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Ireland-Three Peaks Challenge '08

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Right October is coming round far to fast and i'm flat out trying to sort my Truck ready for the Three Peaks Challenge!!

First challenge event and trip to Ireland for me so all input will be much appreciated!!

There are 5 Trucks(inc me) from the Stroud/Gloucester area travelling over to compete, so it would be good to see who else is going?!

I'm going in a very much budget built 200Tdi 90 that is still in the build mode so if any teams from previous events have inputs i'm all ears!!

Thanks Mike

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[have a look on the d44 forum for lots of photos and past event info.

heres what you need to know..

1. there is lots of drinking

2. there a lot of alcohol.

3. there is some mickey taking.

4. there is some great off roading.

5. some of the black peat bogs are very very deep

its a fun event not a serious competition.there are no prizes.you have to drink a lot and have fun.

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lots of trees, one section was like diving through a tunnel with the branches in, on and under the car, lots of drinking, great loads of fun, non competitive unless you are the guy who "won" it last year..

:lol::lol: There was someone that posted on Difflock stating they had won the witchhunt and won the event , what a walker! :lol::lol:

Team Wurzel-Taff went last year and we won the "staying up in the bar until 4 am and waking the residents up when we retired award "We even had a member up in the restaurant when we came down for breakfast the next day .

As Jo90 has said lots of drinking, and a mighty craic . And some of the best terrain I have driven .

You will need a GPS i at least one of the vehicles in your team ,

You will love it Mike . ;)

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Right October is coming round far to fast and i'm flat out trying to sort my Truck ready for the Three Peaks Challenge!!

First challenge event and trip to Ireland for me so all input will be much appreciated!!

There are 5 Trucks(inc me) from the Stroud/Gloucester area travelling over to compete, so it would be good to see who else is going?!

I'm going in a very much budget built 200Tdi 90 that is still in the build mode so if any teams from previous events have inputs i'm all ears!!

Thanks Mike

Team Bathtub are going :blink:

Me with Missus driving

Andy Chaplin missus driving

Alan Kemp & CO

Jim Marsden & my sister

Steffan & Jims mum

Chris Abel?????

Lots of tree stumps ,lots of bogs ,lots of miles

**** loads of beer & sex & that was last year with the co-drivers got the wives this year so just Beer probably :lol:

Last year we drove it all in high range :ph34r:

Mind you that was only because the tranfer box blew up on the 1st day :lol:

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As JJ Keeley said in the finishing speech in 2006.......

"The winner of this event is either the biggest liar, or the man with the biggest ego"

At this point someone jumped and shouted "WELL DONE SIMON" :lol:


Awesome event and a real Craig

Bathtub does struggle though, as he finds it tough dragging his lardy arse through the tight spots :lol::P

Two words of warning... Tree stumps :blink:

At least 35' tyres required or you will struggle in places as it is inpossible to avoid them in some places.

Oh, and do bring headache tablets, just don't do a Neil Redpath and roll your car fighting your co driver for them :lol:

Can not wait, i missed last year, but i am pleased to say that "Team Knicker sniffer" will ride again :ph34r:

Contary tyo what you read above i have a Hungarian co driver this year, as i've worn out Bathtubs sister :lol:

His wife though.....

Can not wait :D


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A Kemp and missus

Sorry update.

Team "weve all had Jims missus & his Son could be mine"

Me with Missus driving

Andy Chaplin missus driving

Alan Kemp & Missus

Jim Marsden & Sloberdownmycock Abitch.

Steffan & Fiona AKA porn producer.

Chris Abel Theme Park ride nut.

Jim 35" Tyres a minimum .He was asking about the challenge Truck not the Ifor Williams :lol:

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You will need a GPS i at least one of the vehicles in your team.

What type of GPS device would be suitable for this event?

I spoke to Ray Stryker,and he said that there is no useful sat nav mapping available for the forestry areas they use,so a simple map coordinate gps to use with a paper map would suffice.

I know nothing about GPS,so I assume he meant something like the hand held Garmin Etrex.

What do other people use?

Thanks, Jerry. (Mellis90's co-driver).

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What type of GPS device would be suitable for this event?

I spoke to Ray Stryker,and he said that there is no useful sat nav mapping available for the forestry areas they use,so a simple map coordinate gps to use with a paper map would suffice.

I know nothing about GPS,so I assume he meant something like the hand held Garmin Etrex.

What do other people use?

Thanks, Jerry. (Mellis90's co-driver).

Absolutly Jerry , A hand held Etrex worked for us better than a vehicle mounted unit ,as there may be a bit of running around on foot to do first before commiting the vehicle .

We used a Garmin etrex legend and set it to Irish Grid .

We also bought a local map just in case the gps went toes up

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What type of GPS device would be suitable for this event?

I spoke to Ray Stryker,and he said that there is no useful sat nav mapping available for the forestry areas they use,so a simple map coordinate gps to use with a paper map would suffice.

I know nothing about GPS,so I assume he meant something like the hand held Garmin Etrex.

What do other people use?

Thanks, Jerry. (Mellis90's co-driver).

We use memory map out there on the tablet ;) mkaes life a lot easier.

Walk before you commit ??????? You been watching too many David Bowyer off-road Videos :blink:

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Walk before you commit ??????? You been watching too many David Bowyer off-road Videos :blink:

:hysterical::hysterical: Yeah thats easy for you to say Pete , you never had Andy Blunsden in your team , :(:( he went charging in to where he thought was the right spot and spent 10 mins winching out of somewhere he didnt need to be , What a star :rolleyes:

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What type of GPS device would be suitable for this event?

I spoke to Ray Stryker,and he said that there is no useful sat nav mapping available for the forestry areas they use,so a simple map coordinate gps to use with a paper map would suffice.

I know nothing about GPS,so I assume he meant something like the hand held Garmin Etrex.

What do other people use?

Thanks, Jerry. (Mellis90's co-driver).

Just get dead lost like we allways do, its all part of the fun, the marshalls allways point you in the right direction. I have a GPS, once managed to get it on the Irish grid but thats as far as it goes.

Need a nav for Morrocco 2009, any one interested??????

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The GPS waypoints are a bit.....Eerrrrrr.... Vague :lol:

My all time favorite was about 5 years ago on the Snake pit challenge, myself and Karen spent a good hour looking for a waypoint that was about 200m out......

When i asked one of the Stryker boys what had gone wrong, he simply answered...

"It's those Satalites, they keep moving" :unsure::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I near Mildly miffed myself

Jim :D

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The GPS waypoints are a bit.....Eerrrrrr.... Vague :lol:

My all time favorite was about 5 years ago on the Snake pit challenge, myself and Karen spent a good hour looking for a waypoint that was about 200m out......

When i asked one of the Stryker boys what had gone wrong, he simply answered...

"It's those Satalites, they keep moving" :unsure::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I near Mildly miffed myself

Jim :D

dont forget the team that kept moving and turning round the arrows as well

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The GPS waypoints are a bit.....Eerrrrrr.... Vague :lol:

My all time favorite was about 5 years ago on the Snake pit challenge, myself and Karen spent a good hour looking for a waypoint that was about 200m out......

When i asked one of the Stryker boys what had gone wrong, he simply answered...

"It's those Satalites, they keep moving" :unsure::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I near Mildly miffed myself

Jim :D

Last year we spent 45 mins looking for the next marker arrow after being told by JJ it was 400m down the track!!!

When we finally found it it was 1900 m down the track according to my Terratrip :lol:

What else you need to look out for is wet Tarmac when following the Irish teams or Plastic fascia board with nails left in it !!

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The GPS waypoints are a bit.....Eerrrrrr.... Vague :lol:

My all time favorite was about 5 years ago on the Snake pit challenge, myself and Karen spent a good hour looking for a waypoint that was about 200m out......

When i asked one of the Stryker boys what had gone wrong, he simply answered...

"It's those Satalites, they keep moving" :unsure::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I near Mildly miffed myself

Jim :D

You have a point there Jim , We came out of a section ,Took the griddy for the next ,Duh! this one puts us 25 miles south of Ballygarven in the Irish sea , Quick map check, yep wrong griddy , Must be some kind of scullduggery going on there :ph34r::ph34r:

Must of been a team in front of us , Thats you off the hook then Pete :rolleyes:

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:hysterical::hysterical: Yeah thats easy for you to say Pete , you never had Andy Blunsden in your team , :(:( he went charging in to where he thought was the right spot and spent 10 mins winching out of somewhere he didnt need to be , What a star :rolleyes:

Yea, But Andy does like using his winch, think he spent more time on a rope than driving that weekend!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Room available at the Hibernian Hotel.

I booked two twin rooms for friday,saturday and sunday nights,but now only need one.

If anyone is interested,give me a call.Otherwise I will just cancel it in a few days time.

See you all there! Jerry. 07814 358 319.

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