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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. LOL, don't worry mate, if it doesn't work you soon will do when i come back on here bawling my eyes out!
  2. Got my L/R Genuine Parts fuel filter this evening, £6.50. Will put it on in the morning, so fingers crossed!
  3. Hi everyone, On my way to work yesterday (n my 90 that i'm selling, fxxking typical) it suddenly decelerated to tickover. It'll happily tick over all day long, but wont hold a constant higher throttle. If you leave it a 20+ seconds you can have a little rev, if you leave it 30 seconds quite a rev, couple of mins on tickover, couple of sustained revs (sufficient to turn it round) outside the house. I've invstigated nothing so far, but it seems fuel delivery to me... but i'm no expert! Fuel filter blocked? Fuel pump buggered? Turbo actuator? Can't afford to take it to a garage and i've got a bloke coming saturday hopefully to buy it! HELP! Why do these things ony ever happen when you're selling cars? I am officially unhappy.
  4. I don't how many of you chaps were forced by your missus (like i was) to have "I'm a Celebrity" jungle thing on the telly, but this evening it went extra bad. They had to do a challenge where a car is rolled into a river whilst the competitor tries not to drown. Unfortunately, as far as i could see, the most mint 2-door (red) Rangey got drowned first and then a blue 2-door. that had floors and sills like i dream of having in my Rangey... Gits.
  5. Don't know if it's just an urban myth, but i'm sure i read somewhere that the first ever RRC off the line was actually chassis number 3.
  6. Look really cool. I love off-roading when there are humocky hilly bits like that so they roll from one to another. Getting all poetic now , but deffo looks ace.
  7. Way cool! Where was that dude? P.S. - white lettering bad!
  8. Dude, i'm with you. I regularly tell people it's not sad, it's attention to detail. B)
  9. Yeah, i can't believe he did me the whole set for 85p...
  10. Have a search on Eblag for Guardian products. Their bumpers are lush, and have the 'A' frame you want.
  11. I told the wife we're having blue ones. She said... "COOL"!
  12. 4.6 in a Classic... That's my idea of porn. Wonderful.
  13. Not wishing to be a smartarse (no, really i'm not) but if you've flattened the rings fitting them you're doing something wrong! When i rebult the calipers on the Rangey, i put the bottom seal in, rubbed a bit of fluid around, put new pistons in and then put the top seal on. Then, making sure the ring is sitting square, put a 2" square of plywood on top of the ring, attach a g-clamp and slowly compress the ring into the caliper body. Because you've already checked the ring is sitting square, you can't fail but put the ring in the right place without rubbishing it up and it just pops neatly into place. Because they're a press-fit, blatting it with a hammer definitely isn't the way to go! My little bit of ply lives in my toolbox because it makes doing caliper seals a doddle. Also, it's worth running some scotchbrite around the top of the caliper to make sure there aren't any tiny bits of smeg there to stop the retaining ring dropping into place. Careful you don't get it in the bore and scratch it though. Best of luck, once you've sussed it you'll do 'em for everyone!
  14. Right, no loose connections so i'm guessing it must be the bulbs. as i can't get them to light even with a direct power source. I've PM'd Simon to get some of his LED upgrades you recommended. He's putting them in the post tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
  15. LOL, deffo not going to shoot you down Tom. Yes, it is in the middle position, in fact my switch doesn't seem to do anything at all, so that may point to what my fault might be, if the switch interrupts the power supply it might be the problem. If i get home tonight before dark i'll have a fiddle with it.
  16. Cool, thanks Jim, i'll try and find the break. All my fuses are fine, all my exterior lights work etc etc. I found a fellow on ebay who sells LED's to replace the bulbs in Land Rover dashes, might get those whilst i'm at it too.
  17. Hi everyone, '93, K reg 200 Tdi 90, dash board lights (guages) aren't working. Can't find anything loose. Suggestions / ideas / most common problems please. Now the nights are drawing in and all these darn new speed limits around us we need the dash lights! Cheers
  18. What size spacers did you use? Were the studs long enough?
  19. Yeah, going to bell them in the morning. I normally speak to Carol at Paddocks, she's super-amazing helpful and i even sent her a box of chocolates years ago for getting me out of a spot.
  20. Ralph, i'm sorry but i still can't find it! The diff has HRC112 on it, but i'm darned if i can find the serial number of the axle. As i desperately need to figure out exactly which 'version' they are because the seals are leaking more oil than the Exxon Valdiz and next week i start doing 34 mile commutes! Any other way i can figure which of the millions of seals Paddock stock are the right ones? I want get one of everything and just change them all. The bearing needs tightening up too as there's loads of play so it will all get done at the same time.
  21. Exactly. P.S. My brother in law has one on his Seat Cupra Diesel, sporty diesel thing, factory fitted...
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