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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. The easy solution is to stay as we are: ie must have MOT and insurance no scrutineering as such only if it looks like a shed then start asking questions. I'm just trying to see if we can open it up to others to improve attendance and grow the club.

    What I'm getting from the very helpful comments on here is either stay as we are or look at scrutineering but this means setting out a minimum standard and having someone "qualified" to make the call.

    Thanks gents.


  2. If you scrutineer the liability can switch to the club as it was deemed safe by the club.

    Our events are non competitive so a standard truck can come play with regards recovery points if a tow bar or proper point is not available the error of there ways are identified and they get down on hands and knees to wrap the strop round the axle that normally cures any ignorance.

    We already operate a policy where by if the truck is deemed unsafe by a marshal they are politely asked to remedy or come back another day with a remedy. On the whole we don't have a problem as the mot stipulation deters most and we're quite hot others.

    The main reason for this thought is our summer/seven sisters event because it's prebooked we can't turn away without upset. We have been asked about non road legal so thought we should explore the possibility.


  3. Right I'm after picking some brains our clubs policy is only MOTed and insured vehicles at our events but we are looking at the possibility of allowing others. So what we're looking for is a way of checking that a vehicle is upto a given standard for example both a challenge truck and a £500 wreck can be trailered to an event, we have no problem with the former but don't want the later. I know that for non road legal racing cars there used to be a msa log book system which showed the car had been scrutineered (i think this is now electronic though).

    We don't want to scrutineer as that opens up liability issues and our events don't fit msa rules.

    I believe there is challenge truck insurance policys so that should cover 3rd party liability.

    Any thoughts welcome.


  4. I was told all ibex have gone through as N1 however I have a brother in law that lives in London and don't like the idea of £100 a day when we visit so I'm thinking M1. I don't know if you can do an N1 test then register it as PLG under 3ton thus putting you back in car MOT and out of "van" territory.


  5. If you cut the chassis then in this instance you will as you say fall into kit car therefore full iva. I have no experience of iva but have done an sva. I'm currently building an ibex the main difference between car and commercial iva as far as I can see is internal projections are less stringent on commercial. Following this with interest as I've not decided car or commercial yet I have 5 seats and a load bay and I can't see anything the states seat number in commercial test load bay yes but not seats.


  6. If you look at the car side of the catch you'll see it has a stay that bolts to the body as well as the catch loop. The passenger side doesn't have this. If you think about it the shoulder strap is mounted to the seat in the middle therefore in an accident the top of the seat will take the force of the middle passenger. I'll take a pic of mine later.


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