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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. Very sexy truck. I think i'll go for a dark tint on my rear windows too once the truck's been sprayed. They look really good.
  2. Just an update for you chaps. The wife came home yesterday after her first day of properly driving the 90 and getting some miles in. She had what can only be described as a huge grin and declared that she, and i quote, "absolutely loves driving it". Looks like it's staying.
  3. Yeah, been there done that with cappings and roof, it's the wing section that's new ground for me. Cheers
  4. Hi, couple of quickies; How tricky is the rear wing to fit? The bit that concerns me is how to do the spot welds where wing joins bulkhead. Never spot welded ally before. Mine's got a dent on the rear corner, just trying to decide whether to panel beat it or replace the whole thing. The other option is the gratuitous addition of chequer plate! How do you prep the bendy arch extension things on the Defender for paint? On inspection today mine seem very porous. Do i need to buy new or different ones? Cheers
  5. Thanks Jim, i found them on a search. 200 mles away...
  6. Link wouldn't work for me so i'm searching. Going to do polybushes and spring/shocks at the same time. That one of Matt Neale's would be great, but it's a bl**dy long way away!
  7. I live about 10 miles from Tenbury. Where do i go to find out more? What time? Spectator access? Dogs? Cost?
  8. OK Nige, at the risk of sounding stupid... why will they go 'twang'? I'll go and check my studs for little marks in the morning too!
  9. Where can i find info on Little Witley then? Is it a hardcore truck event or can avon rangemasters hack it?
  10. Thanks mate. Yeah searched and learned quite a bit about Salisburys before i posted, but thought i'd have a crack with a new post! Like Walfy says, it's not hard. I'll have a look for an axle i guess...
  11. Right then, because i was full of enthusiasm for this darned 90 we've bought i got on ebay to find some nice wheels at the behest of my good lady. Boost alloys on their way. Today on actually looking at the truck with my eyes open i notice i have drum rears. Annoying, my 110 had discs and that was on a 'K' too! I had a bit of a "Doh" moment. So, how do i get the darn things to fit as i'm reliably informed they wont. I've searched on here but everything seems to say convert to discs. Suggestions please.
  12. Valid question; It's because we can do jobs like that on drip feed whereas buying it needs a lump sum. Plus, it'll make it more me whilst we have it. The wife has already said she'll forego a lightweight and we can keep it for a while. She also told some friends this evening that we don't need a 110 because she's decided we'll have seats in the back and if people don't like them they can walk... She seems to like it! It drives nice, jumps around a bit more on corners than my old 110, but there's more room in the back than i thought. We'll see how we get on. Entirely possible we'll be '90 converts'! Put a genuine parts liner in the back today as well as fihting the handbrake. All stripped and rebuilt now. Noticed the N/S/R whel bearing is a bit sloppy so i'll attack that with the torque wrench tomorrow. Good old taper rollers!!!
  13. Thanks mate. Dad will deffo get the right bits, he even makes me give him part detail, chassis number and engine number when i buy EP90...
  14. The x-brake... that's the disc conversion for the hand brake isn't it? Both door switches are cheddared so Dad's going to get me 2 along wit the washer nozzle doobrey. Not thrilled about taking the top of the dash off though! Found the metal tube snorkel at Paddocks for £59 + vat so that'll be ordered by the end of this evening. We're now trying to decide on Tangiers Orange (my choice) or Alveston Red (the wife's choice) for the respray.
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that some form of conclusion has been reached. (and it's not a renault) Just after 14:15 today, our offer was accepted on our new truck. As our protracted conversations on here have shown, we couldn't find a 110 Tdi in our budget. We expanded our search to look at 90s as well and we now have our 'K' reg 1993 Tdi 90, with warranted 91k miles and history, tax and MOT, on budget. Handbrake doesn't work, the interior light wont go off and the windscreen washer jet thingy needs replacing but that's it. Happy? Oh yes. Now, where are the best places to get...
  16. Out of interest, how much do 255/85 tyres knock the speedo out?
  17. Thanks very much for the reply, especially the info about the alloy matrix. We're hardy folks (?!!!) and have run Series 3's all year round before, but i'd not heard of the alloy matrix. Where did you get yours from? From our search we've decided that we simply aren't going to find a 110 we can afford, so will settle for a 90 for the time being. When we can we'll get a 110 because (very simply) it's what we want and will best suit the jobs we want it to do. Found a TD 90 in Gloucester we're also going to go and have a look at.
  18. Looks like this is the candidate. Very simply, we can't find a Tdi 110 (worth owning) within our budget and i don't really want another Disco. Like i said, fingers crossed!
  19. Thanks Ralph, i'm very grateful for your help. Fingers crossed, one way or another we're hopefully about to get sorted!
  20. Thanks Steve, thanks Ralph. I hadn't seen that one. I'm guessing i shouldn't worry about it having 200k on the clock? I had a phone call from a dealer down your way, Tredown Land Rovers, who've got a 90 Tdi with 149k on the clock that they'll do for £2k including vat. It's the edge of our budget but we really need to get sorted asap.
  21. Excuse me? Never thought of myself being a wannabe Land Rover owner. I suppose it might be true, after all i always want another one regardless of how many i have. In answer to your question about H/T or SW, we really need the 5 door layout for seating and then the rear for carrying. That's why trucks like Will's and the ex-Mountain Rescue one i found would be perfect. Unfortunately they're out of our budget. Got beaten to the Disco we found, 'N' plater with only 66k on the clock, £1,650. Would have done the job for a while, at least until we could raise more budget for our 110. We're off to the auctions on tuesday, see what we can find there.
  22. We're off to see a Disco at the weekend. Need a vehicle and it's only £1,300 with a 300Tdi. Off to work now, miserable mood.
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