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Posts posted by soutie

  1. My local college run two different welding course.

    1. 34 weeks @ 4 hours a time. Learn how to arc, mig, tig weld in a whole class room. Welding down and across, sideways and above.

    2. 4 days @ 8 hours each with individual teaching. Can choose which sort of welding to learn.

    On phoning to enquire the chap stated that he has quite a few people at the end of the fourth day on course 2 take the coded welding certificate and pass.

    I only want to learn how to weld so I can choose which welder to buy to maintain my 110.

    Which one would everybody recommend to go on?

  2. The snail cams on my 110 drum brakes have had their day. Basically I can't adjust up my rear brakes any more.

    Does anyone do a repair kit for these, or does one have to buy a whole new back plate? I don't really want to fork our £57 per side for back plates. Apparently britpart don't do the repair kit anymore. Can I use a series repair kit?

    Any suggestions appreciated.

  3. I have had one engine and one gearbox mount fail at the same time. They were diagonally opposite each other. Oe could not see that they had failed on inspection with the engine off. However with a person gunning the engine one could see how the rubber lifted off cleanly from the centre metal section. With the two parts still attached to their respective mounting points but not connected togther.

    Not sure if this could be your cause.

  4. Best story I have heard is when a bunch of them camped in a farmers field and where asked to move on stated no. The farmer sated that He did not think is was a good idea that they stayed in the field as he had work to do. They then told him to sod off.

    Once he started spreading his muck they soon changed their minds.

  5. Watched on Sky channel 413 - Motor something - about a new rally raid called the transoriental. St Petersberg to Beijing. In the car section there were four Bowlers in the top eight. The highest being placed second, then fourth.

    It is good to see a half landy doing all right.

    Back on Tuesday when the next section is run.

  6. I have seen an atlas that goes up to Tanzania, I think. But not one that covers the whole continent. CNA is pretty useless, but I'll have a look in Outdoor whorehouse when I go there next. I don't go there very often, so don't hold your breath...

    You could try Kalahari and see what they have. And possibly Exorbitant Books has a website?

    We bought the Mapstudio road atlas Africa atlas in Tanzania at a Shop write checkers. It gives the whole of Africa - Historical sites, games reserves etc..

  7. On mine the gearbox leak got all over the connections on the solenoid and caused it to work every now and then. Cleaned up the contacts and it has worked fine ever since.

    The user manual states to drain the oil you have to drop the plate. I spoke to the person who was responsible for it at GKN and he stated that people often confuse the bolt at the bottom for the drain hole. He stated that it had something to do with the fitting of it to American Campervans.

  8. Never had to do a crank keyway, but have used chemical metal to rebuild a thread on a casing by putting a thin smear of vasaline on the bolt and then screwing it in the chemical metal. When the metal was dry I then unbolted the bolt and had a thread left that was strong enough to use.

    You could do the same with the key to get the key hole the correct size before bolting it up.

  9. My wife and I did this trip in 2003. My advice is go for it. It was my life long dream. a former girl friend told me to stop talking about it and do something. So I bought my 110. After changing girl friend and turning the new one into the handbrake we did the trip in 2003. We started off as three vehicles and then split up as time allowed us. My wife and I did solo from Ethopia to Capetown - up to Nam and then back to Capetown.

    Have a look at our website. It contins our diary and advice on how we prepared.



  10. My second ratchet socket set was a Draper set that I am still using 14 years after getting it for a birthday present. It came in a metal box with 1/2' and 1/4' drive. To use the sockets that are smaller than 17mm on the 1/2' drive one has to use a 3/8's adaptor. One can also use the 13mm sockets and down with the 1/4' adaptor. I have never had problem with it and have supplemented it with the draper professional 1/2' sockets.

    I have to agree that the halfords socket spanners are really worth it.

  11. If my memory serves me correctly the bolts that hold the swivel housing on are 14mm. I did not have a halfords rachet spanner so used a normal one which took a long time and was an pain in the a**.

    My wife has now kindly given me a 14mm halfords ratchet spanner for christmas. This will be a good buy if you are taking the old swivel ball off.

    Second special tool to have is a 52mm box spanner. They are not expensive and are better than using a chisel. Also remember to have some bolt loctite for doing up the bolts when reattaching the swivel ball.

    I am not the most mechanically gifted and if I managed to fix/replace my swivle housings then it is easily done.

  12. The urban myths in South Africa had two stories about thieves. One about a farmer leaving a bottle of brandy in the glovebox. It did have a good measure of poison in it. The theory beeing that the thiefs on finding it would drink it and then go to their maker.

    The second was that a person who was fed up with having his car radio stolen hooked up quite a few fishing hooks at the back of his radio in the dash. Apparenty he come out one day to find a person sitting in his car who could not retrieve his hand.

    I may not be able to go to these lengths to protect my property but I wish I could.

  13. I have a G reg 110 with a 200tdi fitted. The exhaust is still the standard TD one. It was sound a bit loud so I looked underneath and found that the pipe an inch or so after the first box has snapped.

    Does any body make a Intermediate Silencer - 110 2.5 Turbo Diesel NTC1666 replacement pipe. Or is this pipe the same as on a 200TDI? looking at the paddocks site they do not seem similar.

  14. As a person who grew up in South Africa we had foot and mouth quite a bit. Instead of slaughtering all out livestock and decimating our country side in SA ring vacanation was used to good affect and kept outbreaks under control. Hopefully Defra follow this line as the Dutch did at the last outbreak. They contained their outbreak and did not slaughter all their cattle.

    Will have to wait and see, but with DEFRA in charge can't hope too much. As somebody once said DEFRA stands for Doing Everything to Duck up Rural Areas.

  15. I have summarised below the following from the Wessex 4x4 Response website

    It shows that the 4x4 community from far and wide have been helping out those affected by the floods.

    "Wessex 4x4 Response Association and the Gloucestershire Floods

    (Operation Aquarius)

    On Thursday 27/07/07 a call was received from The Red Cross at Warmley requesting four vehicles to attend the Red Cross at Quedgley. Having reported to the Red Cross the four vehicles were loaded with 2300 litre of water and 2 boxes of WAG BAGS -toilet bags for use in the absence of other facilities. With two guides from the local Rotarians these were all delivered in convoy to an elderly persons home in Bishopstone Rd.Upon return to the distribution centre vehicles were reloaded in preparation for other tasks, the crews then assisted with the unloading of supply vehicles. Before being retasked. In excess of 4000 liters, was carried by our vehicles on Thursday.

    Friday 27th July,

    Further units arrived to help. All units are double crewed and thanks to the use of trailers delivering even higher quantities of water.

    Saturday 28th July,

    Continuing reports indicate that the operation is by no means over and is likely to extend beyond the weekend of 4/5 August. For most of the day there have been at least seven 4x4 Response vehicles from G4x4R & W4x4R operating from the Quedgley distribution centre. At the time of writing the actual total carried has not been confirmed but is in excess of 25,000 liters. Contact has been made with several Powys members and we anticipate that for the next week there will be between four and six vehicles on site from various teams.

    Sunday 29th July

    Units from Wessex 4x4 Response Association, Gloucester 4x4 Response & Powys 4x4 Response are continuing to assist the Red Cross at Quedgley, with offers of assistance coming in from as far away as Humber-Yorks 4x4 Response who have offered 2 possibly 3 double crewed vehicles. The latest figures indicate that 4x4 Response vehicles have delivered in excess of 35,000 liters of water and several hundred five-day food packs plus a large quantity of hygiene packs.

    At this time we have no anticipated date for the end of the incident.

    Last updated 29/07/07 22:30"

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