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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Hi All,

    Just to let people know. I have replaced the Box and books at the top of the Wayfarer. There will be a write up and pictures on www.crag-uk.org as soon as I get it done. Many thanks to Richard of www.mill-services.com for making and donating the box.


  2. The assumption must be made that this "Mega Drive" will be carried out carefully - Paul, will a route be driven if the use it has already received has caused damage, or heavy wear?:

    The routes are planned by the person who knows the area best, the local person. All of the routes are substainible. No damage should be caused. But as with any laning you never know. The day before a tree could have fallen over the lane and it will need moving. This will cause damage to the tree. Or if someone drives in to a ditch some minor damage might get done getting them out.

    I've not been laning for as long as some, and longer than others, but I don't believe GLASS, AWDC etc have better awareness than CRAG because they've been around longer, and if I recall correctly, a while ago the concensus of opinion was any good green lane PR was good public awareness.

    I carnt say one way or the other. All I can say is that we (CRAG) have gotten a lot done in a short time with not a lot of people. So we must be doing something right.

    There's always the danger the "Mega Drive" could all go pear shaped, but do any of us sit at home in case we get hurt out in the real world?

    By the way Paul - Mega Drive is a crappy name! Sounds like a computer game... :rolleyes:

    This is true.

    As for the name, I might have chosen something different but I did not name it. So the name stays this time.

    As always I always try to answer questions the best I can. I may not always be right, but dont tell the wife :D


  3. "I hope 'laneing' was as typo, and you meant laning."

    Yes it’s a typo, I am hopeless at spelling. I would rather just drive the lanes!!

    "If having no more than 5 vehicles (including bikes) and members from CRAG/GLASS/TRF are on the trip, it doesn't leave much room for the Newbie’s, who lets face it are the target audience."

    Each group will be lead by an experienced person. So there will be lots of space for newbie’s. Some of the groups will be led by GLASS/CRAG members and some of the bike groups will be led by TRF members, we hope.

    "CRAG are certainly trying to up their profile, with several posts from Paul on this forum letting us know what they are/have been up to, but I agree with Nige - Be very careful."

    It’s not a case of being careful; it’s a case of trying to show new people that they can still go laning even after the NERC bill and showing how to do it in the correct manner. I am sure there will be more groups out on the weekend that are not members of any group, than we are taking out. We are doing what we can. It all helps.

    As I have said to Nige, I am happy for anyone who wants to help to do so. Not just on this planned weekend. There are some people that will always have a go a group what ever they do. That is not to say that you are having a go. Its just people do.


  4. Nige I have sent a pm.

    I will also post this.

    Thought I would copy this in, just goes to show that our efforts are paying off.!!

    (Full thread can be found at www.trailbikemag.com in forum under Rights of Way/Sarn Helen Footbridge)

    just got off the phone to powys c.c. regarding TROs and such like in the rhayader area, turns out the situation isn't as bad as suspected. the worst news was that the monk's trod route is still closed pending the funding to repair the damage. route south of the clearwen reservoir (cerrigcwplau-rhiwnant) is a possible tro in the near future due to complaints from landowners and other users, it's apparently becoming quite bad so the advice from powys was to try and preserve it as much as possible for the time being (i.e. leave it be if it's very wet/raining and if it looks bad then again, leave it be), this should ensure it stays open for the summer months when things have dried out a bit.

    but the reason i post here is that the chap i spoke to had plenty of good things to say about CRAG, he's of the opinion that advice given by CRAG is probably the most reliable on sensitive routes. he also commended the way in which CRAG approach powys c.c. and the work they are doing to maintain damaged areas (he mentioned the sarn helen bridge).

    so a big thanks to CRAG from me, i'll certainly be doing what i can to help out in future and recommend we all do the same too.

  5. Not clever IMHO - better left to the professionals like GLASS TRF AWDC ?

    As for this bit, CRAG are Professional. It is been done to get people out green laneing. Lots of people do not know how or where they can go. This is a way of showing them that they can get out there and some of the places they can go.

    It is a positive way of showing what responsible 4x4 and bikes (yes there will be bikes) are like off tarmac, without doing damage.

    The expected benefit of trying to do this is to try to teach people the right way of laneing.

    I through it was worth mention it, but if no one is interested then it will get no reply’s?

    National ?....have GLASS AWDC TRF, Don’t know, not asked them. But all because we have not asked them dose not mean they cannot join us. Some GLASS and TRF members are joining us.

    Yes anyone can drive the lanes, at any time. We are not driving any new lanes. Just using the ones that are there.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    It is not a PR stunt as it might not even make it to any press. I am out most weekends anyway so its just another laneing day to me. As for it “'Self Promotional' day for a business” then its not its just started as an idear. If you can think of anything better please let me know and if it can be done I will look at doing it.

    If you have anymore question please let me know and I will try to answer them.



    World 4x4 Adventures have teamed up with CRAG to run a green laning weekend with simultaneous groups running in dozens of different areas across the country, from the Peak District to Exmoor, from Brecon Beacons to Salisbury Plain. You choose what region you want to explore for the Saturday and a different one for the Sunday.

    For example you can explore the rocky tracks of the Peak District on Saturday and then have a Sunday lunch in a Welsh village pub. Or, if you don’t fancy travelling too much, you can also do 2 days on different lanes in the same region

    Basically all you have to do is choose what area you want to drive in on Saturday and another for Sunday and contact the Team Leader to arrange a meeting point and to ask any questions you might have.

    You cannot just turn up on the day, we will have strict group sizes of no more than 5 vehicles, so if you have some mates coming along they’ll have to contact us first.

    For more infomation please see www.world4x4.co.uk/glmd.htm All the info is there. We haven't got every route we're intending to run up yet, so check back from time to time. In the mean time, if you have any questions, please email me at robb4x4@gmail.com.

  7. As the NERC bill has/is going through the lords. It has to go back to the MPs. Now is the time to email them all. Tell them why it is wrong and it needs changing or stopping.

    It’s never too late to try to change things.

    To find who you’re local MP is look here:-


    Thanks for your help on this.

    Paul Humphreys


  8. For those that want to join The Countryside Recreational Access Group (CRAG). You can now do so via email and PayPal.

    Download the membership for from http://www.crag-uk.org/index.php?option=co...id=15&Itemid=26 fill it in and then In the top corner there’s a Email button. Click on it and you will be sent an email from PayPal saying “Countryside Recreational Access Group (payments@crag-uk.org) would like to be paid through PayPal”.

    Please then make payment and you will be sent your membership pack.

    Paul Humphreys


  9. Could you please post the following as a News Item on the website asap:

    North Powys / Montgomeryshire NGLD Project

    We have agreed to undertake a repair to a UCR in the Dyfnant Forest this Sunday

    RV Location is at the crossroads in the centre of the forest at SJ 005 143. You can get here by entering the forest at SJ 019 132 and then bearing left onto the main track that heads west then north – this will bring you to the centre of the forest at the main crossroads. Alternatively, meet at Little Chef on Oswestry Bypass at 09:00 (SJ 309 284) and then travel to the RV in convoy with the benefit of an experienced guide!

    We have a rather large hole to fill with stone and then put a bit of a surface on top. If we get a good turnout we should be clear by lunchtime and we can go laning.

    Please wear steel toecap boots

    Email Mark Margetts on powys@crag-uk.org for more info

  10. CRAG will be organising a clearing session for NGLD this Sunday 26th Feb 06. The lanes planed for work are as follows.

    V-Gully SJ 18930 38190 to SJ 20000 38220

    Foxes Revenge SJ 23350 36040 to SJ 24370 35500

    The Dog Leg SJ 18430 37050 to SJ 19050 36180

    The order of the day will be HAND TOOLS only.

    The start is planed for 10-30am. Meeting point will be the round about in Glyn Ceiroig (SJ 20175 37780). Dependant on how many people we have we will split into groups.

    All persons turning will be covered by CRAGs insurance. You are asked to bring safety footwear, hard hats and a high visibility vest if possible.

    The more people we have the more we can do.

  11. Hi All,

    As you are all aware the NERC bill is up before the Lords at the end of this month. I ask everyone that reads this to email one of the members below. If enough people do it then it MIGHT make a difference. Please address them as per title.


    BYFORD, Baroness BYFORDH@parliament.uk

    AMOS, Baroness AMOSV@parliament.uk

    CARTER, Denis Lord CARTERDV@parliament.uk

    CHAPMAN, Baroness CHAPMANN@parliament.uk

    CUMBERLEGE, Baroness CUMBERLEGEJ@parliament.uk

    GALE, Baroness GaleA@parliament.uk

    GARDNER, Baroness GARDNERT@parliament.uk

    HARRIS, Baroness HarrisA@parliament.uk

    HOWE, Baroness HOWEE@parliament.uk

    HOWE, Earl HoweF@parliament.uk

    HOWE, G Lord HoweG@parliament.uk

    HYLTON, Lord HYLTONR@parliament.uk

    JENKIN, Lord JENKINP@parliament.uk

    Lord Douglas-Hamilton.


    LEWIS, Bishop LEWISR@parliament.uk addressed as 'My Lord Bishop'

    LUDFORD, Baroness LUDFORDS@parliament.uk

    MACKAY, JP Lord MACKAYJP@parliament.uk

    MAR, Countess MARM@parliament.uk

    MCINTOSH, Baroness MCINTOSHG@parliament.uk

    MILLER, S Baroness MILLERS@parliament.uk

    Baroness Fooke’s C/O molly.ladyf@tiscali.co.uk

    ROTHERWICK, Lord ROTHERWICKR@parliament.uk

    ROYALL, Baroness ROYALLJ@parliament.uk

    SKELMERSDALE, Lord SkelmersdaleR@parliament.uk

    SWINFEN, Lord Swinfenr@parliament.uk

    WHITAKER, Janet Lady WhitakerJ@parliament.uk

    Bishop Norwich: bishop@bishopofnorwich.org

    Duke Montrose: montrosej@parliament.uk

    Earl of Erroll: errollm@parliament.uk

    Earl Selborne: selbornejr@parliament.uk

    Lord Haworth: hawortha@parliament.uk

    Viscount Eccles: deccles@globalnet.co.uk

    Lord Brooke of Sutton Mandeville: brookep@parliament.uk

    Lord Plumb: plumbh@parliament.uk

    Lord Rotherwick: rr@cpark.co.uk

    Viscount Bridgeman: bridgemanr@parliament.uk

    Lord Clark of Windermere: clarkd@parliament.uk

    Lord Whitty: pus.lords@defra.gsi.gov.uk

    Lord Greaves: greavesa@parliament.uk

    Baroness Young of Old Scone: youngb@parliament.uk

    Lord Beaumont of Whitley: beaumontt@parliament.uk

    Right I have sent this and got about 15 answers.


    I contact you now to express my deep concerns as to some of the recent amendments in the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill, shortly to be debated in the House of Lords.

    I note Lord Bach has tabled an amendment (318) which will effectively back date modifications to the definitive map to 19th May 2005. Worrying further is another amendment seeking to push the date back even further to 9th December 2003. Originally the opportunity to modify the definitive map was to end in 2026 as set out in the CROW Act of 2000.

    I believe that this amendment has come about due to a misrepresentation as to the number of modification orders that have been received by local surveying authorities, with regard to those orders being applied for by Mechanically Propelled Vehicle Users.

    My own enquiries with my local authorities have indeed found very low number of modification applications and I can see no justification for this knee-jerk reaction.

    Rest assured I too, am concerned with the illegal use of MPV in the countryside but would point out that there is a great deal of legislation already in place but not sufficiently enforced, to deal with this issue.

    I would ask that you would look at the DEFRA recent publication, Regulating Vehicle Use on Rights of Way for more information on the legislation currently in place.

    It is my belief that the “banning” of MPV from routes which have been in use for many years, will only lead to greater MPV problems in the Countryside.

    I respectfully, request therefore that you will lend your support to amendment (319), Lords Bradshaw and Judd.

    I would also like to draw your attention to some of the recent amendments to clause 62.

    Whilst illegal MPV use in the Countryside is appalling, I would ask that you lend your support to amendment (316,317) Lord Dixon-Smith. It is clearly unfortunate that Disabled Drivers should lose their opportunity to access the countryside. Indeed, if existing legislation as summarised in the DEFRA publication, Regulating Vehicles on Public Rights of Way, had been properly enforced. I do not believe there would be any need for this new raft of measures.

    I would also be happy if you would read the attachment from another concerned member of the public.

    Yours sincerely

    Paul Humphreys




  12. Ok Paul, My post wasn't very clear. The link to the difflock forum - a poster on there has made a reply that it seems is a just a list of insults aimed at GLASS.

    Good that you guys have sorted your differences. It seems that damage to the byeways by any idiot with a 4x4 is getting worse, and almost out of control. We all have to do what is really a very simple thing - reprt damage/vehicles to the relevant people.

    Les. :)

    Hi Les

    Some people will always have a go at others, theres not a lot we can do about that, its just like the antis haveing a go at us.

    CRAG and GLASS are working togeather on NGLD, GLASS have posted some of out projects on their website.

    There will always be some idiots causeing damage to lanes, it will only make it worse when they stop some of the lanes being used. You will never stop the ilegall ones.


  13. Well we don't know the whole story. And although it may well be true, posting insults between CRAG and GLASS on public forums isn't such a good idea. Threats against our rights are getting more and more intense, and in-fighting is a bad thing, especially at the minute.

    Les. :)


    CRAG and GLASS are getting along ok right now. I have posted this on the GLASS forum aswell. I just want to know if its true or not. It is not ment as an insualt, If you think it is then please lock or remove the post. I do know that the GLASS Rep support officer has given up the post, not sure why.

    I know that some of the GLASS reps use this forum and I would just like to know if its true and theres not a lot of posting happening on the GLASS forum.


  14. Just a thought - has anyone found a correlation between lanes featured in magazines, and "extra" damage?

    That's not a loaded question, I haven't been laning for ages (usually in the transit :unsure:) so have no idea.

    Yes this makes a lot of difference to the amount of use. One mag prints a "Road Book" we came across a group of people using this road book on sunday. Before we met them someone had beed doing doughnuts on a field. Looking at the tyre tracks and the group we came across it looks like it was them, but as we did not catch them in the act we could not prove it. We just give them a talking to pointing out how bad it was to acting like that.


  15. I saw an advert in the local Friday Ad, a freebie advertising paper. A company which shall remain nameless is advertising green lane days, proposing taking people out for;

    " a hard days green laning in Kent. Attempt lanes that have been classed as impossible! Recovery points and off-road tyres a must".

    So, they are encouraging large numbers of paying punters to go out and damage lanes which are clearly not fit to be driven at this time of year. We all know what is liable to happen if they encounter walkers/riders etc. and more importantly, if the press sees the resulting impact on the lanes. Also, simply by advertising, they are bringing the activity to the attention of Joe Public. If I was a local reporter looking to get some controversial column-inches, then I would book as a punter and go out to observe, photograph etc. An editor would be very pleased.

    So, is this a group simply out enjoying their right to drive these lanes, or is it a group which is undermining the attempts of responsible bodies e.g. GLASS and LARA which are campaigning to secure the long-term access to green laning.


    I was out sunday and came across a group that had payed to be lead. A group of 15 including the leader who had taken their money. Everyone got a taking to and told they can go laneing for free, they all got a CRAG flyer as well.

    The problem with commercial people is they are out to make money and theres no law to stop the size of groups.


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