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forum question


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Just wondering if anyone else noticed this.

You know the orange box at the beginning of a topic, that takes you to the last unread message?

I noticed in the last month or two, that it takes me to the last or second last post, rather than to my last unread post. I'm pretty sure this used to work.

For example, if there's a new topic with a few pages on it that I haven't read at all, clicking the box will take me to the last page, rather than the first page.

Is it just me, or am I missing something? Anyone else having similar problems?

(Edit to add that this only happens sometimes, not always)

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It is you

You are missing something.

It's not happening to anyone else.

Ok, I'm definitely not imagining it.

I clicked on Bish's SVA bobtail thread today, not having looked at it since it reappeared a few days ago, and it took me to the lat page. :angry: (BTW, terrible news that)

Maybe it's cause I'm running firefox, but it's a bug and the rest of you just haven't noticed :lol:

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Yep, cookies and JS enabled on my machine. Must try it on my Linux box.

DefcoL, they should take you to the last unread post of a topic, so you can catch up on any unread posts since you last logged in.

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what orange squares? :blink:

I've always wondered what the orange box meant. Now I know, it makes sense. The orange box is in front of the thread title on the main page. So for this thread it's in front of "forum question"

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