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Posts posted by Roverdrive

  1. Is it possible to remove the slave cylinder and inspect the release bearing through the hole?

    I am wondering if it is seated correctly on the fork.

    With you saying that you can back off the pedal adjustment and still have no free play I am wondering if it is something mechanical rather than hydraulic. If there is no free play, the release bearing won't last very long either.

  2. Check your wing repeaters. If one of these fail, all indicators flash when trying to indicate left or right. For a proper fix, you need diodes in the supplies from each side to the dash light. I’ll see if I can dig out more info when I get home

  3. The load carrying weight of the wheel should be stamped / cast  on the inside face of the rim - i.e. visible if you lie down and crawl under rather than take the tyre off.

    I had similar looking rims on my 110 station wagon when I bought it, and they are rated to 650kg each, which was well below the maximum permitted axle weights.

    I am not near my 110 just now, but remember the max permitted axle weight being 1850kg.

    The wheels I have now ( Boost alloy I believe ) are rated to 950kg per wheel.

    The axle weights are stamped on the plate with the VIN number, but that was on a 300tdi. Don't know if yours will be the same.

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  4. I fitted something like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=led+p21w&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDxer02PbcAhXFDMAKHWd1C3oQ_AUIEigC&biw=768&bih=938#imgrc=62BoFBSbcGnmhM: and also doubled up the fog and reversing lights so there is one each side.

    I have also got an LED work lamp over the door which can be used to come on with the reversing lights with the ignition on, or manually from the rear door with the ignition off

  5. When you did the servo test, did you exhaust the vacuum first with the engine off by pumping the pedal until there was no hissing and the pedal went hard?

    If you did, and there is no change in the pedal when you start the engine, you need to look at the vacuum pipe in its entirety as a start. Is there anything teed into he pipe from the vacuum pump to the servo?

    You say there seems to be more brake effort in reverse, so perhaps verify this by jacking up each wheel in turn and trying to turn the wheel with the wheel-brace while someone stands on the brakes. Were you off reading in France? Could you have damaged a brake pipe at the front?

    if you post your general location, you might find there is someone close by who could help.

  6. Interesting!

    I googled this...


    From my understanding the vehicle provides the means of operating both indicators together as brake lights, as well as still allowing one to flash if turning and braking! Might be easier to change the lights on your trailer to have separate brake lights?

    Note that the second drawing shows the use as an electrically operated brake rather than a brake light.


    I also found this


    Half way down is an adapter for the combined indicator / brake lights.


    Hope this might help you in the right direction

  7. Am I reading this correcly? 

    When stationary, and turning from full right lock to the straight ahead position rapidly you can feel a judder?

    if so I would agree to isolate the steering damper from the equation. Might also be worth a fluid change. It almost sounds as though the box can’t keep up with the demand input. Are the pipes all ok? Nothing pinched?

  8.  Morning I am in need of your collective wisdom!

    i have no power supply to the hazard light switch on the purple and brown wire. The interior lights don’t work either. The fuses are all good, and I have checked for 12v on the back of the fuse box. According to the diagram I have,  this is fed from fuse no1. But this is shown as a purple wire, not purple and brown. Does anyone know where the header is by any chance?


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