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Nigel H

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  1. There's a group from the Camel club going to Morocco in August, ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao, I thought I'd go along. Ferry cost circa £900, and that includes 2 days each way as a captive audience. 1 week earlier there's another group of Camels going to the Pyrenees sailing from Dover, £140. I'll be extending my holiday by a week and join the Morocco gang on the other side. N.
  2. http://www.pcl.org.uk and if you ask nicely they send you a big shiny catalogue N.
  3. thunderpole - used 'em many times and come highly reccommended. Also good info on SWRing on their website. http://www.thunderpole.co.uk/
  4. My 110's Kermit - full name "Kermit the snot" as so called by a local dealer parts person and the Camel Disco is currently known as "Jason" - after Jason Bourne, as it had a mixed identity when it arrived
  5. Well Staun seem to be taking this seriously, what with issuing a press release and making this their main picture on their website... N.
  6. That is Ian, he runs a hotel now in Kent. I was there not long ago. Camel Trophy Owners Club go there regularly, and get peast! Hope you 2 make contact. N.
  7. I'm sure cobblers have their own regs.
  8. Well done Les, patience of a saint. I would like to add just one small point, "and drive member gaskets (they are very thin, so I use 2)" - this seems to vary upon which ones the supplier gives you. I've had 2 types in the past, the very thin paper type as you mentioned, and some that are a bit thicker, more "proper" gasket like. Either way, they usually come in packs of 10, are pence a piece, buy the pack, they will get used at some stage. I'll PM you later today - I have a plan! N.
  9. How difficult is a lane is like saying 'What car do you drive"? I've been on many green lane days, mostly organised through clubs, and no matter how "shiny" it is - if there are any rutts you know everyone will want to be in front of the Freelander! It'd be virtually impossible to rate lanes without going into so much detail that people just wouldn't want to read it - "a picture paints..." Lanes are seasonal and machine specicific. Give us back our coutryside. N.
  10. OK, we to tried to book a club stand - 2 months before the show, 2 weeks of trying before getting through to anyone. Told they had no space - buggar! But not to dispondant as another local club had be told the same. Any how, had a fab weekend (squeezed a few of us in a certain place). It was nice to be with the Shires when Dan got the Ladoga call from Fridge, the excitement for those few minutes beats any bargain you may have made that weekend - and I truely believe that. Well done chaps. Upside: Nice location. Meet ya mates. Meet new friends. Shop. Weather. Beer an' burgers in the evening. Downside: Shop (seeing things that weren't on ya list because you'd forgot about them), Burgers - every night!, Paying £47 for a tiny bit of plastic with a few wires hanging outa it (Warn winch remote socket) and that's with discount "should be £59" - when at the same time ya can (and did) get a lump of steel that's been mined outa the ground, formed n forged, bent and drilled, weights a ton (in comparrison) and cost only £25!!! Still - I like Eastnor. I didn't like the 7 an' half hour journey back - long story, another day. Things that stand out: the 47 beer tokens for next ta nowt. Simonr being hairy but nice, Jen being nice but hairy. JOKE Jen - Honest - Twas just a throw away line - Loves ya xxx (but not in that way Dan - you'll always be the man!!!) x N
  11. "notch" - "notcher" - "notchers" The language of kids today Reading between the lines, if you'd asked me to "notch" one out, before reading this I'd have been N.
  12. Very well done to all. Look forward to the lecture tour and slide show N.
  13. If it's that bad - why bother un-hooking it when you go out in the channel?
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