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Posts posted by DC_

  1. Hissing noise could be your expansion cap venting the pressure which it is supposed to do.................Check your expansion tank itself for cracks or leaks from hoses there, mines recently had a cracked tank. On a negitive side have your system check for signs of your head gasket may be worn and in need of replacement, If you have lots of antifreeze in your system another quick method is to smell the fumes to see if they smell sweet like antifreeze does. This could also be a sign of gasket trouble, hopefully it wont be that though. Water pump may be a big culprit, It leaks and is warm so any leakage vapourises so very hard to spot.

  2. I'm heading for a forum member tamara and he's having a look over it for me, Testing it under pressure.

    I have everything crossed that it's a simple air lock? Took it for a run yesterday and after cleaning the rad and replacing the cap all seemed well..................................................too many beers now to reply Sensibly :rolleyes::ph34r::D

  3. Told ye i would be back paintman :D

    Well since posting this avo, I've taken the grill off and cleaned the fins of any mud that was on, replaced the cap from the tank with the original one i had on the cracked tank (will order a new one though) Taken it to get a wee jet wash and all was fine, So................how long would you say a good run was to test it out to see if it was something as daft as too much water in the system?

    I was driving for around 15 mins there washed car and 15 mins back down the bypass

  4. Cheers Al for the quick replies.

    I'll make sure i clean the fins out as much as i can, The temp never kept rising and i'm thinking this might be hopefully the norm and i'm just not used to it as maybe my old expansion tank was in need of replacement.

    It's the pressure thats concerning me the most. Hopefully if i reduce the amount in the tank then it might solve the prob.

  5. the gauge on mine sits just above half way (but then it does run on gas, so will be slightly hotter than normal)

    the only time i get coolant out of the bottle is if it is overfilled slightly, and that is usually as a result of the system pressurising as normal and forcing it out through the easiest point (thankfully not the engine :) )

    where is the level in the tank when cold?

    It's usually just above the half way mark when it's cold, there's a wee plastic tower type thing in the tank and it's above that, Also noticed since renewing the expansion tank it holds some pressure in the system even when cold..............is this normal??

  6. Hi gang, I recently changed over my expansion tank due to a seam cracking on it and thought that was the end of my worries, Today after a little fun offroad and a drive back along the bypass i noticed for the first time since i've had the car the temp gauge just over the half way mark.

    When i got home i checked under the hood and there seems to be excess pressure building up in the cooling and it forced water over the top of the expansion tank (dont ask me where it came from)

    Any suggestions? Too much water in it? Thermostat? Not really too clued up on the techy side but if made easy i will give it a go. Hoping it's nothing too serious as i have a run on in may.



  7. We you replaced te Rotor arm after the snap, did you check it never moved from it's postion?

    If not check and make sure it's sitting in the right postion via TDC (i'm assuming you know what that is)

    If not get back to us.

    I'm not very clued up on all this stuff but when i was re-doing my dizzy as the bobweights and springs had come loose, I needed to check with TDC that the rotor arm was about to fire at piston number one.

    It wasn't and we had to undo the dizzy again as it was out by 180 degrees.

  8. Those size of tyres should rub on the rear arches at least. I had to adjust my steerings stops also on my 265/75/16 as they were rubbing on the radius arms but thats any easy job to do.

    Depends on where you get your kit from if you can afford one. I was lucky enough to have a very kind chap up my way who gave me scorpion racing heavy duty 2" springs and also was good enough to fit them for me. I then could get the bigger tyres on which makes a huge difference. I can go just about anywhere and i only have standard shocks on at the moment. I will get Shocks to give me more articulation when i get more funds together.

    If you can have fun offroading with what you have just now then enjoy it and then take it from there, you dont need to go crazy straight away. Some people just over do it

  9. Hi Simon, I've got a rangey and the first protection i put on it was a front diff guard, Do you have a lift on your car or bigger tyres to lift it?

    I used mine first time off road on AT tyres and got stuck in any deep ish ruts.

    Next to go on was lifted springs, then mud tyres, then steering guard, only just fitted after i done 2 days in cannock chase offrodaing with no probs, So it's not a major thing to have done, if you have the clearance to avoid most hazards then you should be ok unless you want to go daft when off road.

  10. Excuse my poor geography but where is close to where you are?

    There will be someone kind enough out there to help ya i'm sure, as i felt the same when i got my RRC, turns out there are 2 or 3 folk near me who are life savers for me...............also funds are v tight but they have helped me out due to sheer kindness,

    Good Luck matey

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