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Everything posted by Tom17

  1. Cheers guys so can somebody go through this step by step? I'm going to be attempting this on my lunch hour tomorrow in work is that enough time?
  2. It feels like something is broken it feels so limp something must have fallen off or broken
  3. It still goes in and out of high range but will not reach low also forgot to say
  4. Hi all let my mate have a go of my 90 and he managed to **** up the low range selection I have removed the covers and chased back the linkages and it leads to this block I've taken a pic of I think this could be the problem I know how it used to feel and it now feels loose and limp what component needs to be changed and could I do it on my drive? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Tom
  5. Yeah new to 4x4s completely and have no mates who do it they all into there low fast hatch backs so a bit lost to be honest! Where abouts do you normally go in Llangollen as I'm quite good with this area
  6. My point is that you have to modify your jimny to even compete whereas my nan could take a 90 from new not touch a think on it and do amazingly well off road
  7. Got a mate giving me banter saying a jimny would destroy a defender off road Please give me some ammo to put this school boy to bed
  8. Anybody know any good places? I've been to hill and ditch near Chester just wondering if there are any other places or green lanes local to me
  9. Thanks for the quick reply! I haven't actually got a winch so the extra point of resistance is not an issue! I just liked the simplicity of this and the way it's hidden so your standard none landrover owner thief would have a job finding it
  10. Yeah think that's going to have to be the option for the time being until I can afford the x brake! Anybody know how hard they are to fit?
  11. Hi all Anybody had any experience with this or similar Just ordered it only to give an extra bit of security against theft I know it's a bit of a pain taking the seat up every night but id rather do that and avoid it getting robbed! Already got a steering lock any other methods you all use? I also fold the seat in such a way that you can't sit on it and its a nightmare to get it back the way I do it unless you know how it's been done
  12. Right will have to try get under it tonight! How big of a job is it to dismantle the drum etc? Also I've seen on a couple of off readers they have like covers on the grill that clip on and off? Just for use while off roading what are these called
  13. Hi all went off roading at hill and ditch quarry the other day was really good! Although I'm now paying the price my car is overheating due to mud being clogged up in the radiator an intercooler and my handbrake is sticking on? Can anybody advise me what to do about both? And how I can prevent this happening again? Are there any guards or covers i can get? Thanks Tom Also some pics
  14. Cheers everyone will try bulbs tomorrow then if not will go to find some gravel! Can anyone explain the loud bang today?
  15. Yeah I put it on stationary then began to move! Just wanted to see if it worked or not as I slipped on a hill on loose ground the other week and only had it in low range as didn't know how to engage lock! How can I tell if my diff lock is on or not if my dash light doesn't work? As I haven't noticed it on but to be fair I haven't looked
  16. Thanks for the quick reply! When it is in lock side and gear 1 is doesn't move? Does this need freeing up? Unsure about the light I didn't look will check again soon and what about the bang noise is this normal when full lock turning with diff lock engaged
  17. Thanks mike Would I get everything I need from halfords or similar? Where is best place to get the 12v from directly from battery or?
  18. Hi all! New to 4x4 all together this is my first defender and haven't a clue how to engage diff lock! I tryed it in a car park at 5mph full locked and the bang from the drive train was unreal loud! Is this broken? Should this happen? It drives okay now but the noise was so loud has it caused damage? Thanks Also how do you engage step by step and ill see if I have done that!
  19. As above! Been given one that works with no diagrams or anything just about 100mm of cable out of them but I can extend that etc just not sure what to wire it to?
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