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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Seven Sisters

    Seven Sisters is widely regarded as the best and most varied off-roading site the UK has to offer.


    I would'nt say it was that, in fact IMHO it a bit of a boring site and i think there are much better site's out there, Cown and Kirton for a start are more challenging, But that's just my opinion.

  2. You must have taken that one early in the day :ph34r::ph34r::lol::lol:

    As my score show's we only got 4......... but all in the first hour!!! :angry::lol:

    Twiggy mate! i know what you mean about watching, it's very hard when you've got you own motor at home ready to go! still, be great to have you out there with us next year, so long as there's no blindfold driving ;);):lol: I'll keep that to myself................

  3. We had a great weekend marshalling.

    Here's a few of our photos


    What did you break then Adrian? thats not fun loading up an hour after the start



    We went in the pond, got half way, ok....backed up...... water( bl**dy cold) now up to top of cubby box! plumb's are now wet!!! :angry: 2nd, floor it, moving forward...... then motor stopped, winch'd out............. crank over motor, Sh!t, No fuel pump!( Lee & Mark come over..... :rolleyes: oh great! i'm not going to hear the last of this) checked all elec's! nothing..... get towed back to car park (thanks Ian).......look at all wiring nothing <_< pump start's up on its own! cool! let it pressure up/start car.........it run's :rolleyes: ( Divster come's pass, raining himself, me and my big mouth!)....... no throttle pedal, ar$e :angry: then no fuel pump again............ totaly pi$$ed of, load up time to go home :angry:

    On our way home time to think about the rest of the series.....is it worth doing etc????? lot's of towing in the next 2 month's etc...........can i be bothered etc!................ yes we will be doing all the rest of the series and i'll be giving it my 110% as normal and giving you all as much stick as alway's! :lol:

    Well done Alan, about bl**dy time!...... plus a good result for Mr Ould, overal, top of the tree now, just got to stay there!

    See you all at 7/sister's........... don't forget your torch's now!

  4. We are almost ready! got a few hours work in the morning and the truck will be finished. Ill load some wood on the trailer, the bigger the fire the better :D

    There you go boasting about the height of your axle's again! :rolleyes::lol:

    Rob early :o it'll never happen! ;):lol:

  5. Mine's loaded up too.....although I've still got a bottom hose to replace, dodgy EFI relays to replace and a general clean around and grease up.

    Also got a new co-driver for this event and possibly the next couple. My usual Hawiian shirt wearing compardre broke his arm in a bike accident last week. I've got a bit of on the job training to do on Sunday. Oh dear... and to make matters worse my newbies a geordie.... I feel a few comms problems coming on :huh::huh:

    Hi Dave, Is trev ok apart from his arm....... and how's his shirt? i hope it survived the crash! :unsure:;):lol:

    See you saturday

  6. Looking forward to it, not gonna bring the Jimny though, can't face that drive in it again! Hopefully will get home in under 13 hours this time. :ph34r:

    Ah yes! i remember the trip home now! <_< well the 5 hrs :o sat on the motorway........... going nowhere! :angry:

  7. AS above are we all ready for round 5, and are we all looking forward to the large rock's!!!! :o:lol:

    I'm planing on getting there late afternoon, any food laid on sat night Neil or do we fend for ourselves?

    Mine's all ready only need to load up, <_< this must be a first.............. must have missed somethink!!!!!! :unsure:

  8. Depends if we have a truck left! Its only a few days after Tay forest. Oh and it Seven Sisters AWDC that weekend which I fancy marshalling for. Hmmm...... Could always try for standard class in the Disco. Bugger bugger bugger. I hate decisions

    Come on do it........ standard class :o , you can make it a double first after last time :lol::lol: plus dont forget the night run as well! :o:lol::lol:

  9. Hi 88Nick must have said hi at Santas at some point but if not Hi ....i marshalled Tixover Sat & whittlesea Sun ..was in my 109SW (avatar pic)

    Hey Pete I'm sure you know who I mean ..she's the holder of the deeply occult info on what all those strange white appliances are in that room you don't use at home ;):P



    Ah yes! the 109 at the brick work's, i re-member you now! i think only myself and steve marlow were the only team's driving there on sunday afternoon!

    if you enter the awdc series then we will have meet................... as i seam to talk to much!

  10. Ade, its all about 38.5x11's - they come out at about 37" and they're not too wide with I think is a good size. I've just got the rim dilemma. I'm oh so tempted by a set of Stazworks but at $1300 before shipping it won't be cheap!

    Will, i was on the devon stand at billing having a look at the boggers, but they never had the 38.5-11's there! :angry: but this is the size i'm tempted by......... but with the portals fitted do i need such a tall tyre???? <_<<_<<_< And don't even start on wheel's!!!! :rolleyes:

  11. Did you find some Feds mate? A freind has some for sale second hand, good cond.

    I didn't think Gary had any? I'm waiting to see the creepy crawlies ;)

    Jules..... Gary has no mates :lol:

    I had a good look at these at the Mamby show and IMHO these will not touch a simex/simex copy in the soft stuff, and after putting a tape to one of the 37-14-16's only come out as 35-12.50-16's :o i think these will work well in a stoney quarry and on rock, with very little air pressure, but IMHO, to me they look more like an over-tread-sized m/t....... when i wear out my simex i'm getting bogger's, just stuck on what size!

  12. Well i picked up/was given.... ''thanks Lee'' one of the event program's at the billing show on sunday. All i've got to say is.... don't believe a word that's been printed about myself and pigster, we are a very quite well mannered, well oil'd/slick team, who never have a bad word to say to each other.......raise our voice's....... us never! ;):unsure::lol:

    Ps.......Neil, 1996!!!!!! :o:P

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