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London 2 Brighton


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Thanks Rob for posting them.

A big thankyou to Bruce and the other Tombraider owners for turning out at such short notice, watchout L2B next year! there will be LOTS more of us!!

To all forum users who were there, spotted some of you sorry if i didnt get to say hello!

Top 90, what prize did you get??


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My lad was there, he picked up the Farthest Travelled award. As soon as he emails me them, i'll post the piccies.

Sounds like a good day by all accounts. Well done to all involved!!


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I was there - had to get a lift in Dad's RR as the 109 is still in bits :( will try to get some photos up soon.

Was a good day, the weather was better than last year. The only grumble was that when we arrived in the AM we were shepherded into the main queue of trucks and couldn't join the ShireLRC convoy, took us an hour to get out of the gate after they'd left :blink:

That and the viscous fan on the Rangie doesn't seem to be doing it's job in traffic - we spent most of the journey with the temp gauge dangerously high :(

Electric fans now on the shopping list :D

Many of you will have heard my mum - she's the one who got custody of the mic when the marshals pulled (and pushed) the 101, talk about embarrassing parents! :o

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I got the prize for 'best offroader'.

Must be because I had not washed it, and its got plenty of dents.

Did you win anything??? Had to leave before the judging took place.

I thought it was a very good choice from all the Landy's there.... even if I do say so myself!!! :)


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Excellent day, lovely weather and despite the most horrible cold I'd had in years I had a fantastic time B)

Party the night before at Crystal Palace was even better! Those who just turned up for the Sunday, I'd highly recommend the camping over the night before. Most excellent B) :)

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