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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Is the twist off ramp the same size for Billing as Manby & Eastnor :lol:

    Not that i want a go on my Portal axled truck :D

    Are you going to ask them to make a longer one ;) I see an old tractor (with a disco body) got to the top of one at the weekend :o

    what did i hear somebody say '' you won't beat my P90 as that holds the national record''.....To$$er!

  2. :hysterical: Mr turner, i just had a look through the picture's and I had to laugh when I looked at a tray back on its side and it was you!!!!!! Brought back memory's of the interclub! :hysterical::hysterical:

    Thank's Steve, alway's happy to give people a smile! :lol: ................................. so, when will we be seeing you at another round???????

    I've got to say the punch section's were very well set out, they are getting very technicle, you can see by the punch count that they are taking a lot longer to get, which in my mind is the right way forward for the event/series.

    It look's like i may have to take a trip down west and enter a jst/csw event soon, more event's - more experiance and you get to try different venues and compete again's different team's.

    Steve hope to see you soon. :)

  3. Congratulations Rob, well done

    Sounds like i missed a good event :(

    I like this photo


    If there was no other rope on and the car is stable at this piont then I'm impressed

    Actually I've just noticed the relationship of the car to the trees and spectators - its not quite so much of an angle as I thought

    lewis, i drove all the way up, but even that had my ar$e tight! but coming down there seamed to be more angle looking from inside, if i'd seen the ground i'd have carried on! but it's better to stay safe and keep in the comp!...................... plus i was just about to have a lie down :o:lol::lol:

    I've got to add, that was a very very good day's offroading! :i-m_so_happy:

  4. The point hit report would be very interesting if I could see a map of where all the points were :huh:

    I spent 20 min changing an albright in the morning and spent 5 min or so helping Alan Kemp move off a rock, allso helped tow kevin P out after his roll otherwise I had a very busy day.

    I am a definate convert to auto for use when winching but prefer manual when on the road.

    every body comented on my front tyres looking flat this week end but I think running them at 6psi worked well for me at this site :rolleyes:

    looks like I am going to have to work hard at keeping my standard up for the next 4 events <_<

    We went to power out our rear winch at the start and found out rear albright had stopped working.................. 20 min lost!

    I'll be fitting my new bead locking ring's before the next round................ 6 psi :P

    Well done on the win Rob :)

  5. Thanks to Neil and the team for a very well throught out day's event, hard! yes in the morning in the wood's and hard for the remainder, I'm with you Neil, thats the best event so far! just seen the result's and i'm happy with that. Maybe next time i won't have a little lie down halfway through the day! ;) My god, i was nearly blinded! so many camera's going off........my eye's! :lol: the roll was ok.......... but the passenger seat base hitting me on the head was a surprise!!!!!!! :unsure::lol:

    We have a small rest untill round 5................... Cowm next! <_< more rock's! ''Night run'' Neil??????

  6. I know nothing about this event other than a card was left on my 90 but it may interest some.


    15-21 September

    £450 per driver/co-driver!

    Funny! I got one of them! can't remember were/when it was.................. looked rubbish to me( not my cup of tea) so in the bin it went!

  7. who has pulled the short straw on Adrian being the winch biatch.... how unlucky is that...

    last time he winch biatched for anyone (just so happened to be me) he roled my car over , which broke everything in the front axle for me... (thanks mate) although we did get home early.. about 30mins after we left... I think it was 20 mins into the challenge....

    so beware - -he may know how to drive (hmmmm... a big may at that) but winch biatch he aint.... fat he is, lippy he is, vehicle body work not his concern...

    ENJOY... who ever it is...


    Winch biatch'in????????? okish ;) driving...................... :hysterical: don't even go there! :o:lol:


    No comment..... :hysterical:

    I no what you mean Les! :rolleyes: pot & kettle, spring to mind :unsure:

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