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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. :o You are going to ave to set off early :o Long way from Billingshurst to scottishland,heres me thinking we have a long trip ahead of us :rolleyes:

    See Y'all there(mid friday-hopefully :blink: )

    Paul :D

    Yep! starting out at midnight on thursday :o oh do i look forward to that :rolleyes: NOT ;):lol:

    Looking forward to meeting some of the old hands at challenge comp's :i-m_so_happy: See you all there! :)

  2. Well my truck will be going in TOR, pic's to be shoot in the few weeks, i'm doing it for all the people out there that may/don't go on forum's or enter challenge's. But it may just help encourage, kick start the next generation of off-road truck builder's to make that start. I feel that we need to get as many truck's in the mag's to show what you can do to a truck with a bit of thought, it can be home built or cheque book, it make's no odd's to me, just as long as people get the chance to see what can be done.

    In my eye's mine's just another 90'' tray back, but somebody may think i like that! and start to build/alter there's to something that they feel is just that bit differant to the rest and maybe get out and start to use/compete in it.

    I for one get all the mag's sometimes theres a lot in there sometimes there's not, but there's always some info in there that's helpfull to me, but as an example of thing's that pi$$ me of are, a pic of a modded disco being call a r/rover! the mike wolfe write up in lrm did not have the winner's name's mentioned! That's more of a personal one!

    Just my thought's.......... now i'll shut up!

  3. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

    How the F**k would you know how heavy that thing is... the only reason you know you have one of those heavy ground anchors is because you see me running around with it every now and then.

    Having said that - - please boss, can I have the light weight one.... :ph34r: .....

    oh yes the other thing- - get that motor running would you...

    wow! are they very heavy! :unsure:

  4. I can't see the point of fitting a 2.8TGV to a non-LR box when you could buy an LS1 and bolt it to a non-lr box, have much more power and similar MPG. If you're swapping transmissions then there are so many better, cheaper, and easier to look after engines out there - the world is your lobster ;)

    The only reason to buy a TGV as far as I can see is that you want more power, diesel, and to keep LR transmission however unwise that may be.

    Have to agree, if your building a one off then LS1 more power out of the box, for not a lot of dollar!

  5. We have tested it in comparison with two other popular anchors and it performs at least as well in all cases, except it's half the weight!


    Chris, I'm happy to give it a try at the 3 comp's i'm doing next month, 7/sister's, challenger 4x4 and the euro, a good mixed bag of ground. If you want to send me one to try, i will give you a straight report on how it perform's! if it work's i'll buy it and keep you informed on how it doing over the last event's of the year.

  6. Worth coming to have a look.......... <_< , well i'm competing and i'll be giving 110% as always :P and will i last the 2 days..... who's to say last time i lasted 1hr but i'd rather get out there and have a go (even for an hour) than sit in my comfy arm chair and talk/bitch about it.

    IMHO i'm hoping for a top weekend, i've been to the site before and hopefully you will see some top driving (my case average) at a very good site.

  7. ....can't beleive the ground anchor is only 8kgs!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just out of interest has anybody tested/used in anger one of these? i saw one at Billing on there stand as i went passed but forgot to go back and have a better look :rolleyes: 8kgs :o bl**dy hell let's hope it's a good'un! my devon one sooooo bl**dy heavy! :angry:

  8. He replied that it had been off the road for a year or more because no one would give him the bits for free to finish it.

    well if you read about the P90 projet build, you will see that went way over budget and no doubt was full of feebee's, :o work that out!! he even asked for free winch with the line! i have a lot of clout in the l/r mag's and can get you a good write up........ big f**king deal...now f**k off!!! The said winch's are doing fine thank's! (not mine but a good friend's) that you all no about.

  9. B)

    So was it just a case of it drying out somewhere?!? Are you going to investigate further?

    Wet and sticking relay's........ so now got waterproof one's fitted :)

    just a Big right foot! :lol::lol:

    It would have been a bigger right foot if you had left the V8 in ;) i nearly fell asleep waiting for you to get to the end ;):lol::lol::lol:

    Hat, coat, door open and running...............

  10. Ha I like the fact that all the other marshals are running around like crazy while I'm calmly eating a packet of crisps. Nice vid though!

    No change there then ;) when i was thinking of killing someone or torching the car :angry: you gave Pigster a beer! :rolleyes::o cool as you like! :lol:

    Went to roll car of trailer this morning <_< maybe i'll try the key first............ f**king thing fired up :o and ran with no problem's :rolleyes: even the throttle pedal was working fine :angry::lol: Went back this evening and had a drive around in the play area and all's well!!! :i-m_so_happy:

    Chris mate i can't wait to get mine on and give it some real stick over the rock's next year :lol:

  11. Hughes Hill.

    Is that not the bloke who co-pilots for Gigglepin. He also used to operate out of Jim's offroad shop. It'd be worth giving Jenny a call who runs the shop for Jim. Can't give yo a number as er indoors decided it would be a good idea to drown my new phone in a cup of coffee 2 days ago :angry: :angry:

    If the above is wrong I accept no blame what so ever :D . If nothing else you'll have a nice chat to Jenny :D :D

    I'm afraid your have to speak to the man himself Bren as Jenny's on hol's....... 01732 464393 shop

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