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Posts posted by robhybrid

  1. My cage is front hoop cds rear hoop cds, as this is the material that can be mandrel bent.

    The rest of the cage was fabricated by myself using blue band, where having a slight kink in the radius of the bent tube would not adversley affect the overall strength.

    Over the last 2 years I have given it some severe abuse and have yet to see any problems.

    The front and rear hoop complete with kit form mounts came from Tomcat but fabricated to "Gwyn Lewis" spec.

    I am not sure who tomcat use to mandrel bend tube for them.

  2. I didnt think the punches were particularly harder than usuall but a bloke who seemed to be taking a lot of pictures of us asked my co driver why we were doing all the hard punches?

    My vehicle charge alternator stopped working in the morning and by mid afternoon I came to a stop and had to run back to the base and fetch some wire to make up a temporary link between the winch bateries/alt and the vehicle alt.

    The electric fan had run down the vehicle battery to such a state that the stop solenoid clicked out.

    I hadnt changed my clock in the landrover and was happily plodding along thinking that I had loads of time left when really there was less than 15 min.

    I had hopped to try and beat Richard by 2 places this week end which was a tall order so congrats to him.

    Considering how badly I did at the start of the year I am happy with my overall result.

    I recon there will be a "freindly" battle between me and Adrian next year - Bring it on.

    I think I would like to put my name down for organising one round next year if there is going to be a similar set up to last year.

  3. How many people have fitted these?

    I know Straight forward supplies sell a kit.

    link to straight forwad supplies hudro assist

    I was planning on fitting something similar to reduce the strain on my power steering box.

    My box has gone to leak badly and Adrian had a shaft failure and a mate of mine has twisted his Shaft.

    I know bathtub has got one fitted and I have seen how Brun has fitted his.

    What bore diamiter do people sudgest?

    I dont want to go too big as I dont want to go into the relm of wreking ball joints.

    I had looked at 40mm bore 250mm travel double acting and the cheapest I have found is £65 plus vat/carrige

    Should I be looking at smaller bore size?

  4. I've just sent the afternoon change'in over the broken front H/D long shaft and stripping and de-burring a H/D Cv, :( Tight :o ... i should say so :o:lol: I'll check it after a test drive...It may have to go back :angry:

    Only got to change the front springs tomorrow...oh! and fix the punchure :) then i can try out the new intercooler :D:lol:

    After all that :lol: i can fix the fiddle brakes on the Muddler :o:lol:

    Judging by your luck I recon you should be running some slightly less aggressive front tyres :ph34r:

  5. Just got home, still can't belive I managed to come first.

    Anybody want to make me an offer on a set of decarbon shock absorbers ?

    Told my co driver it was all his hard work.

    Had a good day without breaking my std range rover clasic 10 spline rear shafts.

    Did manage to loose the bolts that held on the rear spring so spent 1/2 hr trying to find bolts from other less important parts on the truck and re fitt the rear sping.

    must sort that sometime in the next 4 weeks.

    Never found punch 56 and left a few others that I/we thought would take too long

    "we'll come back to them if we have time at the end" was said half a doven times or more and actualy came true for a couple.

    So who was it that was filming and when will we get to see a video?

  6. Andy I know exactly where you are coming from and have discussed this in the past off line with freinds.

    I have seen apparent "experts" in 2 forms on this web site and others.

    1, a question has been posted and the reply comes from a person scanning through previous posts on a wide range of forums.

    2, a question is asked and a person rings around for the information then posts a reply.

    This happens in life all the time and some people make a lot of money "getting away with it"

    There is nothing wrong with this provided you the reader bears this in mind first.

    There will allways be key board tappers as a freind of mine calls them.

    I am sure several people have their own mental "men from the boys/clique list" and probably the best way is for fresher members to as they do, post a question and await recomendations.

  7. At the event at west harptree a few weeks ago I would say more than 80% of the vehicles there had front and rear lockers and front and rear winches.

    There was a huge range of budget from I guess 5 k to over 50k depending on new/sh self built to custom built.

    I would be happy to put them all in the same class.

    I would allso be happy to have the same driver-co driver combination and expect to complete an almost identical amount of punches.

    Gwyn and I came equal first and spent most of the day without a working rear diff lock, we also spent time helping our team members, 1 with a broken (undersized) winch cut off switch while half way up to a punch, we double line pulled him up and lowered him back down, acted as ground ancor on a couple of occasions, helped manouver a team mates land rover in amongst rocks.

    Experiance and good team work in my opinion will allways far out do what a checque book can do.

    Allthough I have used the expression "all the gear but no idea" in the past, everybody has to learn somewhere and it is each persons choice as to how they spend their money.

    If we put too much emphasis on "classes" are we detering people who have proudly bought new toys from entering competitions?

    It is by entering competitions thet you gain "challenge" experiance.

  8. I am coming up in Gwyn's van with him and my co driver is planning on arriving late on Saterday evening.

    I didn't do verry well at this site last year and I seem to remember one or two broken ploughs as well.

    please no strange special stages It too cold to be swiming for my liking

    anny chance of a coffe swilling pie eating special stage :)

    p.s. no special stages involving spelling either.

  9. Just left my truck at Gwyns place tonight For him to have a look at.

    I've told him it dont need touching as it is already a prive winner :)

    At which point I showed him a couple :unsure: of faults that have got slightly worse since the last time he drove my truck.

    p.s. will antics like this be allowed:-


    I think I shall be more ballast than my usuall co driver

  10. The electrics of the four post are in the part of the shed that has fried.

    Our local shropshire star news paper has put my fire as a small colum section on the front page.

    Something along the line of "2 fire crews attend a fire with hazardous gas bottles"

    So far without sifting through and working out exactly I have jotted down a list that has gone over £10,000.

    The top box In the photo was a Snap on one with tools that I had started collecting from my teens.

    The alloy on the front of the box has melted off some draws and although some of the spanners are now black and covered in melted plastic goo I am not sure how serviceable they would be?

    Insurance assesor type bloke is coming round on Tuesday morning.

  11. I have noticed a reduction in performance on the road since changing to auto but in my case as a truck that spends 90 percent of its time off road I am more than happy.

    The lazy driving on the road can be nice but i much prefer being able to chose for my self what gear to use on the road.

    I have noticed a slight reduction in fuel economy too but dont use the truck enough for it too be a concern.

  12. If you use your vehicle mainly off road I would highly recomend going Auto.

    If you use it on the road much you will notice some power loss compared to the manual.

    That could be a worthwhile compramise for a more lazy drive though.

    I used my original transfer box mounting for the one side of the gearbox and modified the disco auto box mounting on the other side (welded on a braced plate and moved the mounting hole 2").

    By doing this my prop shafts were kept original.

    I did however end up moving the engine forward quite a distance (I cant remember for sure 5") compared to short bell housing lt77.

    A mate of mine has done a very similar conversion with his 200 tdi now recently and has used the 200 tdi discovery radiator hoses.

  13. I have got a mio 168 That I bought some 15 monthss ago and it has recently started to play up on the bottom connector now after some serious use/abuse.

    It has been thrown out of a car in a crash.

    It has been submursed in mud when the truck was on its side at tony's bash last year.

    When it eventually dies I will definately buy another PDA but I am not sure what to go for.

    I do like the idea of the gps being physically connected to the pda so that is dosent require a seporate power supply and it is one les item to lose.

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