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R380 fitting back to LT230

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Hi Folks,

Exciting times. About to refit our gearbox back to the transfer box.

Suspect that the splines on the shaft to the transfer box ought to be greased up. Any recommendations? Was thinking along the lines of Lucas X-TRA Heavy Duty Grease - NLGI#2 ??

Anything else you think I should also consider at this point. Suspect lubricate the oil seal in the joint face of the transfer box with the same grease?

Thanks in advance,


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Just plain ep gear oil on the splines as the transferbox input gear is 99% cross drilled ( early ones were not but most have been changed) and using thick grease could stop oil tracking through the drilling to lube the shaft splines. 
bit of oil on the shafts oil seal shoulder is enough aswell

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Grease would have been fine - hot oil from the transfer box would have washed it away soon enough.  The important thing is to make sure they’re not reassembled dry.

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