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Everything posted by Tom17

  1. Hi all Put my 90 in to a sort of back street landrover specialist today to have hub seals changed on both axles. Forgot to ask them how much it would be and I'm assuming they will only take cash so does anybody have a rough estimate as to what this will cost?
  2. Not keen on galvinising as if I was going to pay £600 to have that done I'd sooner just buy a new one for 1200 from Richards chassis I'm after something I can paint on by hand in the state it's in I don't want to take the engine out etc
  3. Currently doing a bit of a rebuild on my landrover it's currently a rolling chassis with engine and bulkhead/ dash board fitted etc I had the chassis sand blasted and a friend of mine is currently doing a few hours here and there welding some parts that needed attention I'm hoping it will be complete in the next week or two depending and how much time he has free to help I'm just wondering what people find the best to now paint on after this kind if thing has been done? I've read paints like hanmerite are no good as they crack and allow moisture in underneath Any suggestions on what to use also where I can get them and rough costs if people know that would be great Thanks
  4. All bar the rear tub that I've just read up that we need! I assume these are quite hard to come by?
  5. He can get the parts for next to nothing he thinks and the landrover was bought and restored very cheaply so again doesn't owe him much!
  6. Hi guys A question for my dad really He currently has a 110 hi cap pick up and really wants a double cab so he was going to sell and buy one but some local guy whose into butchering landrovers had a double cab pick up and has turned it into a single can pick up tray back sort of thing but has the roof and rear windows! My question is could my dad buy a 90 rear tub and fit the roof and windows to his 110 chassis?
  7. Right as per everything seems to be breaking on the 90 and now I've just found the brake lights aren't working along with the front indicators Is this the same fuse Providing all fuses are ok what else could this be I've checked fuses but it's dark outside and I can't see very well with my phone light so will do it properly tomorrow any common places for brakes to short or break and any connection to indicators seems odd they all off together all at once? Please any help would be great! Thanks
  8. Hi I had this trouble. Remove the cover in the middle of the cab under the seat and look for where the linkages go to. The cover had 6 bolts on top of it and it about the length and width of a hand remove these the tighten the grub screw back onto the shaft that's what my problem was yours could be the same!
  9. Hi all tried to change my uj's on my props did the front but the back I got the wrong uj's because I'm dopey and now I just can't be bothered so I'm just going to buy a new prop! My landy is a 90" 1984 but has a 200tdi in with an lt77 box what prop will I need does anybody know? Tbh I'm loving how much fuel I'm saving but need to be ready for the ice! Any help would be great!
  10. Just did and the starter lifter and spun like it wanted to start so I don't think it's the starter I'm so confused
  11. I have the other starter that was off the car next to me now and I have put the jump leads to that and it went mad so and fired into action
  12. Okay I have just put jump lead from earth to engine block and still nothing! What next?
  13. Okay will put the earth from battery to engine block and see what happens
  14. Great and will I be able to pick one of these up at a parts shop that day would you think?
  15. Will try this tomorrow morning and get back on here with the results! If it proves to be a solenoid what solenoid would this be and where is it located?
  16. Also when removing the old starter I got slightly confused with the wiring it's currently got the fat live from the battery on a stud alone with two other ring crimped red or dark cables and a striped one that was from the same loom on a little tab crimp thingy next to the stud is this correct? I'm pretty sure that's the way it came off but I'm starting to doubt myself now!
  17. I've been away for a week and come home to my defender 90 200tdi today and the thing won't start it is giving a clicking sound from the engine bay almost like a flat battery would (don't worry I've swapped batteries over with dad's defender and battery isn't the issue) I've then smacked the **** out of the starter motor to see if that was stuck but no luck. I then swapped the starter (tiddle take of a job) with one from the old 200tdi that came out when I got the car but this didn't work either but again that could too be stuck so it's currently sat on my drive way in a sorry state and I'm confused as to what it may be I really want to avoid taking it to a garage but feel I may have to with this one! Any help would be great! Thanks!
  18. So I could put the mtf95 in my transfer box?
  19. Also what amounts will I need to buy I've been told the box takes 2.3l unsure on the diffs how much they need and the trans too
  20. Thanks for your help I have an lt77 box not sure how to identify what transfere box I have! Any help with that would be great my car is a 1984 defender originally a 2.5 na diesel and is now a 200tdi
  21. Hi all! Say it every time but I'm not a mechanic and I'm just learning sort of thing but can anyone help with what oils I need for what Going to do both axles today then possible gear box tomorrow Any hell would be great cheers
  22. Still going to do it as am extra method of deterrent! May look into the gear stick lock also from x eng
  23. Still struggling to find the live into the fuel pump could anybody point me in the right direction I've looked only from above but can't find a thing!! And yes Paul will keep that in mind good thinking! Also going to look into those concreted in dropping bollards
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