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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. 2 hours ago, Chambo110 said:


    bonnet... hmmmm one of my to do things... gotta change this death trap scissor contraption for struts or a stick.

    Sick of feeling like a part of the film Christine every time I go under the bonnet

    Word of warning the down side to the solid prop is when the wind gets under the bonnet and lift's it the prop drops down and slams the bonnet on the back of your head. Don't ask how I know this......:im-ok-smiley-emoticon:


  2. 45 minutes ago, DaveSIIA said:

     Neither vehicle extinguishes the rear fog light when headlights are turned off.

    I'm surprised by this as it's been part of the IVA for several years. I guess either your VW's are old enough to not have this feature or there is some kind of exemption.


  3. We went out with flying spanners as did daan but we were essentially on our own our team consisted of our 90 and Dan/Jen in camel 110 both doing tourist plus Ryan in a 110 with spares etc. You had to carry your own clothes and camping gear plus food/water for two days or more (this all needs to be in a waterproof case). Ryan carried extra clothes, tools, spares etc and moved between camps. The camel retired on day one after a particular hard first stage and became our part of our support crew. We waited for them after stage 1 and eventually went back in to help get them out. We got to camp at 5am! After a 120 mile leason. From day 1 on the two 110's would go from camp to camp and meet us there ready with food and tools (they did manage some spectating and meet us at the end of stage where possible). It is possible to do it without support but you will need to carry everything yourselves. Our crew drove there, competed and back without trailers or tow cars hence Dan towing daan on a rope some 600 miles.


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  4. Depending on the age of the truck the rear fog light may have to extinguish automatically when the headlights are turned off as well as only work when they are on. This means a latching relay and momentarily switch.


  5. 8 hours ago, Retroanaconda said:

    That’s a good idea, 18mm Stokbord could work well and will never rot.

    Would be rather slippery mind!

    I would also use stokbord or similar. It's recycled plastic so will not rot. Every other plywood type I've used has just rotted out annoyingly quickly.


  6. 12 hours ago, FridgeFreezer said:

    See, this is how accidents happen - it's a damn good job we can't all meet up for a pint or it could all end up covered in EP90 in a Russian forest :lol:

    I only nipped up to the lab in 2006 to help some bloke with "a bit of wiring" and you saw how that turned out :ph34r:

    And I only went to the lab do some glass work.... Mind it took you lot 2 years before I got corrupted and went in 09. The tourist class I did certainly wasn't greenlaning as it was the tr1 route while tr1 was still running but without the time limit and only unofficially timed but of course those unofficial times were what gave you your position in the class........ We did a fair amount of damage to 45 so I would do it in a vehicle you don't mind rebuilding or replacing when you get home.


  7. 8 hours ago, smallfry said:


    Probably so that they can count up how many originality points you have used up, and then sting you for an SVA, Q plate etc.

    Its all about the money they can rinse out of you, in my opinion 

    Whilst they are probably counting points the engine I worth only one from memory. These days they seem hell bent on not giving out Q plates, I had to convince them I wanted a Q on the ibex.


    • Like 1
  8. You have to try really hard to break the standard set up on 31" mud tyres. If yours has a Salisbury rear axle they are bombproof if not the rover one is ok on standard tyres. The only time I've broken a diff was wheel in the air sudden stop. 

    I would love lockers on mine but can't justify the expense, especially when I rarely get stuck and I have a winch. However as I've said "because I want them" is a perfectly good excuse so fill your boots. :popcorn-and-drink-smiley-emotic


    • Like 4
  9. We have a patriot and have had a brownchurch. There is almost no noticeable difference between them, with the exception of wind resistance. Our patriot is much closer to the roof and a flat deck type. This is noticeable in strong winds and on fuel economy. You do notice either up there but soon get used to it and they make only a small difference to body roll. The patriot is nicer made, stronger, doesn't require and additional ply/Ali deck (read more weight). Flat deck (you need flat deck for a roof tent) is much more useful than the raised bar around the edges but you do need to strap things better. In summary the brownchurch style maybe lighter out of the box but without the addition of the deck. If you add a deck, making it comparable to a patriot it will end up the same weight or heavier. So you pay your money and make your choice. I won't change from the patriot now but I didn't buy mine new so the price was a bit more palatable.


  10. Yes it's to create the required light pattern using the reflector. If it wasn't there you would need a patterned lens. I find crystal lights ok so I would suggest your bulbs are passed there best you'd be surprised how much better a new set are especially if you go to night breakers.


  11. 1 hour ago, Red90 said:

    Really?  At that price point, I would expect a real race car.  This is neither a proper race car, nor a road car.  It is supercar money.  I can't see the market, but who knows what super rich people decide is a good way to waste money.

    I can assure you given the amount of money people seem to be throwing at defenders recently, they will sell.

    I really like it, subtle changes from standard but not outrageous.


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  12. Just about anything is better than hammerite these days. I used jotamast 90 epoxy primer and a truck chassis paint on my chassis and have used por15 both seem ok. Smaller stuff I rattle can some etch and top coat. Either way a good sand up first definitely helps.


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