away 


    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, robertspark said:

    drill doctor and very happy with it for years.

    A quick look on eblag shows only USA listings for this , I'll look further.

    Thanks for the warnings about the cheap junkers failing to live up to the claims. That will be a no-go.

    I've done pretty well for 40+ years using a bench grinder so maybe some better glasses or a workshop Holmes style magnifying glass on a stand would be better:D (and more light....hohum)


  6. Morning all,

     I've been considering buying one of the cheap £30 ish machines such as a Parkside PSS 65 CI . Anyone got one or similar ? My main concern is how good is the result and how long do the diamond pads last?

    It'll be for up to 13mm straight shank bits.


  7. I think my next step would be to crack the injector pipe at the injector one at a time while it's doing the lumpy tick over to see which one(s) are not firing properly then swap those injector(s) for the ones that are firing to confirm whether it's a cylinder or an injector. 

    As above check valve clearances

    Maybe put all the injectors from the previous engine into this one? 


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  8. Short answer is yes , but it would be painfully slow - by power pack I assume you mean a 12v pump and tank similar to a tipper lift system?

    These are generally designed to run for short periods so driving a winch could fry the 12v motor.

    Using the PAS pump would be more practical but a proper 200bar hyd pump driven by belt(s) off the engine even better


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  9. I use Zooplus for complete food for my Wolfhound(s) .....you'd think with such long legs they would just walk in but oh no....

    I ended up using heavy marine ply that then had to have green gritted roof felt to be of an acceptable standard and grass coloured. 

    The phrase is Diva's :)

    What about getting a local fab shop to fold some ally into U shaped trays - inner one plain U outer with a double return that the plain one slides into (if two will do it for function and onboard storing. Otherwise each inner could be a smaller copy of the outer to nest three or four to shorten storage ...if you see what I'm trying to describe:D


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