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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Tomorrow :rolleyes:

    And I can confirm that Scorpion Racing will be hosting a BBQ on Sat evening

    Thank's Neil...........After rolling My mate's class 1 down a bank today :rolleyes: .........i landed back on my wheels :D ........ Les mate you should be safe.......er! next weekend as i've got it out of my system ;):lol: Bu**ered the front wing :unsure: .........still thats life! ;):lol:

  2. All ready for round 3 but have to fix the oil leek on Glyns coach first :angry:and fit fiddles :rolleyes::lol:

    and am bitching this weekend in the clubman for Chris Booth should be a laugh :o

    Fitting fiddle's......... so last month :rolleyes: Your need a sit down after all that running around! :o

    We'll be there

    Just a few samll jobs to finish first though



    i see the winch is fitted! :) ............ i'd just wash the bulkhead ;) no need the paint it to match the wing's ;):lol:

    Divster come on what you playing at :rolleyes: get it sorted!....... that motor has never finished that site :o just to give you something else to think about! :lol:

    Mr Brock........ dinner's on you :unsure::lol:

  3. Ok! here we go again! are we all ready for this round, mine's all ready to go :o ...... well will be once i've sorted the seat belt mount's!

    This round i've got the added challenge of having Mr Brock in the passenger seat! ;) God no's where i'll carry all the pie's!

  4. Ill be Richard Nicolson's passenger for round 3 and fingers crossed be at round 4 with the new motor if everything goes to plan.

    Richard keep'd that quite! look's like i'll have to give him a call!.......... you no Nick is the linch pin of that team! there go the point's! :rolleyes: ''Hi Rich'' so what's Nick up to then? Or has it got to much for him! Richard's a right old task master you no ;):lol:

    i'll see you there then :)

  5. i believe that would be me, if i remember correctly you were on the punch with a slight mud run then the punch was on a side slope next to a tree.

    I think you are right....... sorry about that, we could have had a right old chat about your new motor! you coming to the next round?..........Oh! just remembered won't have time to stop as i'm with Les! he's a right old task master that one! :lol:

    You would have sean Pigster having a right old strop too! :D

  6. Neil,

    Could you please pm me a spread sheet as i would be interested to see how it works

    Same here please Neil.

    Well after our frantic saturday....will we/wont we be going :unsure: ( a big thank's to the Gigglepin lad's and Pigster for getting all the gear ready) ..... and no sleep :rolleyes: we had a slow start to the day's event, last to set of, and a slow first punch! no change there then! but once we had got past lunch time and the car was still in one peice we picked up the pace! still :o very shocked that we came away with 3rd place :lol: I'm happy with the way the engine performed and i'll be back to taking it easy at the next round ;)

    Well done to Dave and Edd on another win.

    Thank's to Neil and all the team for a great weekend :i-m_so_happy: ................and i still don't like rock's! ;):)

    Oh god! round 3 haven't managed to last all day at this site yet........ still there's alway's a first! sorry Les! :hysterical:

    I here Tangoman will be turning up.......... just to see Les suffer! ;):lol:

    See you all there! :)

  7. A big thanks to all those who helped to make this a great event, and congratulations to the winners. Dom and Lee.

    I'll do a points breakdown and more pics on our www site when i get back from Wales.

    But in the meantime.

    1st. Dom Brione and Lee Marchant

    2nd Simon Wilkinson and Rob Toseland

    3rd Nev Hudd and Steve Giddins



    I see some top prize's there! :i-m_so_happy: well done to the organizer's/sponsor's i here it was a very good event....... bit pi$$ed i missed it now :angry:

  8. Well, my other half would go and watch at Llanfyllin again after seeing Simon Marlow take a roll and then Rob. She's a bit nervous of tumble trucks now. Although I have to say this site make's my bum twitch slightly. :lol:

    Rolling's ok :o it's the stopping thats a problem up there! ''how far to the bottom'' :o

    Les must be realy looking for this round!!! :hysterical:

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