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Posts posted by robhybrid

  1. Presumably if I go and buy a Disco drop arm, I can just screw a normal trackrod end into the steering bar? Any clue how much the drop arms are? Since this'll leave the damper hanging, does anyone do a clamp kit to keep it mounted at the front?

    Gwyn Lewis does a clamp kit that fits onto the stronger replacement front disco bar.

    (intended for moving disco damper up to the front rather than behind the axle)

  2. Come on Rob,

    You know yourself that standard ten spline shafts break for fun.....

    The GKN ten spline are fine (And nearly bullet Proof) but are sh*t loads of dollar.....

    From a mechanical point 24 is so much better than 10...... :P

    But it is only since those GKN's became available that 10 spline was tolerable.

    The reason most switched to 24 is be able to fit hardened shafts, cos the 10 where/are so weak :ph34r:

    Do you disagree?????

    Jim :)

    I dont disagree but:-

    I wanted to know if anyone had broken gkn 10 spline, and no one has replied yet.

    I run std RR 10 spline on the rear at the moment with the intention of once I have used up my stock changing to gkn as I have on the front.

    Over the last 10 challenge events I have entered in the last 11 months I have broken 4 rear std shafts 2 at slindon and 2 at Llanfyllin.

    The front incidentaly is gkn fine spline on mine.

    In my opinion it was a cost factor as to put fine spline all new in the rear or use up what I had first then go gkn 10 spline.

    I certanly have a weak link to avoid damage else where at the moment :rolleyes:

  3. I havent experianced many but I have had 18 months out of a Draper one and the ingersol rand one is 3 years old and still going strong.

    I have noticed that as it got older it actualy became stronger dont ask me why, I guess it must be loosening up a bit.

  4. I am going to have a look at a 300 series comercial tomorrow but:-

    The car is on irish number plates and registered in ireland.

    What do I have to do to register it for this country?

    What costs are there?

    What complications am I lightly to have along the way?

  5. Do not mess about,

    If you thinking of drop out kits as well...

    Buy 11' travel ome shocks (We supply) Gwyn Lweis Drop out kit and cones


    OME springs

    Sorry am not not doing the hard sell, just fed up of people getting the wrong kit first time round.

    If you do want our advice give Jennie a call Monday 01732 463600

    Best system on the market by a VEEEEEEEEERY long way :D

    Jim :)

    Orange? sell phones don't they..... :blink::lol:

    I am running Gwyn lewis kit on my 90 and have given it some severe hammer/Testing and I recon you wont beat it for functionality.

    It dosent look as bling as some but it works far better IMHO.

    Give him a ring or look on his web site

    Gwyn Lewis's website

  6. Small piece of advice. :)

    When informing your girlfriend that you have just survived a life threatening road accident, DO NOT just send her this:

    Men! Tut! :rolleyes:

    I thought that a picture would say a thousand words and that she would gather I was ok as I managed to send her the pic :D

  7. I had a little bit of an accident on friday.

    I got to see the world from a slightly different angle for a short while.


    I do have another disco that I was breaking but I went and sold the doors off it.

    Has anybody got a pair of front doors for sale?

    As for what happened well:-

    I twitched left to avod a car coming to meet me coming out of a bend,

    I twitched right to get back onto the road and the back started to come round,

    I over corrected and the back came round the other way,

    The front left clipped the verge on the near side,

    I slid backwards on my side to the verge on the other side of the road,

    The car then slid on its roof,

    I think I lost track of what happened after that?

    My head is sore now and my neck is a little stiff.

    Fi is giving me grief.

    Before you ask it was insured third party :(

    I do intend on re shelling it with the bits I have to hand.

  8. Hello,

    Intresting to hear your veiws on wot happened to Simon and Chris.

    Word is that they got proper stuck in a section for two hrs broke both winches and then the organsiers closed the section???????

    Giving them only 100 points as consolation? The same as one punch

    Seems like a tough/Sh*t desicion for Simon and crew.

    You don't close a section when the championship leaders have just lost two hrs.....

    You leave open to make it fair. If others want to DNF for a score that is up to them.

    Giving everyone a DNF score then after is just crazy.

    Or you stop the event to allow them time to repair (Iknow this is not possible at this event)

    Or you leave the section open and give all teams a clear warning.

    Seems a shame to have so many questions after what has been a good two horse title fight.

    Seems, should i say this?...........Not a little odd?



    I thought that the 2 that had entered the special stage got more than 100 points and that everyone else that did not get to go on the stage got 100 points I am sure niel will give a correction and possibly an explination later

  9. single sound would be ideal

    loud enough if mounted inside to be heard outside with the doors closed.

    not loud enough to wake the dead though please

    I might have something like this kicking around in the bottom of a tool box some where but I dont know if it is loud enough.

    RS 3 tone panel mount sounder

    depending which wires are used and their orientation you have a choice of 3 irritating pitches of buzzer.

    link dosent seem to work but a search on rs web site for 3 or 4 tone panel mount sounder should come up with same thing.

  10. Rob

    Graph of punch achievment shows how punches were used.

    How does this fit in with your experience?

    I have to admit to muttering to myself several times through the series that some punches seemed to have been set up by a narrower su**** owner :P , I will be replacing both front wings before next year :)

    The graph is impressive I think it shows a reasonable balance of both difficult and not quite so difficult punches.

    My guess of 10 punches not used was actually 7 although there is another 1 which had only 1 competitor achive it.

    I do think that having some punches just out of reach is a good thing to push the serious competitors to their limit and show all the doubters that this is a serious non suit wearing challenge.

    Please dont take any of my crititism as negative because I would like to think of it as constructive.

    I would be very interested to see the graphs for the other 5 rounds too.

    These graphs would make an exellent visual display/talking point at the prezentation dinner dance.

    Well done and thanks for your dedication with the exellent organisation of this series.

  11. I had a great day out and I belive my crawler box proved its self again to be ideal where there is a large amount of winch assist needed.

    The sandy soil at Slab gave unbelievable grip compared to the clay that I am used to, I consider myself lucky not to have broken any half shafts or cv joints.

    Out of the 50 possible punches I would be interested to know how many were not used at all.

    I belive there must have been some where in the region of 10 punches that were not used at all.

    At least 4 punches that I saw late in the day had not seen a single competitor attempt them but I belive 3 of them were obtainable had I an extra 2 hours to try them.

    I am sure that some punches were placed deliberately to see if people were cheating as I could not see how it could possibly be attained without putting my vehicle on its side to get at them.

    This year I have been very impressed with the organisation of the 6 events and now I am left wondering how I can earn enough to enter all 8? of next years rounds.

    Anybody want to pay me for some tuition Ed seems to do alright out of it. :D

  12. I am running twin optimas yellow top for winching (the large ones had to cut out and increase the size of my batterybox) Unfortunately after some 6 events one of them has died The surface of the top is now buckled and the battery charger feeds into it at constant full current no matter how long you leave it switched on the other altyhough on my truck it is wired in paralell is still in exellent condition.

    The problem I have is apperently there are none of these larger optinas in stock in the uk for me to get a replacement.

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