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Posts posted by Bluemoon

  1. I had a result today, got my radiator reconned by specialist and asked about making one same as allard, about £450 was the reply, but then asked about reworking my original to the allard size and the price was £120, pipes on right side, and 500 x300 core. well chuffed It might pay you to check out your local guys.


  2. Hi guys, I need some help with shifting something.

    I arranged a pallet company to move a tool from Newcastle(ish) to Hampshire. Upon arrival at the pick, they refused (slightly too heavy, slightly top heavy) to pick it up. So I need a transport company with a hiab (at least for pickup - I can unload it).

    So if anyone knows of a hiab near to NE11 0XW, or a nationwide transport co with hiabs at reasonable rates (best quote so far is £1050!!!), then please let me know fast-ish.

    Weight: 1.25 tonnes (estimate)

    Size: double pallet

    Any ideas very gratefully received! I need to shift this PDQ.

    Thanks, Al.

    I might be able to get a mate with a hiab, he would have to travel from Peterlee , Co.Durham, I'm guessing at about 100quid, but don't quote me, not sure if he can do it today, Maybe Monday, if its any good let me know.

    cheers Brian

  3. Hi guys, I need some help with shifting something.

    I arranged a pallet company to move a tool from Newcastle(ish) to Hampshire. Upon arrival at the pick, they refused (slightly too heavy, slightly top heavy) to pick it up. So I need a transport company with a hiab (at least for pickup - I can unload it).

    So if anyone knows of a hiab near to NE11 0XW, or a nationwide transport co with hiabs at reasonable rates (best quote so far is £1050!!!), then please let me know fast-ish.

    Weight: 1.25 tonnes (estimate)

    Size: double pallet

    Any ideas very gratefully received! I need to shift this PDQ.

    Thanks, Al.

    I might be able to get a mate with a hiab, he would have to travel from Peterlee , Co.Durham, I'm guessing at about 100quid, but don't quote me, not sure if he can do it today, Maybe Monday, if its any good let me know.

    cheers Brian

  4. Lee Bay, with Woody Bay beyond, about 3 miles west of Lynton on the Exmoor coast.

    about 12 miles east of Watermouth..ish

    Will :D

    beautiful country down there, I was there a couple of years ago for three weeks camping straight from Billing when it was flooded, looks hopefull I'll be going again in the summer,


  5. My son was badly burnt on his face a couple of years ago, I spent a week in the burns unit with him , they told me cling film on fresh burns is best, stops it been more sensitive/painful, awful at the time , I would have gladdly been scalded in his place, three years on there are no scars, apart from a 10p size white mark on his chest , amazing and grateful to all at Newcaslte's Royal Victoria Infirmary much respect.


  6. I have already 4mm steel tread plate welded on the rear face , its the horizontal edges which have tripled their thickness and the inside boxing which is rotting , looking from back ,top and underside it looks as new, already repaired one side of the chassis up to the crossmember last year, the side that now needs repairing was solid last year after checking with a pointed hammer and nice clanging sound, gave it a good check as the opposite side needed quite a lot of work. I just thought if I made the legs beefy with a bolt on cross member , access would be easier to weld and paint, but just thought I could fabricate it with longer legs , all prepainted, just to paint over where it joins the chassis, its amazing what happens when you talk away to yourself, cheers guys

  7. just noticed the dreaded rot at the back and I'm going to replace with a C channel RSJ type, cut and welded the same shape as original. but I remember hearing about a guy who made a removeable one , like the front bumper, just wondered if he was on here or seen it done, or had any problems down the line, and also whether it is any think to do with the vehicle inspecters etc. also is it still best to box it out even though it about 10mm thick, cheers inadvance for any input


  8. I have a Numax CVX battery, which I use in the back of the Defender for the fridge and stuff, usually hemmed in by lots of gear, but last week the dog knock it on its side, smelt a bit of rotton eggs which the dog got the blame for, but now I think there must have been a slight leak, as the battery was flat for the first time ever at the weekend and the green indictor only shows if the battery is shaken. There are two small vents either side , should I try and top up( there are maintenance free) or do you think I'm on a losing battle.

    cheers Brian

  9. I lost my cap off my expansion tank (defender 300) yesterday :rolleyes: but a search round the local scrapyards had all the Disco's missing, but by good luck a Daewoo fits perfect, I got two, from different models, a nice yellow, so just to keep as a refference, should the same happen to you.

    cheers Brian

  10. I,ve bought stuff from this guy, you get enough to do two doors or more , depending what yours are like, Defender and series style as well as other parts. ask for a discount in exchange for a mention on the forum, you never know.



    P.S I have no link with this guy apart from been a former customer

  11. It was to fit into my Defender, but looking at the previous post looks a bit out of the question. or maybe not! Does it mean "self" or operatered by a switch?

    Self cleaning ? jets and wipers

    Self leveling? horizontal hinge with a scrap adjuster or counter balance and damper or mercury switches, could be a nice little head scratcher


  12. I replaced my old lights a few years with HID Xenon (look) lights and they were a bit brighter than the standard halogen lights( I think, unless it was the placebo effect)., any I was wondering if anyone had fitted the real HID lights with the ballast etc and what they thought of them, or the none legal 100w Xenon lights,

    cheers Brian

  13. I am in the market for a new radiator for my defender 300, just wondering which option I should take and thought I'd ask you what you thought was the best option

    1 new aftermaket rad(paddocks or the like)

    2 refurbished by specialist company

    3 second hand (would 300disco be straight swap or good enough as I'm moving it to the middle in anycase)

    whats your thoughts

    cheers Brian

  14. Have I missed something or are the posts listed funny, not funny ha ha ;)

    I can only see the original post in full then the newer posts appear in condensed tree type view at base of page, cliking the newer posts only shows one at a time???

    Is this a feature or a bug?

    Running XP and firefox 3.0.8


    I thought that , but just go to options on the top right of page and click "standard" in "display Mode". should fix it.


  15. I've got a Defender rev counter, ( in my Defender 300dti) being on about 2 years, but I've just upgraded my alternator from a Disco 300. now my revs show a lower reading. There's three terminals on the back of the rev counter earth, positive and input. Is it something I've just got to live with or is there a fix. cheers for any help


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