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Posts posted by LandyLee

  1. rules for corrosion are not quite as simple as we would like ,,, I can`t quite see where it is but. If its just near a body mount and there is no other corrosion around other body mounts then it would be an advise BUT if its within 12" of a seat belt mounting bolt ,or brakes/steering if in the front, then it is a fail. Cracks also count as fail. Because landys have separate chassis then body only really counts for seat belt mounting prescribed areas at rear.

    All info available to testers is at motinfo.gov.uk and look at class 4 inspection manual

  2. to remove an AFTERMARKET alarm/immobiliser just look at how it is wired ,,, any wires that attatch onto existing wires are normally feeds to or from the unit . such as live,ign live, earth, indicator o/p, central locking o/p, siren out etc. The wires interrupted and then put through the alarm are the immobiliser circuits, usually two and you can trace the cut and the join to remove the unit. This is basically common sense and straight forward. Every cable might be black going to the unit ,but it will originate at either a live , earth or a colour of wire that you can look up.

    I used to fit them , both cat 1 and cat2 units and have removed hundreds for the motor trade. I wouldn`t usually advise leaving them in place when they are no longer used as an interruption of power can cause them to go active and start working, even if it appears faulty or not working

  3. Basically the earth has to be the best possible connection you can get. It has to pass the starter current from the battery to the engine. This is quite considerable on a tdi. i`ve measured peaks of over 300As on my meter. So you are thinking strong physical connection with clean metallic contact between earth cable and gearbox

  4. Ok had a look at your link - interesting, however I'm trying to apply it to this scenario.

    Would be a great help if you could tell me what is the small brown wire?

    its connected before the voltage regulator that ensures that the alternator never goes above 14.4v or so. it is connected the output from the 3 phase rectifier pack which changes the ac output of the alternator into a varying dc output ,,, does this help :huh:

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