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Sorry, but more coolant queries


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Hi, following my earlier posts about coolant loss I managed to remove the engine undershield so as to be able to get a better look at what is going on. It seems that I may have mis-diagnosed the problem wonder if anyone can offer some advice.

From the attached photo you can see that the coolant is actually running down the lhs of the engine and onto the sump which is now quite stained with anti-freeze. In the background of the photo you can see that one of the bolts on what I assume to be the rear of the water pump is quite wet, and looks to be the source of the leak. There is also a small amount of cooland seeping through one of the other metal pipes on the underside of the engine close to the coolant drain plug due (I believe) to corrosion.


1/ Are the water pumps prone to leakage and what is the best way to get to the rear of the pump in order to repair it. It looks pretty inaccessible either from below or above.

2/ Is this leakage likely to symptomatic of another problem such as pressurisation of the system due a blown head gasket for example? If so is there any way to check this at home or is it a garage job?

Thanks for your patience!



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First a word of thanks to the Forum management, that they have got on top of the Software to the extent that we (the mere mortal punters) are able to post a 'ginormous' picture without bringing the download of the topic to a halt, as the thumbnail is produced automatically.

I don't recall another forum that will allow users to post pictures directly to the forum, and handle them so expiditously (with speed and efficiency - I thought I'd better check :-)).

Thankyou gents.


From the attached photo you can see that the coolant is actually running down the lhs of the engine and onto the sump which is now quite stained with anti-freeze.

I can see that.
In the background of the photo you can see that one of the bolts on what I assume to be the rear of the water pump is quite wet, and looks to be the source of the leak.
I can see that.
There is also a small amount of coolant seeping through one of the other metal pipes on the underside of the engine close to the coolant drain plug due (I believe) to corrosion.
I can NOT identify either the metal pipe, or the drain plug. Blowing the picture up twice I can see what to me looks like a red/orange rusty mark, close to a black arc outline, the mass of which is hidden in shadow; is that what you are referring to?

I think others have more relevant experience than I on which to base answers, particularly wrt testing the coolant for combustion gases.


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Thanks David. I agree with you that it is amazing and also very helpful to be able to posts pictures onto the site. The picture does not show the leaking pipe by the drain plug - that is elswhere and not in the photo but I (stupidly) neglected to make that clear in my original post.

The picture is taken looking up through the engine bay whilst laying beneath the front lhs of the sump. You should be able to see the pinky/yellow staining of the coolant gathering on the bottom of the sump in the foreground while in the background (to the rhs of the large pipe with clamp around) you should be able to see some wetness by a fixing bolt on the underside of the water pump. Hope that this clarifies matters.


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Just a quick question. Have you been able to see exactly where this is leaking now? Can you see a weep with the engine running?

It would be interesting to see what the coolant pressure is do have you a tester?

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My guess would be it's the 'P' gasket that's failed. It's a pretty common occurrence but it could also be the core plug in the same vicinity (as it turned out to be on my engine after I'd bought a new gasket!).

See here: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=7547



I would agree if it was a 300TDI however it's a TD5 so not the same, :P .

Sorry can't help as I know nowt about TD5's


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Yea no silly inter timing cover P gaskets that leak on this engine just a whole load of other problems. :)

If she's leaking the best replace gasket.

Does any one know of any previous cases of this happening. I've not heard of it.

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