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Graham Thomson

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Everything posted by Graham Thomson

  1. But for a tenner all-in? Is it just a scam? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SAVE-GAS-FUEL-31-Lan...id=p3286.c0.m14
  2. The ones I've bought dont have any drilled holes etc....... Is there a clever way to fit them or am I just being a muppet?
  3. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic!!!! Picked up the mats from the post office today, heavy duty????? - the post office chaps were bent double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I've unpacked em - they look fantastic, never seen such monster mats!!!! Cheers buddy!!! :P :P :P :P :P
  4. Went to visit the patient today.....new cross-member is fitted, panel being prepped for spraying. Rear and centre sections of exhaust being replaced. Should get the beast back by end of next week, hopefully complete with new MOT. Now been off the road for 78 days......
  5. I know, but I still want some - and it isnt a Defender, it's a 110.............
  6. For my 1989 110 CSW............ I've been scouring tinternet and the mags with absolutely no luck....Any ideas anyone? cheers in advance. Graham.
  7. I bought mine from Craddocks - the one that bolts to the top of the bumper was no good, the type that clamps round was the correct one for mine (1989 110 vehicle with Air Conditioning).......... Now complete with slight dint where it smacked the Nissan X-trail in front of me!
  8. It IS a 110. Changing my signature to add! Though they did talk about welding with some "fire insulation"
  9. Ok, the good news and the bad news.......... Good News! - my solicitior rang me to tell me that Direct Line had offered to arrange some physiotherapy, with Direct Line picking up the tab. Bad News! - that was last Friday and I havent heard a peep since. Bad news also.....expect the truck to be returned just Saturday 18th May after repairs....current delay is "du to having to drill out some bolts securing body to chassis" and having none to replace them with. The garage also claim that the welding of the new x-member is a little too close to the fuel tank for their liking.... Worse news.........even if I do get it back next Saturday, it's MOT runs out the day before........so I won't even be able to drive it.... Hey bloody ho. Fed up of Manchester.
  10. Shouldn't there be a link to some standard document detailing the specifications? Anyone got one?
  11. Hmmm, the river runner set is expensive at 200 quid, and if i replace all the bulbs with led ones, do i need a new flasher unit too.....And what would the mixture of bulb types mean if I used my trailer.........? So, after all that, I bought a set of dashboard bulbs. Hey ho.
  12. Thanks Kevin....order being placed as we speak.....
  13. Think I've decided on this wheel...... http://www.johncraddockltd.co.uk/product_s...=4&page=acc Went to order it today, and the sales chap asked me how many splines the shaft had? For a 1989 110, would that be standard? He mumbled summat about 36 or 48 splines and 16mm or 19mm....... And of course the truck is still in the body shop, so I cant get to it..... Were the models in 1989 all the same (spline-wise)? (Those of you who are wondering if I have the first clue what I'm talking about may have sussed the situation.......)........
  14. You are indeed correct Ralph......now I just need a nice landy modder to to all the work...... whole new dash maybe a mudpod fit nice mp3 usb radio install lots of extra power 12v outlets a slack handful of guages maybe some nice new speakers etc etc
  15. That is a really useful post Luke - so many things now on the list for the Landy - need a decent lottery win I think! I wonder what the draw is on my coolbox.........
  16. These items all look great......but I need to replace the entire "passenger side dash", cause it's awful.....and some fool has cut a chunk underneath and to the left of the steering wheel to accomodate a radio.......... The type of dash I have now is completely flat fronted, with no storage whatsoever....it is truly awful So will the entire (for example) 2002 dashboard fit in my 1989 CSW. And who can provide and install the job lot? (landy now off the road for 50 days............ )
  17. Ok, I almost get this.....so if you were running say an electric coolbox while u travelled say 200 miles to destination, you would have all the switches open? and then on arrival at destination you would isolate using the left hand switch? And what is to stop chaining a third battery, given an additional isolation switch etc.....
  18. To fit my 1989 CSW 110. Which is shire blue...... Now considering this - seems cheap so might also be nasty........ http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:AAQ:GB:1123 When you take the cover off, how many screw holes are holding the steering wheel on? (My car still in the body shop, as at yesterday, work still not started.....(waiting on parts allegedly ).
  19. Apologies........I is still jet-lagged from mexico......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOMO-Steering-Wheel-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Contemplating this........opinions pls.........also where can I get the right boss for it....my internet search powers seem to have deserted me.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOMO-Steering-Wheel-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Oh pooh.......it seems I may have to settle for a 15 inch wheel. Is that too small? Will it look daft? Anyone got pictures of one they've done? And an opinion on what it's like to drive now?
  22. eek, thats 425mm in new money, and the steering wheel I was looking at replacing it with is only 350mm....which might not look so good. Any one know of anywhere that stocks nice 16 incher modern replacements?
  23. "bidy" - how freudian - it's been there so long I think it must be an old biddy that's fixing it!!
  24. As fitted to my 1989 CSW - can't measure mine, it is at the bidy shop still...... thanks to he or she who is the quickest with the answer.....
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