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Graham Thomson

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Everything posted by Graham Thomson

  1. Erm...no. The lens removes with the normal 2 screws and the bulb fits as normal too, it just also fits really well, and the part seems really solid and of good quality.
  2. Ok, fitted the britpart stop lamps. They are I think a great piece of kit, really clunky solid bulb fittings. Highly recommended.
  3. OK, just arrived - nice new Britpart ones. They are complete with bulbs and appear high quality (although I've not fitted them yet). Just as well I ordered two, since the lens is a slightly deeper shade of red than the wipac ones!
  4. oh pooh got correct bulb at first garage..........and no matter what you do there isnt enough "lip" inside the brand new wipac unit to hold the bulb bayonets...and i made sure it was the correct way round..... not happy..... is there a lucas unit or are these all you can get...and has anyone else had and resolved the same problem.... :o :o
  5. What is the stop-tail light bulb type in my 1989 110??? Gracias in advance!
  6. Whole alternator replaced. The spark told me the voltage was not adjustable. 1989 V8 110. Afraid I'm not in a technically knowledgeable enough position to argue with him.
  7. Had all the lights replaced yesterday at an auto-electricians in Manchester. Eight new side/stop/indicators and the earthing fault on the new halogen lamps fixed. Also had the 'auxiliary' heater wired to the ignition. Picked up the bus and headed for home. Less than 2 miles later, the battery warning light comes on. A glance at the ammeter shows it's off the scale (not just in the read for overcharging, completely through the red and off the scale!!). Limped home, and a check with the volt meter shows that the alternator is delivering 14.5 volts at idle, and delivering 18.8 under load. The alternator was freeking red hot too. I rang the sparks at 8.30 am and trundled the truck back into Manchester (only 7 1/2 miles), with the ammeter off the scale for the duration. New alternator duly fixed, GT's pockets lightened by another 75 quid, and was home for 10:15. At least everything is working now!
  8. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh! I've just unwrapped my nice shiny black Craddock's A-bar, only to find that the grill on my 1989 110 sticks out too far to allow it to be fitted! :( :( :( :( :( :( Is it possible to get a slightly different shaped one with a more angled bottom part? Or a flatter grill? Glum is me.
  9. Hi, I've got a nice set of driving lamps and an A-bar from Craddocks..... Question - How are the lamps secured to the grille? Or are they secured in some way or other to the A-Bar? Thanks in advance o defender gurus!!!
  10. In my 1989 110, is it blade type fuses , large or small or what please...(it's lashing down and dark outside )........
  11. Preparing to adjust my flaps............... :huh: :huh: .......whatever that means!!!! :P :P Thanks folks!
  12. The heater in my 89 CSW is carp. Pooh. Not worthy of the name Land Rover. Is there an improved one / upgrade / aftermarket better bit available? Freezing of Manchester!!!!!
  13. I sent a note by email to these chaps very late on New Year's day. One of the chaps, Bill, called me very early on the morning of the second to confirm what I was ordering, the paint was duly manufactured and aerosol'd, and the order itself arrived before 8am on the morning of the 3rd. Fantastic service from these guys....... http://www.turnerstradepaints.co.uk/ :D and very quick delivery by Amtrak.
  14. Cheers PB, only problem is bloody thing hasn't arrived yet!!! Grrr! Ruddy suppliers!!!
  15. Thanks for those responses folks. The bonnet I have is a definite shade of darker blue, I think it's off a 96 model. I might just decide to keep the colour as is, it will then be just a little two-tone. Western, is yours shire blue?
  16. Hello, Got a nice bonnet to fit to my CSW. Vehicle is 1989 vintage and is the sort of blue colour like a wedgwood china plate light-ish blue. The new bonnet is a darker blue, and I'm thinking of spraying it.........question is, how do i get the right shade of paint (and from whom)? Cheers!
  17. Got a cubby on the way (as a choose yourself some christmas presents option - see, she does like my land rover!).... Is it just a case of unbolting the centre front seat and bolting the box in its' place?
  18. So, following the advice, I set about replacing the headlamps........... Driver's side first - two screws out, sidelamp cover removed, three screws out, sidelamp holder removed. Repeat for indicator. Then, two final screws out and the square trim piece removed. Three headlamp retaining ring screws out, old sealed beam unit removed. (Existing bowls are plastic so no rust!) Installed new halogen job - tested - hurrah super brightness! Refitted everything in reverse order - all good. Final test and all working properly (note old passenger side sealed beam unit also working properly). Then, destroyed three lamb chops and some steamed veg courtesy of her (are you not finished messing with that car yet?) indoors. Yum. Suitably replete, I started on the passenger side. As before, but when I install the new halogen unit, it is incredibly dim. I mean dull.....looked like the bulb was faulty, so a quick scurry round three garages to find some R472 bulbs. Bought a pair (just in case), still the same. Grrrr! Tinkered looking for loose wiring etc. No joy. Re-fitted the sealed beam unit (which was working alongside the halogen) and it is now also totally dim. By the time I finished it was nearly eleven o-clock, and so cold you could have used my driveway for speed-skating. Car now not driveable (in the dark). Owner very grumpy. The lamb chops were fantastic though. Any clues folks?
  19. Ok guys and gals, I've done the dash bulbs (was one short cause I didn't realise the speedometer needed two - eeek!).......and I've fitted the nice wheel carrier and spare wheel on the rear door. The next object is replacing the rather dull headlamps with some nice new halogens (anyone want the old ones?)....how easy is it please o mud-encrusted gurus!
  20. Luke, is there a particular LED bulb, or are they a general fit....
  21. Thanks for that Luke..... "binnacle"......sounds naval!
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