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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Expanding body is on the list of maybe's. 

    52 minutes ago, Happyoldgit said:

    Been there and partially done that with a 101. Got the vehicle, did the designs, stripped it out, started the work but found the thing so uncomfortable to drive that I sold it and moved onto a lovely 1ex RAF 27/130 ambulance. Followed right through with the conversion on that one and then had a fair bit of fun with it when the kids were young. Sold that on some years ago too.

    Pics and thread should still be on here somewhere.

    I what way was it uncomfortable. Was it driving position or ride/manoeuvring.


  2. 17 minutes ago, landroversforever said:

    Just had a thought... do you follow Devon4x4 on any of the social media platforms? they're extending the body of a 101 ambi at the moment. 

    I do now. That's kind of what I'm thinking though I'm not sure about lifting the roof, a lifting roof maybe.


    • Like 1
  3. Yeah it's a cracking job I really like it and makes me convinced I could get what I need out of one. The height doesn't bother me to much I believe they are around 2.5m so only 400m taller than our 110. The mpg does scare me a little but a 6bt might fit.......

    • Like 1
  4. Kind of like the idea of a 130 chassis, lorry cab and a (heavily) modified fridge box. Not sure I'll get this past the wife though. 

    The Volvo 6x6 looks considerably higher than a 101 and I doubt the box is much bigger than a 101 but obviously the cab is inside the 101 box were its additional on the Volvo.

    I still like the idea of a 101 because externally it's quite compact and I think we could make the inside work.

    Does anyone have some internal measurements hight, width, length preferably with and without the cab area.


  5. There's definitely some food for thought the stone field is interesting. Whilst this is very much vapour at the moment I can see my possible budget is likely to be troublesome however that's never held me back in the past. 


  6. The red one is along the lines of what I had in mind. I'm still not sure if I'd get 4 beds in but I'm/the wife is creative enough to figure something out. Having towed extensively I don't mind it but it is limiting and your more likely to need campsites.

    Do I need a camper? Not at all. However I'm likely to end up building either a caravan or a camper so hence exploring the idea. If I build a camper it will be 4x4 or 6x6 because I have the idea to travel further afield when the kids have gone and I'm not good at the beaten track.


    • Like 2
  7. 16 minutes ago, Bowie69 said:

    Remember these guys?

    No IVA trigger, very standard drivetrain, axles, 1200Kg to do what you want with?

    Not suggesting you use their £12,000 kit, but I am sure you could come up with something?


    Ok I'll humor this a little say 130 chassis. Then mount a 7.5 ton lorry style cab (double cab might be better) and a refrigerated box body.

    Hmmm this could work......


    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, steve b said:

    What about converting a 130 to FC layout ? Starting with a bare rolling chassis would allow you to build to suit your requirements

    The thought has occurred to me but it's a hell of a lot of work and you would more than likely trigger IVA. Plus it would be even more bespoke than any of the above.



  9. I should add I've been looking into a Oz style caravan over the last year or so and whilst this would fit better for most trips I do as soon as a ferry is involved it gets pricey. Also my father in law lives in Bulgaria and my step brothers in Greece. So England to Italy, boat to Greece then up into Bulgaria and home is on the cards at some point so not towing and being able to just stop for the night has definite advantages.


  10. The Volvo is definitely not out of the running. But it wouldn't be the radio body for all the mentioned reasons.

    I simply can't bring myself to own a van based "normal" camper (though a 4x4 van base with a box body I not out of the question). 

    The main reason for asking about 101's is I'm on this forum and looking at feasibility. I understand that axles are special but no more than Volvo's. Drivetrain as far as I'm aware is relatively standard land rover or at least can be. Body is easy to fab it's all flat panels.


  11. So to some psychotic ramblings of an idiot..... I'm waiting to move house it isn't going smoothly so I'm bored very! Those of you that know me will understand that mad cap ideas are something of a specialty..... The DAF is to big and requires a different licence. Other 4x4 trucks under 7.5ton are expensive and rare. 4x4 vans are a bit small and oh my god expensive. The Pinz is really ugly and the Volvo is either the same size as a 101 or 6x6, much as I'd love a 6x6 running costs are going to be on the high side (6 of everything). 

    101: it's a land rover and I know land rovers, I've always fancied one. Yes bigger would be better but I think I could extend the back end which would gain precious inches. The 101 is taller than the Pinz or Volvo (I'm 6'3"). I would need 4 seats up front but figure this could become a double bed that puts bunks for the girls either on one side or across the back leaving room for a toilet and kitchen area. I don't know if I could make the front seats swivel to create a dinning area. 

    What are the main parts that are a problem to source and do they become historic vehicle at 40 ie tax/not exempt.


  12. I need to stress this is very much vapour at the moment. I've been watching a Leyland/DAF t244 expedition truck based channel on YouTube yes I know it's bad for me but I'm bored. This led to various ideas most scary, but I got to thinking 101 ambulance/radio body based camper. It would need to be self contained and sleep 4 plus dog. So what's out there, who's done it and what am I missing.


    • Like 1
  13. Much of a muchness sika bonds better if you use the correct primer for the substrate and bear in mind it cures 1mm per day. Saba doesn't have primers but is harder to get hold of and has a strange cure, excess seems to just peel off the next day but leave it a week and your cutting it back.


  14. I'm definitely a little more reserved than ash but we made a great team. :im-ok-smiley-emoticon:You also have to remember I had to give the truck back to my by that point ex-girlfriend when I got back (yes doing ladoga was a partial cause of a relationship break up :stretcher-smiley-emoticon:). A few moments stick in my mind the first is burying the front of 45 up to the windscreen and needing a quadruple line pull to drag the truck and around 2 ton of mud through (the jeep next to us sank in around 5 feet of muddy water). Second was snapping a 11mm dyneena whilst dragging the truck between two trees that were narrower than the truck (this destroyed both mirrors and door handles necessitating a bungee across our laps to keep the doors closed). Third was reaching the end of stage having put 3 tyres back on the rims during, to be told "your the first non proto truck to finish" (proto had a different route but the same finish) and discovering the tubular crossmember was so bent it was touching the bottom of the gearbox. 


    • Like 3
  15. I'd seen ladoga videos some 15 years ago via Andy (moglite) and though wow that's nuts. I got involved with hofs (5 years later) by being asked to make some fibreglass body panels for Petal Evo (although I was aware of them via fridge). The following year I made most of the body panels for mouse and somebody (Jen) said why don't we do tourist. I thought she was joking but it grew into a plan.... I had the tomcat which would have ended up in tr3 at best (I didn't have that kind of finance). However I had just started building a 90 up for my girlfriend at the time. It became known as 45.

    I couldn't afford to go, didn't have a suitable truck and nowhere near enough time. So I did it anyway.

    You'll never regret it but it may take a few years to recover or you may get hooked, either way it's going to cost a fortune and absorb all your time. So your best get on with it while you still can. :rtfm:



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  16. 2 hours ago, Chambo110 said:


    bonnet... hmmmm one of my to do things... gotta change this death trap scissor contraption for struts or a stick.

    Sick of feeling like a part of the film Christine every time I go under the bonnet

    Word of warning the down side to the solid prop is when the wind gets under the bonnet and lift's it the prop drops down and slams the bonnet on the back of your head. Don't ask how I know this......:im-ok-smiley-emoticon:


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