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Challenge South West 2 day event Sponsered by Devon4x4

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I am glad you enjoyed the event, it is when a plan works the way you hoped it would.

I think the highlight of the whole weekend for me was the feedback from teams after completing section 3 on Sat night. Makes all the time & effort we put in seem worth while.

As for section 2, another time I will seriously considder setting up some landing lights on the other side of the little log for certain individuals with wings! :blink:

Some extremely well laid out sections by Chris B and just a taster of whats to come for the South West Decider Trophy later in the year.

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ok Si, it was really hot n sunny, you would have had to eat burgers and drink beer till the small hours.

You would have hated the Sat night special stages in the dark!

We being who we are would have had you straining the old grey matter thinking how to tackle the punches and special stages.

You would have got your truck plastered in mud whilst getting stuck everywhere and would need to keep using your winch.

You were much better off at home mate :(

Better make sure your not booked for the SW De-Cider Trophy then :blink:

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We also had a good day, thanks to the organisers and marshalls.

A few of the punch's looked easy but then seemed to take ages to do.

I liked the site plan, makes life easier and you can get on with what you are there to do.

Really great weather and a good event.

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We also had a good day, thanks to the organisers and marshalls.

A few of the punch's looked easy but then seemed to take ages to do.

I liked the site plan, makes life easier and you can get on with what you are there to do.

Really great weather and a good event.

Glad you enjoyed the day, thanks for making the effort and coming all the way to take part.

I think the format worked well, and it's good to have some variety in a competition rather than just hunt the punch.

Thanks also to Ian for posting up some photo's, although I took my camera I only had the chance to take on picture!

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