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Posts posted by Roverdrive

  1. Martyn

    The only thing I would suggest is that if the wheels take a heavy knock it may be more likely to bend more  with the centre not being in line with the track rod ends.

    My RRC track rod bent despite having a catcher on the nose of the diff, which made for some very interesting handling.


    I replaced mine with Sumo bars as well.

  2. I got the chance to speak to a mate in the trade, who was going up to VOSA for a training course for MOTs. He took it up with a senior instructor, and from an MOT point of view, as long as the beam pattern is correct and it isn't an HID, then it is a pass.

    He did say that it was to be reviewed at the next major overhaul of regulations.


    Under the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989, there is instruction as to the "E" marking on headlamps, and this refers to tungsten filaments, and not LED, so I would think fitting LEDs would then contravene the 1989 act.


    Just my 2p.

    I'll be leaving the halogens in for now.

  3. We have water mist nozzles over all engines on the ship, as well as over the fuel centrifuges. They are automatically triggered in case of both flame and smoke. He water “fog” helps contain and cool the fire, allowing it to be fought relatively easily.


    As always speed is of the essence, and I do believe that a sprinkler system, even if on a dry riser, would have prevented the fire spreading to other levels.

  4. I was interested in these as well, and was looking at this link


    At £70 I was not going to bother especially given the spray and pray effect of the LED in halogen reflectors, though if the attached picture in the article isn’t snake oil, they seem to have solved that issue. If there is no additional glare over Halogen, I would give them a go.

    I have spoken to a friend in the trade and hope to be able to beat the £70 price tag. The lamps are Philips units with the z-es chips so you would like to think they are kosher, but this is the internet after all!

    If I get the chance to try them I will report back

  5. Had a wee problem with my LED indicators yesterday. They have been on the vehicle for about a month with no issues but yesterday when indicating right all four lights flashed, the laeft hand ones being slightly dimmer. Turning left they operated normally. Took me a while to twig that the left hand repeater on the wing had failed, causing enough current to flow through the remaining LED lamps on that side to illuminate them. 

    An easy enough fix once I actually spotted the failed bulb, but I had the dashboard apart before I noticed it! Oops.

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  6. Might be as well to check around the exhaust manifold as well.

    If it is only audiable on boost, it might only be a small leak at this time.

    As said before, look for signs of soot about the back of the head and manifolds. You might be able to use a soapy water solution to find small leaks, but unless the block is cold, it will evaporate very quickly.

  7. Thanks gents

    You hit the nail on the head. The main earth runs from the battery to the gearbox with a clamp half way along to give the chassis earth. Looks like corrosion here. I ran another earth from the body to the engine block, and now back up to 14.2v at tick over no load. Drops to 13.9v at tick over with every conceivable electric load on. Climbs back to 14v at a fast idle, so all looking like back to normal.

    in incidentally I picked up on the varying voltage while driving because of the Sparkbright LED voltage monitor I had fitted, so thank you Simon As well!

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