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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Will it last till evening then ?


    Thank's mate :angry:;):P

    If it is the traditional parc ferme you are not allowed to work on the vehicles during this time, whether this will include re-fuelling I don't know.

    There may be a time allowance for tinkering after the event stops on saturday, guess we will find out when we get there! :D

    guess so! see you there Brian :)

  2. Just having a read through the info and i see we are using a Parc Ferme at this event and that we are allowed to leave tool's spare's fuel etc there???? i for one am not to keen to leave all my gear out in all weather's and over night! Is there any day/night security for this area? And are we allowed to bring spare's/tool's in to this area saturday evening to work on our trucks?????

  3. So what was the problem with it at the weekend did you find out what it was.

    I think it was the way he drove it like he stole it!!! :P;)

    the clock's tick'in Simon :lol:

    Mine's all ready, fitted the belly plate and went for a test drive/play! so far still running all a ok! :(:P

    Leaving here at 10am on friday, hopefully get there about 2ish.

    See you all there.....

  4. Hows everyone else's preparations going? We're ordering some more mud for the mud run as this seems to be in sort supply at the moment, water however is still available in large quantities. See you there.

    All was going well until this weekend, now i've got to fit a new front o/s shaft and back steering bar and fix a puncher, plus have a look at the wiring and then load on new winch rope's, but other than that we're ready :P:lol:

  5. Had he broken it already?? :P:ph34r:

    No i had not!!!.................... about 15min later i had!!!! :P Yep! fuel again, then the steering bar ball-joint snapped and a puncher just to finnish of saturday.............. still we came 2nd (dont no how!.......... oh yes i do! we spanked the carp out of it on sunday) with 3wd after the f/o/s shaft snapped after our 4th punch on sunday!

    Well done to Dave and Nev :i-m_so_happy: on a well deserved win, both were on top form all weekend.

    Thank's to all at Challenger 4x4 for a top event, i for one will be at the next event you run.

    it was good to see some Forum lad's there to, and Dick'y! you sure move FAST! when my l/r come's into focus :o:P;)

  6. Saley,

    is it worth me getting a hotel or not ?, just wondering if you were going to last more than an hour this time!! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

    I'm hoping to last all weekend, but i say that at every event i enter! :P The part for the Arb will be with me tomorrow so that's one thing less to worry about! :rolleyes::lol:

  7. Well my number board's came in the post yesterday........ look's like i'll have to knock the dent's out from the night stage at 7/sister's before i stick then on :P as i'm carrying number 1 you can all form a queue behind me at the start.............................................. and finish :unsure::P i hope!

    I'll be fitting some new tyre's for this event....7.50 a/t's as i here it'll be dry!

    Or i'll have the portal's and 38.5 Irok's on :ph34r:

  8. What a great event! :) Well done to all the team's and a big thank's to Andy T and all the marshall's :i-m_so_happy:

    We (team 5) came 5th, only by 1 point, very happy with that as i'd only met Steffan once before and never met out team mate's untill Friday night, it was also Steffan's first drive for 18 month's and in his new car!

    Jim and Paul came 4th. I hear on the jungle drum's there's a rumbling about how it was won!!!! Don't no the in's & out's!

    I'll see some of you again at the weekend at 7/sister's.............The best bit is! :unsure: at least i dont have a truck to get ready!!! :lol::lol:;)

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