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Posts posted by BogMonster

  1. I was also thinking all Wolfs are Tdis. There are a couple of Wolf ambulances here and they are Tdi's, if there was a V8 option I would have thought the ambulance would have got it to make the extra weight travel at a respectable speed :) the old ambulances were always V8s.

    Loads of mil Land Rovers here but all except the Wolfs are civilian spec ones.

    Maybe it has had a conversion??

  2. I may get a sign made up to show in the window "4x4 welcome boblehats please keep moving nothing of intrest for you here!" :)

    Splendid idea :lol:

    Electric fencing is probably good for dissuading them...

    Also a PIR activated extremely high power sprinkler system in the garden might be beneficial ;)

  3. Si

    An off the wall alternator idea for you...

    Fit the engine with a compact constant output hydraulic pump like the ZF74 used on a Milemarker, then fit an alternator in a nice warm dry place, driven at it's optimum charging speed by a small hydraulic motor (you would have to choose size of motor carefully to do this). You would then have a much more reliable alternator (out of water and mud) and one which would give full charging output at idle....

    Just an idea :)

  4. I should have pointed out that I want to take advantage of forced air cooling rather than rely on fans.


    There goes the opportunity for an obvious witticism that if you have to mount the viscous fan (and therefore engine, gearbox, t-box...) at 45 degrees then 1) it'll be a bit top heavy and 2) you might have problems with propshafts binding a bit :ph34r::lol:

  5. Seen that one before in a slightly different form, it's brilliant :lol:

    Trouble is most of the policemen I know have no sense of humour so rather than accepting somebody had got the better of them, they'd do you for wasting police time instead... :unsure:

  6. I'm not sure NATO rings fit in the pin hitches anyway.

    Mark, would a pin/ball hitch like Tim sugested do the job for what you want?

    Depends on what type of pin hitch.

    There are 2 main types I have seen over the years - the old Land Rover galvanised one which had a very deep jaw, often seen on Series 3s etc, and the new "Dixon Bate 201661" style one, usually painted black. A NATO ring will fit in the former type - we've got several NATO-ringed trailers on the farm and they fit but are horribly clonky to tow, I wouldn't really recommend it for road use but it is possible. Land Rover have discontinued making these anyway, as of about a couple of years ago.

    NATO ring won't fit in either the later "Dixon Bate" type hitch, or the "Pinball Wizard" type combination ball & jaw hitches (LR part no RTC8159 I think) as the jaw isn't deep enough on either of these - you can't get the ring in far enough to be able to get the pin through.

    The other one that will apparently fit a NATO ring is the 4-bolt heavy duty 5 ton hitch shown here part number 201910, though I have never seen one of these in the flesh but as DB says it will fit, I guess it will. Should be strong enough too :)

  7. I have my alloy bridges on the plywood board which is fixed to the base of my roof rack. The fixing (which I haven't finished yet) is two M10 bolts up through the board. At the moment they are fixed on with wing nuts, to stop the boards rattling (I carry the boards all the time) but my intention is to take the bolts out again and drill them to allow R clips to be used for "quick release". That way I can have them held on with R clips and easily available when I might need them, or wing nuts when I am using the vehicle on the road to stop them rattling. The R clips will have a retaining wire attached to something so I don't lose them. Best of both worlds I thought :)

    I used to use ratchet straps but they are a total PITA - my long term intention is to have proper quick release brackets to carry everything on the roof rack (Kittygripper etc) but so far I've only got around to having the spare wheel and the bridges :unsure:

    The other thing about using wing nuts is to keep the threads lubricated and take them off occasionally otherwise you find out the threads are seized and rusty when you really didn't want to find it out

  8. Might be worth contacting Ifor Williams I am pretty sure they will supply various trailer hitch attachments. I have ordered trailers from them at work and specified 76mm NATO eyes to be fitted for example, no problem there. A 76mm NATO would be "just a bit clonky" with a pin hitch though :unsure: but they may be able to supply an eye with a smaller hole in it.

    You can also buy a combi hitch which looks a bit like a NATO hitch (i.e. with a hinged top) but the bottom part of the jaw is shaped like a 50mm ball, so you can tow either a 50mm ball trailer, or a big eye like a NATO (or a tow rope etc). Not sure who makes them but you can buy them here, though they ain't cheap.

  9. mill services stopped making winch bumpers!!!!! well he was making themthe other day wheni went for coffee :D

    In that case he has only recently started again....

    They were on the website at one point maybe a year or so back, and I enquired about one for myself. I didn't get it at the time, but when I later enquired again Richard told me he had stopped doing winch bumpers. I quote from an email from him I just looked out to make sure I was right: 28 Apr 05 in which he says "Stephen, I do not do winch bumpers any more". Relatively unambiguous I think :)

    They are now no longer on the website (or at least they weren't only a couple of days ago when I was looking at his site), only the non-winch bumpers which I assume he does still make.

  10. Stephen,

    Have you tried the less obvious of defraging the disk ?


    Start - program - accesories - system tools - disk defragmenter.

    My laptop takes ages to boot up ages if I don't defrag at least once a month.

    Is only a suggestion. BTW this may takes ages the first time, so leave it run and go for a drive !

    Also disk cleanup will clear out any unwanted old files - like old temp files, found here:

    start - program - accesories - system tools - disk cleanup.

    If really stuck, suggest doing a search on something like an XP support forum off of google foums.

    BTW I don't use XP SP2, got the disks (free from mate at work), still on SP1.

    But do use Mozilla Firefox, with the NoScript add-on from the Mozilla website - to block popups.

    I don't use the Microsoft email solution, as too many scary stories of Viruses, so use Googles email solution called GMAIL. Send me a PM and will send you an invite for it, if you like.

    XP has a built in backup faclity (assuming you have not switched it off/ switch it on) so if you install any software over the top of it, you -should- be able to reverse back to the previous state before starting. Wish I can do this when working on my 90 :rolleyes:

    Another thing, on your desktop, try to keep the amount of documents/files to a minimum, you can get away with putting most of your shortcuts into a folder called 'shortcuts' on the desktop - as this can cause the PC to slow down startup and shutdown too.

    Hope this helps.


    Thanks - I'll try the defrag. I already have a tidy desktop - but its not the general speed of the thing that is the problem (the shutting down delay is a minor irritation - I just push the button and walk away!) its the graphics all disappearing in IE and the page not found errors. Tried reinstalling IE6, no change. It's definitely a problem specific to that computer as the one I am on at the moment (at work - and it's before turn-to time before anybody chips in :P ) is fine - no problem at all. And that is still running SP1. I can't do a "system restore" as the problem doesn't seem linked with anything in particular, it's been there for a while and just getting gradually worse over the last two or three weeks. Hence my thought that I am just heading for one of those "Windows is about to Sh^t itself and need reinstalling" moments we all know and love :blink:

    glad I bought that 40GB USB hard drive from PC World last time I was over, at least the backups are nice and easy now :)



  11. [marvin martian voice]

    What was the colossal kaboom?

    [/marvin martian voice]

    I think we should ban fuel depots, they cause even more pollution to the environment than 4x4s :ph34r:

    Incredibly lucky that nobody was killed - partly the time of day I guess.

    Muppets ... yeah ... heard on the radio that the fuel companies had said there would be no shortages and therefore no need to panic buy and thought to myself that many will have heard the word "shortage" and missed the rest of the report having left the house at full tilt heading for the nearest petrol station....

    They said on the news this morning it registered as an earthquake magnitude 2.4 on the Richter scale :o

  12. Ok, a couple of points........ Skimming the head will make NO diference to the gasket thickness needed. On TDI's the face is completely flat, skim it & its still completely flat (hopefully).

    But presumably the clearance from valves to the top of the pistons reduces if you skim the head, and might eventually lead to a nasty knocking noise if you overdo it :)

  13. I've been having huge problems with the computer at home giving "page not found" errors in Internet Explorer, and also not loading graphics (half the forum buttons coming up as red 'x's and photos doing the same). Usually if I right click on the red X and do "show picture", or reload the page (sometimes takes 3 or 4 goes) then it will load. This is now happening probably 50% of the links I click and if you load a page of photos you end up with more red crosses than you'd see on an Argie ammunition dump :angry:

    Just wondering if anybody could suggest possible solutions that might cure this without reinstalling Windows XP again which I really don't want to do as it is a complete PITA :unsure: though as the computer is about 2 years old now I guess it's probably time for the periodic "colossal system crash which requires everything to be reinstalled from scratch" :unsure: it's started taking a long time doing things like shutting down as well, which used to be very quick

    I've already done the obvious things like clearing out the cache/history/cookies etc - I do have (somewhere) an installation CD for Outlook Express 6 and Internet Explorer 6, from before I had XP, would it be safe to install that over the top of the original or would that b*gger everything up, probably being an older version? Would it be IE, or something in the dialing software built into Windows?

    I'm still using XP SP1 (SP2 is too big/expensive to download on dialup at 6p a minute) so if I can blag a copy of SP2 (I mean pay for one at full retail price from a reputable supplier, honest guv :P ) I suppose biting the bullet would have other benefits...

    I hate computers! :angry:

    Any suggestions would be most gratefully received



  14. If it happens again further down the line, out of warranty, I'm sure a resorceful chap like yourself could wittle a new bearing out of a sheeps femur or something? :)

    Nah, I'd just nick one its easier :lol:

    Its frigging annoying me now I know what it is :angry: as is the indicator trip which has started "cracking" loudly on turning left (even without indicating) took it off and it seems to be sticking (though it is fine when you turn it with your fingers), put it all back on after moving it a bit and it lasted all of 1/2 hour now it is doing it again :angry:

    I suppose I am far too fussy about noises, that's my trouble :rolleyes: but you don't get irritations like this on Toyotas... :huh:

  15. Ammeters are an incident looking for somewhere to happen


    Ammeters support "smoke theory" voltmeters don't ;)

    Ammeters measure the amount of smoke travelling through the wires, and indicate this to the operator by the amount of smoke they emit when something shorts out, thus providing an immediate and obvious scented visual warning to the driver that something is amiss - far more attention grabbing than some boring voltmeter needle wafting back and forth :)

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