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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. As the title suggests i am thinking of running memory map on a pda that i have. I was hoping someone could give me a step by step run through of what i would need to do. Which memory map is better for off road use (which one has the pictures!!), which gps receivers are better than others etc. etc.



    I run MM for Greenlaning, but for road use you are better with something like TomTom. I do have the OS 1-250k UK Road Atlas. But I just swap the memory cards to use the tomtom. I run both on a Medion PDA with built in GPS. I also have a GPS reciver for my laptop.

    Seting up MM on a PDA is quite easy. But I use a card reader to transfur the maps to the memory card on the PDA.


  2. Mine (greg1 or 2) has also got a 200TDI in & fitted with a PTO Hydrolic driven winch with control levers on wing top.

    The thing that puzles me is ; what's the 600 x 180 tube tank fitted underbody below driver for?

    mine looks better that she (greg?) realy is, as the flash of camara hides some of the dents :)


    I have not got the tank :unsure: But the winch control in mounted on the dash. Just over from the drive leaver for the auto box.


  3. Bloody ell, looks like a garden shed in there. :D Very neat mate.

    Its getting there. I just need to fix the big metal box down as it has the chainsaw and other bits. I also have made a wooden box with a draw on the top to hold the shakels and other bits, with the winch chocks under it. Just need some free time to finish it all off. Plus I need to find a place for the ground anchor and waffle boards.


  4. Thanks Paul.

    I will defer paymant until Friday/Saturday if that is OK as I am expecting some funds to arrive into my Paypal account about then.



    Ok by me.

    I posted some of the others out today.







    You should have them later this week.


  5. Graham got this back today


    Thanks for the e-mail. The situation in Wales is slightly different. The provisions within the CROW Act have been passed by the Assembly - they came into force on the 11th of May 2006.


    DEFRA also made regulations on behalf of England and Wales on Restricted Byways - these also came into force in Wales on the 11th May.


    But section 66-72 of the NERC Act have not come into force as yet in Wales - this is unlikely to happen until November - due to the elongated procedures that we have to follow in making secondary legislation in Wales.

    Therefore the RUPPs have been classified as Restricted Byways is Wales. The best place to see what the effect of the NERC Act provisions is to look at the Explanatory Notes for the Act - I have attached the relevant part to this e-mail.

    It is not easy to follow the changes here sorry - but hopefully this will set it down as to what has been commenced in Wales.


    Angharad Huws

  6. just looked at your pics in the gallery, if your 110 has it's original reg number G*** YPX then the last 2 letters mean it was originally registered in Portsmouth, so it most probaly belonged to Souther Electricity in it's working time.

    useful reg ident info

    Thanks for that. I know the 3 speed auto was fitted by a company in Shrewsbury, but they are no longer there. I do know that there was ment to have been quite a few converted. I am still trying to trace them and some of the history of it.


  7. Hi all,

    It works out £9 for a pair for the small ones including P&P Big ones are the same but each.

    will_warne I can do you a pair of the large ones as I ordered 8 of them.

    I can do PayPal PO Orders Cheque or Cash. Its upto you.

    Please PM me with address and the way you want to pay. I might have some spares but need to see how many I use in my 110. If I do I will post here before anywhere else.


  8. Paul, how have you managed to mount the top of the damper so low ? do the dampers bottom out on the compression side ??

    I have Pin topped shocke on the rear same as the front. The mounts were made by Gwyn Lewis. He told me it took him a long time to get them right. But they move the mount up and forward.


  9. Why not say:

    Small ones - £10 pair incl. P&P

    Large ones - £17.50 pair incl. P&P

    Anything left over goes in the Gin fund kitty??

    I'm not worried either way, just need to know the final price!!

    Well I am trying to do them for cost and not to make money on them. Large ones are the same price as a pair of singls ones. I do not know how much they way so I do not know how much they will be to post. The only thing I know the Jiffy bags are £1 for 4 from the pound shop. Also if people are having more than on pair then the P&P will be less. I think £10 should cover it. But as I have said I will post it monday.


  10. Paul - did you see the 'Black Tuesday' thread and Chris's, GBMUD, comments on RUPP's from Wiltshire CC??

    What's your view on this do you have a definitive answer and with te Brecon NP, have they voiced an opinion on their Rupps like the GAP road etc?



    The RUPPs are lost in England and Wales.. But The Gap and Sarn Helen should be ok as they will come under the 5 year rule. This rule states that if the main use over the last 5 years was MPV use then it will carry the rights to drive/ride it. But this might have to be proved on a case by case study. BBNP have said they WILL keep them open as long as they the idots dont trash them, if they do they will look at them again.

    Another point to note CROW/NERC can not change the rights on a UCR, but Dual routes are lost. But if its a foot path over a UCR then its a Dual and all right are lost(for MPVs) but as said it can not change a UCR. This is only going to be decided in court.

    On another note I had a very good meeting with Northhamptonshire ROW the other day. Got another in a few weeks. So there could be some good news down there soon.


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