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Posts posted by Bluemoon

  1. I have a series 11a station wagon, and I have been thinking of converting to a camper/ motorhome, but obviously I still want to retain the tax exempt status. All that will be changed is the engine, and body, basically, cab style with a bed above. I have nearly every part I need so cost will be very little indeed. cheers for your input.


  2. I like it , a lot, I especially like the flat top, never thought of coming out of the side , and as you say, it will heat the top up better, think I'll make two, small one first for inside the shed and a big one for outside in the yard, better than just an oil drum because it diverts the stinking smoke, but still radiates some nice heat.


  3. is the engine the same when parked, you may have a blockage, I replace my pipes only to find it was no better , then found a lump of silcone/rubber in the banjo bolt at the filter, a quick way of test is using a outboard tank , bypassing the main tank and fuel line, then the filter if needed, then you know what sections to look at


  4. Just thought it would be nice the have the internal modem working, I have a dongle, :P , but I can't any info on internal modem tariffs, been into various phone shops and they havn't a clue, and just try and sell a phone to me!


  5. I know some of you are using Toughbooks for sat nav, mmaps and so on embedded I have a CF-18, which has come with a 3g network modem, but no driver to run it. I've looked at the panasonic.ca site and downloaded a driver but havn't been able to install properly(can't get passed initialization). Two things I was wondering, If anybody has a clue to my problems and how to fix and how much is the tariff, just in case its out reach of my pocket. I'm sorry for asking but I've search google and can'tfind anything.


  6. must be a bit shaken after that accident, and then to carry on with a driving holiday , takes some balls, you and your gilfriend.about your passenger in the back, just shows that you need to chill out and totally relax in the event of an accident :lol:


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