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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Hi, just wondering whether those with Boggers are using them at round 2, as ive heard theres tight tree's and im not sure whether to run them, even though i 'll never go back to simex for long term.

    Keep them on and lower the pressure to 5 psi.................... they work well then :P

  2. Well, we had a great wekend it had it all sun, snow, wind and bloody cold!!! plus some offroading thrown in as well :P What a good site to play on................. No traction on saturday so lowered the tyre's down to 5psi and then had some grip, night event was fun, we cleared up the punch's and then killed all on the special stage with a 2min run................ the DNF was 30 min :P so back to the camp with a hour still left on the clock :P

    Sunday started with 2'' of snow :o so of we went and started on the punch's and cleared all but one, looked high-n-low and just could not find it................. on to the special then............... 3-2-1 go! 3rd gear foot to the floor, first gate clear, second gate clear turn right........car go's left <_< and keep on going............. all i could hear was Pig and Dom shouting RIGHT you to$$er :lol: ........... get out have a look and no TRE!!!................ so a new TRE fitted and of we go looking for the last punch!!! still could not find it found, found the number's to either side but not the one we wanted <_< so back to camp, hand in the score card's and load up.

    Prize giving and we have come 1st, but it was close Chris & Justin were only 300 behind with Saley & Carl 3rd.

    A big thank's to Paul & Lucy and all the Challenger 4X4 team and the sponsor's for the prize's.

    And finally a big thanks to my mate Pigster for the none stop running over the weekend :i-m_so_happy: All those that don't no us we are always like that with the chat......... best keep small children away ;):lol:

    Well done to all the co-driver's as you don't get enough recognition and we could not compete with out you :i-m_so_happy:

  3. Will be there friday afternoon to fill in the form, hopefully not too late.

    Simon is getting revenge after the horrendous cold conditions at Slab, by sticking me in the passenger seat!


    The axles will be fine, im more worried about how much tread ill have left on my boggers after the weekend :lol:

    Did you find out why your TD5 was cutting out at slab?

    :blush: found a unsealed hole in the back of the ecu :rolleyes: you can work out the the rest :(

  4. Yeah Yeah Grandad!

    Ive been training up for this one :lol: you know the best co-drivers are the drivers!

    Simon's truck will be shod with some bigger tyres than yours, so we will be making a few holes for you again!

    :o oh no!!! driven by the award winning......''drive it like you stole it'' star :lol:................. how long those axle's going to last :unsure::lol:

    If there's going to be name throwing, i'll see you on the battle field........................ if the car start's :rolleyes::P

  5. I use the same seats as Stefan (qt)

    I love them, my co driver hates them with a passion i can not begin to describe, or at least he does until i put the hammer down then he loves them again :lol:

    No such thing as the perfect seat for what we do Steve, just compromise :P


    Ps: Standard seats take alot of beating until they get wet of course :ph34r:

    Your not wrong there :angry: Good for the driver, but f**king horrible for the co-driver!!! I may have to swing in one day and put my boot through the side panel :P;)

    Electric Dog collar................... like the sound of that :lol::lol:

  6. Anyone seen a full set of results yet? Alan is laid on the sofa with 'several' broken ribs and whiplash as a result of his lemming activities (winch rope snapped at just the wrong moment!).

    Bl**dy hell :o and Alan seamed ok in the pub saturday evening, just go's to show how it can get you in the morning after a heavy roll :(

  7. We had a good start to the day, we went left from the start and over to the pond, started from there and cleared all the punch's in a clock wise run on the map, then in the afternoon the car just stopped in one hole and keeped stopping after that in the deep water :angry: but we had a good day, only real problem was coming accross blocked punch's with car's in or waiting to go in........... but that was the same for all :P

    So i'm very happy with 1st in class and 2nd overall :P

    Roll on round 2..........

  8. Can we get back to the 1st rd comp.....................go and start your own(again!) thread about winch's :rolleyes:

    Did anyone see how the two class 1 trial's car's were getting on, and are they entered for all the round's? get them out of the swamp and they will be up with the top score's.

    Jimbo, it's Weatherly :rolleyes: Pig will be impressed :P;)

  9. v8 didn't miss a beat, we had it quite happily running under water, done a bit of fiddling with the dizzy and stuff. I actually went the wrong way on the special stage through a gate so was a bit miffed with my time. I enjoy the specials but wished i had seen the winch special before i did that one.

    I bet you did :lol::lol::lol:

  10. I guess if someone wants to put the gauntlet down we could just compare the winches.

    Try winching something easy at speed to see whos quickest.

    Try winching against eachother while attached to a tree each, see which one gives up?

    see how winch trucks you can tow dead with brake on across a field.

    Be a bit daft to do before a competition, but could be amusing after.

    That's been tried on here before, getting together that is.................. now back O/T how did the V8 cope with all that deep water, and are you doing all the series this year? beat me by 3 sec's on the special <_< i had a slow start ;) i'll have you next time :P

  11. When you do a proper winch challenge (like the Tay), you can do a proper comparison ;) . When I have dragged you through a few sections, you may see things differently :lol: (assuming we get a place). On the other hand, Jims winches are something special........... :ph34r:

    At the Baskerville's last year, did they not come 1st, 2nd & 3rd <_<

  12. I have seen a rather special twin motored 8274 which wasn't gigglepin. The guy had welded two 8274's together, running one motor forward and the other backwards. And I have to say I seemed to pull just as powerful and as quick as your gigglepins. The only down side was it was rather big and heavy. However, if you carried out the same operation on two twin motored gigglepins........................hydro winches would definatly be in trouble. Although obviously there is alot more to it than picking up your grinder and mig welder!!

    Old new's, been tried many time's with various success........

  13. The fact that a hydraulic winch did not win the competition could be down to many reasons.

    Drivers capability


    site knowledge

    There are many factors, i'm not trying to make excuses and i know most people like electic winches. I will take up the challenge and lets see where the hydros come at the next competition.

    We had one problem which delayed us for about an hour and that was we managed to shear the three bolts that we clamped the rope to the drum with, you could argue they are too powerfull, i never had that problem when i gaffer taped it in place?

    The length of rope we get on it lots and a bit more, the rope type is marlow a new special one. I doubt it has been seen in france as i have the first ropes off the machine, they arrived on friday before the event.

    Good to see you on here mate, yes your right! you will be attacked from all side's on here :rolleyes: but having to wait whilst you winched pass me ( i was standing watching) out of the section, your winch did not know it had a r/r on the back of it :o

    I'll stick with the 8274 for now, as when it cut's out :angry: (twice in deep water) at least i can still winch out :P . But you've got one hell of a winch there and other's will be wanting one, see you at the next round mate.

  14. Cheers for the offers guys, Chris that sounds great and if Tim doesn't come up then that may be a good solution either at yours or Marks (if Marks coming along)

    Mark - great offer, thank you - you could take the new one! i dont mind Jo's lap or she could go in the back in a nice softie jacket, think i have a spare tarp she could wrap herself up in as well!

    Does anyone know what time it starts on Sun? its a fair trek from these parts Tim and i would need to be there for the start (well i think i would need to be there for it??)

    an early Oclock depart on Sun! i'll pay your diesel! does that help? (note diesel not petrol!)

    Start's at 10........... get there at 10.30 and you'll be able to help Nick load up :ph34r:

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