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I have been lucky enough to win pretty much every major title in the UK at least once over and it is not by being the best driver or even having the best car or co driver..............

Jim :)

Was just wondering who or what decides if an event is a major one or not. :unsure:


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Was just wondering who or what decides if an event is a major one or not. :unsure:


Hi Adrian,

Hope your well? Any chance of you coming out of the wilderness?

I think the above question belongs to another thread.......and that Daan is probably very near the truth.......

But ones that spring to mind:

Bulldog trophy

Muddy truckers trophy

Ultimate Challenge

Tough trucks trophy

Santa's muddy challenge

Hound of the Baskiville :P

The list goes on

Would you disagree?

Jim :)

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Hi Adrian,

Hope your well? Any chance of you coming out of the wilderness?

I think the above question belongs to another thread.......and that Daan is probably very near the truth.......

But ones that spring to mind:

Bulldog trophy

Muddy truckers trophy

Ultimate Challenge

Tough trucks trophy

Santa's muddy challenge

Hound of the Baskiville :P

The list goes on

Would you disagree?

Jim :)

Wouldn't disagree, however it's not really an answer as to what makes a major event.

I might venture out sooner or later, can't have you winning all the time :ph34r:

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Would be very good to see you out and about again..............

But can you wait till after the Tay so at least i have a chance of adding that the list :lol:

You are right in what you say, there are no clearly defined Major events, although anything that is well attended and two days or over has to be considered i think? who knows?

It was easy a few years ago :lol:

It also has to be mentioned the standard of vehicles now competeing at the Howling Wolf is not to be sniffed at, there are some very specilist vehicles coming through that are very nice...................

More worrying is they are learning to drive them :blink::ph34r::lol:


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